Revision French Primary 4 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans 

Subject: French

Topic: Revision (How to write words in English, Body parts in French, Seasons in French)

Duration: 40 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Previous Lesson: Introduction to Basic French Vocabulary

Set Induction: Begin with a simple question: “Can anyone remember what we learned in our last French class?”

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recall and write basic French words in English.
  2. Identify and name four parts of the body in French.
  3. Express the seasons in French.
  4. Enhance language skills through revision.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Memory recall
  • Vocabulary building
  • Language expression

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards with French words
  • Illustrated charts of body parts
  • Visual aids for seasons

Teaching Methods:

  • Group repetition
  • Visual aids and flashcards
  • Interactive discussions
  • Simple games for reinforcement


  • Definition of Key Words:
    • Écrive: Write
    • Lisez: Read
    • Écoutez: Listen
  • Lesson Content:
    1. Revision of writing English translations for given French words.
    2. Identification and naming of four parts of the body in French.
    3. Learning to express seasons in French.



  • Step 1: Review how to write “écrive, lisez, écoutez” in English.
  • Step 2: Introduce and identify four parts of the body in French.
  • Step 3: Teach how to express seasons in French.

Some common English Words In French 

English French
Sit S’asseoir
Dance Danser
Listen Écouter
Write Écrire
Read Lire
Stand Se tenir
Jump Sauter
Snack Grignoter
Snow Neiger
Snail Ramper
Sneakers Chausser
Snore Ronfler
Snake Serpenter
Sneak Se faufiler
Snuggle Se blottir
Snip Couper
Snap Claquer
Sniff Renifler
Snug S’emmitoufler

Parts of the Body In French 

English French
Head Tête
Eyes Yeux
Nose Nez
Mouth Bouche
Ears Oreilles
Hair Cheveux
Face Visage
Neck Cou
Shoulders Épaules
Arms Bras
Elbows Coudes
Hands Mains
Fingers Doigts
Chest Poitrine
Stomach Estomac
Back Dos
Hips Hanches
Legs Jambes
Knees Genoux
Feet Pieds

1. Quel mot français correspond à “Head”?
a) Bras
b) Tête
c) Pied
d) Genou

2. How do you say “Eyes” in French?
a) Yeux
b) Oreilles
c) Bouche
d) Cou

3. Quelle partie du corps est “Nez” en français?
a) Bouche
b) Cou
c) Nez
d) Pied

4. Comment dit-on “Mouth” en français?
a) Bouche
b) Oreilles
c) Yeux
d) Pied

5. Identify “Ears” in French.
a) Yeux
b) Pied
c) Oreilles
d) Genou

6. Quel est le mot français pour “Hair”?
a) Cheveux
b) Dos
c) Bouche
d) Jambes

7. Comment dit-on “Face” en français?
a) Tête
b) Visage
c) Bras
d) Jambes

8. What is the French term for “Neck”?
a) Dos
b) Cou
c) Oreilles
d) Yeux

9. Quelle partie du corps est “Épaules” en français?
a) Hanches
b) Genoux
c) Bras
d) Épaules

10. Identify “Arms” in French.
a) Bras
b) Pied
c) Tête
d) Oreilles

11. Comment dit-on “Elbows” en français?
a) Pied
b) Coude
c) Yeux
d) Bouche

12. What is the French word for “Hands”?
a) Pieds
b) Mains
c) Yeux
d) Jambes

13. Quel mot français correspond à “Fingers”?
a) Jambes
b) Mains
c) Doigts
d) Tête

14. How do you say “Chest” in French?
a) Estomac
b) Dos
c) Poitrine
d) Hanches

15. Quelle partie du corps est “Stomach” en français?
a) Dos
b) Hanches
c) Poitrine
d) Estomac

English French
Winter Hiver
Spring Printemps
Summer Été
Autumn Automne

1. What is the French word for Winter?
a) Hiver
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

2. How do you say Spring in French?
a) Winter
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

3. Identify the French translation for Summer.
a) Hiver
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

4. What does Automne mean in French?
a) Winter
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Autumn

5. Quelle est la saison pour Hiver?
a) Printemps
b) Été
c) Hiver
d) Automne

6. Comment dit-on Spring en français?
a) Winter
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

7. If someone likes warm weather, their favorite season might be:
a) Hiver
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

8. What is the French term for Autumn?
a) Winter
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

9. Which season is associated with skiing and snow?
a) Printemps
b) Été
c) Hiver
d) Automne

10. Select the French word for Summer:
a) Hiver
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

11. Quelle est la traduction de Winter en français?
a) Printemps
b) Été
c) Hiver
d) Automne

12. Identify the French term for Spring:
a) Winter
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

13. If you enjoy colorful leaves and cooler temperatures, your favorite season might be:
a) Hiver
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Automne

14. How do you say Été in English?
a) Winter
b) Printemps
c) Summer
d) Autumn

15. What is the French translation for Printemps?
a) Winter
b) Printemps
c) Été
d) Autumn

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate group repetition for pronunciation.
  • Use flashcards to introduce and explain body parts.
  • Engage students in discussions about seasons.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Practice writing English translations.
  • Identify and name body parts in French.
  • Repeat and learn expressions for seasons in French.
  1. Computer: Ordinateur
  2. Internet: Internet
  3. Restaurant: Restaurant
  4. Hotel: Hôtel
  5. Chocolate: Chocolat
  6. Telephone: Téléphone
  7. Music: Musique
  8. Television: Télévision
  9. Weekend: Weekend
  10. Hotel: Hôtel
  11. Café: Café
  12. Pizza: Pizza
  13. Taxi: Taxi
  14. Hotel: Hôtel
  15. Sport: Sport
  16. Email: Courriel
  17. Radio: Radio
  18. Fashion: Mode
  19. Hotel: Hôtel
  20. Mobile: Mobile

10 Evaluation Questions:

  1. How do you write “lisez” in English?
  2. Name two body parts in French.
  3. Write the English translation for “écoutez.”
  4. Identify the season: “été” in French.
  5. Express “write” in French.
  6. List four parts of the body in French.
  7. Translate “spring” into French.
  8. How would you say “read” in French?
  9. Point to your “pied” in French.
  10. Share a sentence using a French season.

Conclusion: In conclusion, today’s lesson focused on revising basic French vocabulary. By recalling words, naming body parts, and expressing seasons, students have strengthened their understanding of the language. Homework will reinforce these concepts, ensuring a solid foundation for future French

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