Asmā’ullāhil Husnā (Beautiful Names of Allah) Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Class: Primary 4

Term: Second Term

Week: 2

Topic: Asmā’ullāhil Husnā (Beautiful Names of Allah)

Sub-topic: Recitation, Meaning, Memorization (Names 21-35)

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with the concept of Allah’s Names and some basic Arabic terms.

Key Words:

  • Asmā’ullāhil Husnā
  • Recitation
  • Meaning
  • Memorization
  • Names of Allah

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • List the Names of Allah from 21st to 35th in Arabic and transliteration.
  • Explain the meanings of each Name.
  • Memorize the Names along with their meanings.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Memorization
  • Comprehension
  • Critical thinking
  • Religious literacy

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • The Holy Quran
  • Islamic Textbook Book 3


‘Asmā’ullāhil Husnā (Beautiful Names of Allah):

  1. Recitation:
    • Begin with “Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim” and recite the Names of Allah from 21st to 35th.
  2. Meaning:
    • Explain the meanings of each Name:
      • Example: “Al-Muhyi” means “The Giver of Life,” indicating Allah’s ability to grant life to all living things.
  3. Memorization:
    • Encourage pupils to memorize the Names of Allah along with their meanings for spiritual growth and connection.
  4. List of Names (Arabic/Transliteration):
    • 21. الْمُحْيِي (Al-Muhyi)
      1. الْمُمِيت (Al-Mumit)
      1. الْحَيُّ (Al-Hayy)
      1. الْقَيُّوم (Al-Qayyum)
      1. الْوَاجِد (Al-Wajid)
      1. الْمَاجِد (Al-Majid)
      1. الْوَاحِد (Al-Wahid)
      1. الْأَحَد (Al-Ahad)
      1. الصَّمَد (As-Samad)
      1. الْقَادِر (Al-Qadir)
      1. الْمُقْتَدِر (Al-Muqtadir)
      1. الْمُقَدِّمُ (Al-Muqaddim)
      1. الْمُؤَخِّرُ (Al-Mu’akhir)
      1. الأوَّل (Al-Awwal)
      1. الْآخِر (Al-Akhir)
  5. Arrangement in Chronological Order:
    • Discuss the chronological order of the Names of Allah and how they reflect His attributes and actions.
      • Example: “Al-Awwal” (The First) comes before “Al-Akhir” (The Last) to emphasize Allah’s eternal existence.

Teaching about the Beautiful Names of Allah helps students understand His attributes and fosters a deeper connection with Him. 🌟

Discuss about ‘Asmā’ullāhil Husnā (Beautiful Names of Allah):

  1. What are the Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • The Beautiful Names of Allah refer to the various attributes and qualities attributed to Him in Islam.
  2. How many Beautiful Names of Allah are there?
    • There are 99 Beautiful Names of Allah mentioned in Islamic tradition.
  3. Why are the Beautiful Names of Allah important?
    • Knowing and understanding the Beautiful Names of Allah helps deepen our connection with Him and increases our knowledge of His attributes.
  4. Can you provide examples of some Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • Sure! Examples include “Al-Rahman” (The Most Merciful), “Al-Rahim” (The Most Compassionate), and “Al-Malik” (The King).
  5. What does it mean to recite the Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • Reciting the Beautiful Names of Allah involves mentioning or invoking His attributes for various purposes, such as seeking forgiveness, guidance, or blessings.
  6. How can I memorize the Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • You can memorize the Beautiful Names of Allah by practicing regularly, breaking them down into smaller groups, and understanding their meanings.
  7. Are there any specific benefits to memorizing the Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • Yes, memorizing the Beautiful Names of Allah can bring spiritual benefits, increase mindfulness of His presence, and deepen one’s faith.
  8. Are the Beautiful Names of Allah arranged in any specific order?
    • While the Beautiful Names of Allah are often listed in a specific order, there is flexibility in how they are arranged, as long as all 99 Names are included.
  9. Can the Beautiful Names of Allah be used in prayers and supplications?
    • Yes, the Beautiful Names of Allah can be used in prayers and supplications to seek His help, mercy, and blessings.
  10. What should I do if I have difficulty understanding the meanings of some Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • You can seek guidance from knowledgeable individuals, scholars, or reference books to deepen your understanding of the meanings of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

