Making Simple Decorative Stitches on Brown Paper


Subject: Home Economics


Topic: Making Simple Decorative Stitches on Brown Paper and

 Needle_Work bag



  Making a chain stitch 

(1) Bring the thread up at the top of the line and hold it down with the left thumb .

 (2) Insert the needle where it last emerged and bring the point out a short distance away.

  (3)Pull the thread through, keeping the working thread under the needle point.


Blanket Stitch 

This stitch is also known as Crochet Stitch. When it is applied on clothing by a machine , it is known as Whip Stitch. A ready_made dress has its seams finished in this manner.

 When blanket Stitch is done by hand:

(1) the needle is in the right hand;

(2) while the left hand holds on the edge being stitched.

(3) the needle goes in and is brought down in a loop_like fashion.


Herringbone Stitch

This stitch is work from left to right along parallel lines . To keep the width even , guide lines need to be marked on the fabric. To do this:

(1) use pencil to mark where the needle goes in or out ,

  (2) bring the needle out on the lower stitching line at the left side and insert it on the upper stitching line a little to the right taking a small Stitch to the left, 

(3) next, insert the lower Stitching line a little to the right and take a small Stitch to the left



(1) Name and explain three simple decorative stitches.

  (2) Discuss the three ways to make herringbone Stitch

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