First Aid for Ade: Understanding Injury Care by the Sportsmaster

Subject: English Studies
Class: Primary 2
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Ade was injured yesterday while playing football with his classmates in school. He had a cut on his leg as he fell to the ground. His classmates quickly took him to the Sportsmaster. The Sportsmaster cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and cottonwool. After this, he applied iodine to the wound. Ade screamed because the iodine ‘bit’ him. Later the Sportsmaster put cottonwool on the wound and bandaged it. This is called First Aid. Ade was later taken home by the Sportsmaster.

When Ade got home, his mother took him to the hospital for proper treatment.the doctor examined the wound and said it was nothing serious. He gave him some tablets and an injection. The tablet was to kill the pains while the injection was to prevent infections. Ade’s mother paid the doctor, and both Ade and his mother thanked him and left for home.

Answer these questions.
Who was injured yesterday?…………………………………………………………………………..


How did he get injured? …………………………………………………………………………………………


Where was he taken to? ………………………………………………………………………………………..

What did the Sportsmaster do? ………………………………………………………………………………


What is First Aid?…………………………………………………………………………………………

Replace the underlined word with another with same meaning.

The gate keeper thought Sabrina was insane ……………………………………

“My eyes have seen a new day!” The above statement was made by whom?

………………………………………. had a picture of Oma seated in her heart.
Circle the adverb that describes the verb.
She left her book at home.

He drives carefully.

Yemi usually gets a ride.

Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle
Write ……………………….. ……………………………

Take ……………………….. ……………………………

Word Opposite
Sad ………………………..

Beautiful ………………………..

First Aid for Ade: Understanding Injury Care by the Sportsmaster

Write a composition about “My mother”.

Reading Comprehension Questions:

  1. Who was injured yesterday?
  2. How did he get injured?
  3. Where was he taken to?
  4. What did the Sportsmaster do?
  5. What is First Aid?


  1. Replace the underlined word with another with the same meaning.
  2. “My eyes have seen a new day!” The above statement was made by whom?
  3. __________ had a picture of Oma seated in her heart.


Circle the adverb that describes the verb.

  • She left her book at home.
  • He drives carefully.
  • Yemi usually gets a ride.

Verb Forms:

Present Tense | Past Tense | Past Participle

  • Write: __________ | __________ | __________
  • Take: __________ | __________ | __________


Word | Opposite

  • Sad: __________
  • Beautiful: __________


Title: My Mother

  1. Introduction: Describe who your mother is (e.g., name, job, personality).
  2. Appearance: Use descriptive words to talk about how your mother looks (e.g., tall, slim, kind eyes).
  3. Qualities: List positive qualities your mother has (e.g., caring, patient, hardworking).
  4. Activities: Describe activities you do together or things she does for you (e.g., cooking, playing games, helping with homework).
  5. Conclusion: Summarize why your mother is special to you and how much you love her.

😊 Example:

  • Introduction: My mother’s name is Mrs. Adeola. She is a teacher and a very loving person.
  • Appearance: My mother is tall and has beautiful curly hair. Her smile lights up the room.
  • Qualities: She is caring and always listens to me. She is also very patient when I make mistakes.
  • Activities: We bake cookies together on weekends, and she reads bedtime stories to me every night.
  • Conclusion: I love my mother very much because she takes care of me and makes me feel happy and loved every day.

Primary 5 Agricultural Science Second Term Questions

My Mother”

  1. Q: Can I write about any mother in my composition?
    • A: Yes, you can write about your own mother or any mother figure who is special to you.
  2. Q: How should I start my composition about my mother?
    • A: Start by introducing who your mother is, mentioning her name, occupation, and some key characteristics.
  3. Q: What kind of details should I include in the appearance section?
    • A: Describe physical features like height, hair color, eye color, and any unique characteristics that stand out to you.
  4. Q: What qualities should I mention about my mother?
    • A: Focus on positive traits such as kindness, patience, hard work, understanding, and love.
  5. Q: Can I include specific activities I do with my mother?
    • A: Yes, you can mention activities you enjoy doing together or things your mother does for you that make her special.
  6. Q: Should I only write about happy experiences with my mother?
    • A: You can include a mix of experiences, but the overall tone should reflect your love and appreciation for your mother.
  7. Q: How long should my composition be?
    • A: Aim for a paragraph each for introduction, appearance, qualities, and activities, and a concluding paragraph summarizing your feelings.
  8. Q: Can I use emojis in my composition?
    • A: It’s best to avoid emojis in formal compositions. Stick to descriptive words to express emotions.
  9. Q: Should I include my mother’s hobbies or interests?
    • A: If relevant to your relationship or if they highlight her personality, you can mention her hobbies or interests briefly.
  10. Q: Can I include quotes or sayings my mother often uses?
    • A: Yes, incorporating quotes or sayings can add a personal touch to your composition
  1. Q: Should I only focus on my mother’s role at home?
    • A: You can mention her role at home but also highlight any other roles she plays outside the home that make her special.
  2. Q: Can I share personal stories about my mother in the composition?
    • A: Yes, sharing heartfelt personal stories can make your composition more engaging and authentic.
  3. Q: How can I conclude my composition effectively?
    • A: Summarize why your mother is special to you, express your love and gratitude, and end on a positive note.
  4. Q: Can I share my composition with my classmates or teacher?
    • A: Yes, sharing your composition can be a wonderful way to celebrate your mother and showcase your writing skills