Evaluation :


  1. The Beautiful Names of Allah are also known as ______________.
    • a) Asmā’ullāhil Husnā
    • b) Al-Quran
    • c) Hadith
    • d) Salah
  2. How many Beautiful Names of Allah are there?
    • a) 50
    • b) 99
    • c) 10
    • d) 25
  3. “Al-Rahman” and “Al-Rahim” are examples of ______________.
    • a) Beautiful Names of Prophets
    • b) Beautiful Names of Angels
    • c) Beautiful Names of Allah
    • d) Beautiful Names of Places
  4. Understanding the Beautiful Names of Allah helps deepen our ______________.
    • a) Love for wealth
    • b) Connection with Him
    • c) Interest in sports
    • d) Knowledge of history
  5. Reciting the Beautiful Names of Allah involves mentioning His ______________.
    • a) Attributes and qualities
    • b) Favorite colors
    • c) Favorite foods
    • d) Favorite animals
  6. How can one memorize the Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • a) By sleeping all day
    • b) By practicing regularly
    • c) By avoiding studying
    • d) By watching TV
  7. What are the benefits of memorizing the Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • a) Spiritual benefits
    • b) Physical benefits
    • c) Financial benefits
    • d) None of the above
  8. Are the Beautiful Names of Allah listed in any specific ______________?
    • a) Alphabetical order
    • b) Random order
    • c) Numeric order
    • d) Chronological order
  9. Can the Beautiful Names of Allah be used in prayers and ______________?
    • a) Cooking
    • b) Gardening
    • c) Shopping
    • d) Supplications
  10. What should one do if they have difficulty understanding the meanings of some Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • a) Seek guidance
    • b) Ignore it
    • c) Forget about it
    • d) Give up
  11. Reciting the Beautiful Names of Allah increases mindfulness of His ______________.
    • a) Attributes
    • b) Friends
    • c) Enemies
    • d) Food
  12. How can one deepen their understanding of the meanings of the Beautiful Names of Allah?
    • a) Seek guidance from knowledgeable individuals
    • b) Avoid seeking knowledge
    • c) Watch TV all day
    • d) Ignore the Names
  13. Understanding the Beautiful Names of Allah increases one’s ______________ of His attributes.
    • a) Knowledge
    • b) Ignorance
    • c) Hatred
    • d) Disinterest
  14. Reciting the Beautiful Names of Allah helps in ______________ with Him.
    • a) Deepening our connection
    • b) Building a wall
    • c) Breaking things
    • d) Avoiding Him
  15. What are the Beautiful Names of Allah also known as?
    • a) Asmā’ullāhil Husnā
    • b) Al-Quran
    • c) Hadith
    • d) Salah


Step 1: Revision

Step 2: Introduction of New Topic

Step 3: Teacher’s Activities:

  1. The teacher recites and writes down Names 21-35 of Allah in Arabic and transliteration.
  2. The teacher explains the meanings of each Name using simple examples and stories.
  3. The teacher encourages students to repeat after them to practice pronunciation and memorization.
  4. The teacher facilitates a discussion on the significance of understanding and memorizing Allah’s Names.

Learners Activities:

  1. Students listen attentively and repeat after the teacher to practice recitation.
  2. Students participate in discussions about the meanings of each Name and share their understanding.
  3. Students engage in group activities or games to reinforce memorization of the Names and their meanings.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding through oral questions, asking them to explain the meanings of specific Names.
  • Students’ ability to recite Names 21-35 in Arabic and transliteration, as well as recall their meanings, is evaluated.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Can you list Names 21-35 of Allah in Arabic?
  3. What does “Al-Muhyi” mean?
  4. Why is it important to understand the meanings of Allah’s Names?
  5. How can you memorize the Names of Allah effectively?
  6. Explain the significance of reciting Allah’s Names regularly.
  7. Can you recite Name 27 in transliteration?
  8. Describe the meaning of “Al-Wahid.”
  9. Why is it important to repeat after the teacher during recitation practice?
  10. How can understanding Allah’s Names deepen your faith?


  • The teacher goes round to mark and provide feedback on students’ participation and understanding of the topic. Any misconceptions are clarified, and further resources for independent study are provided.

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