Primary 2 Vocational Aptitude

Reading Comprehension:

  1. Ade was injured yesterday.
  2. He got injured while playing football with his classmates in school.
  3. He was taken to the Sportsmaster.
  4. The Sportsmaster cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and cottonwool, applied iodine to the wound, and then bandaged it.
  5. First Aid is the immediate assistance or treatment given to someone who is injured or suddenly taken ill before full medical treatment is available.


  1. Replace the underlined word with another with the same meaning.
    • The gatekeeper thought Sabrina was crazy.
  2. “My eyes have seen a new day!” The above statement was made by whom?
    • The statement was made by someone who is optimistic or happy about a new beginning or opportunity.
  3. __________ had a picture of Oma seated in her heart.
    • Someone had a fond or cherished memory of Oma seated in her heart.


  • Circle the adverb that describes the verb.
    • She left her book at home. (Adverb: at)
    • He drives carefully. (Adverb: carefully)
    • Yemi usually gets a ride. (Adverb: usually)

Verb Forms:

Present Tense | Past Tense | Past Participle

  • Write: Write | Wrote | Written
  • Take: Take | Took | Taken


Word | Opposite

  • Sad: Happy
  • Beautiful: Ugly

Composition: (To be written by the student)


  1. Ade got injured while __________. a) Studying b) Playing football c) Sleeping d) Eating
  2. The Sportsmaster cleaned Ade’s wound with __________. a) Soap and water b) Hydrogen peroxide and cottonwool c) Alcohol d) Vinegar
  3. Ade screamed because __________ ‘bit’ him. a) Cottonwool b) Hydrogen peroxide c) Iodine d) Water
  4. First Aid is __________. a) Long-term medical treatment b) Immediate assistance or treatment c) Avoiding medical help d) Doing nothing
  5. Ade’s mother took him to the __________ after he got home. a) School b) Playground c) Hospital d) Supermarket
  6. The doctor gave Ade __________ and an injection. a) A toy b) Some tablets c) A bicycle d) Money
  7. The tablet was for __________. a) Causing more pain b) Preventing infections c) Making Ade sleep all day d) Playing games
  8. Ade’s mother thanked the doctor and __________. a) Left Ade at the hospital b) Stayed for a party c) Took Ade home d) Ignored the doctor
  9. In the passage, “insane” means __________. a) Happy b) Crazy c) Sad d) Tired
  10. “My eyes have seen a new day!” expresses __________. a) Anger b) Sadness c) Happiness and hope d) Boredom
  11. The adverb in “She left her book at home” is __________. a) Left b) Book c) Home d) At
  12. The past tense of “write” is __________. a) Write b) Wrote c) Written d) Writes
  13. The opposite of “sad” is __________. a) Happy b) Angry c) Joyful d) Excited
  14. The verb “take” in past tense is __________. a) Take b) Took c) Taken d) Takes
  15. The Sportsmaster applied __________ to Ade’s wound. a) Water b) Salt c) Iodine d) Oil

Reading Passage: “First Aid for Ade”

  1. Q: How did Ade get injured?
    • A: Ade got injured while playing football with his classmates in school.
  2. Q: What did the Sportsmaster use to clean Ade’s wound?
    • A: The Sportsmaster cleaned Ade’s wound with hydrogen peroxide and cottonwool.
  3. Q: Why did Ade scream when iodine was applied to his wound?
    • A: Ade screamed because the iodine ‘bit’ him.
  4. Q: What is First Aid?
    • A: First Aid is the immediate assistance or treatment given to someone who is injured or suddenly taken ill before full medical treatment is available.
  5. Q: Where was Ade taken after getting injured?
    • A: Ade was taken to the Sportsmaster.
  6. Q: What did the doctor give Ade after he got home?
    • A: The doctor gave Ade some tablets and an injection.
  7. Q: What was the tablet for?
    • A: The tablet was to kill the pains.
  8. Q: What was the injection for?
    • A: The injection was to prevent infections.
  9. Q: What did Ade’s mother do after thanking the doctor?
    • A: Ade’s mother took him home.
  10. Q: What does “insane” mean in the passage?
    • A: “Insane” means crazy.
  11. Q: What does the expression “My eyes have seen a new day!” imply?
    • A: The expression implies happiness and hope for a fresh start or opportunity.
  12. Q: Identify the adverb in the sentence “She left her book at home.”
    • A: The adverb is “at.”
  13. Q: What is the past tense of “write”?
    • A: The past tense of “write” is “wrote.”
  14. Q: What is the opposite of “sad”?
    • A: The opposite of “sad” is “happy.”
  15. Q: What is the past tense of “take”?
    • A: The past tense of “take” is “took
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