Reporting Incidents Speech Work English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 6

Subject: English Grammar

Topic: Reporting Incidents

Sub-topic: Indirect Speech

Duration: 45 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Previous Knowledge: Students should have an understanding of direct speech.

Set Induction: Begin by asking students to recall what direct speech is and its purpose.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define indirect speech and explain its purpose.
  2. Identify the changes needed to convert direct speech into indirect speech.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to convert sentences from direct to indirect speech.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, Critical Thinking, Language Proficiency.

Learning Materials:

  • Chalkboard and chalk
  • Sentences in both direct and indirect speech
  • Notebooks and pens
  • A list of common reporting verbs (e.g., said, told, explained)

Teaching Methods: Lecture, Group Discussion, Interactive Learning.



Indirect Speech: Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is a way of reporting or conveying what someone else has said without quoting their exact words. Instead of using quotation marks, it transforms the original speaker’s statement into a different form.

Purpose of Indirect Speech: Indirect speech serves several purposes:

  1. Politeness: It is often used to soften direct statements or requests, making communication more polite and respectful.
  2. Clarity: It helps to clarify and rephrase complex or lengthy statements, making them easier to understand.
  3. Narration: Indirect speech is commonly used in writing, storytelling, journalism, and reporting to relay information or conversations.
  4. Shift in Time or Place: Indirect speech allows us to report something said at a different time or place without confusing the context.

Changes Needed for Conversion: To convert direct speech into indirect speech, certain changes are required:

  1. Tense Change: The verb tense usually shifts back one step in time. For example, present simple becomes past simple.
  2. Pronoun Change: The pronouns may need to be adjusted, with “I” becoming “he” or “she,” for example.
  3. Reporting Verb: The reporting verb (e.g., said, told, explained) often changes the sentence structure. For instance, “He said, ‘I am coming'” becomes “He told me that he was coming.”
  4. Time Expressions: Time expressions may also need to be adjusted to fit the new context.

Ability to Convert Sentences: Converting sentences from direct to indirect speech is a valuable skill in written and spoken communication. It allows us to convey conversations and information accurately and efficiently, adapting them to the needs of the situation. By mastering the rules and changes involved in this conversion, individuals can communicate more effectively in various contexts, including storytelling, reporting, and respectful conversation.



Step 1: Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin by reviewing what direct speech is.
  • Define indirect speech and explain its purpose, emphasizing its role in reporting incidents or conversations.
  • Discuss why indirect speech is useful in written communication.

Step 2: Identifying Changes (15 minutes)

  • Present sentences in direct speech to the class and identify the key changes needed to convert them to indirect speech.
  • Discuss tense changes, pronoun changes, and other modifications that occur.
  • Use examples to illustrate these changes.

Step 3: Practice (15 minutes)

  • Give students sentences in direct speech and ask them to convert them into indirect speech in pairs.
  • Encourage students to share their converted sentences with the class for feedback.
  • Guide students in converting sentences correctly and address any questions or challenges.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Presenting the lesson content
  • Providing examples and guidance
  • Facilitating practice exercises
  • Offering feedback and corrections

Learners Activities:

  • Engaging in class discussion
  • Converting sentences from direct to indirect speech
  • Sharing their converted sentences
  • Asking questions for clarification


  • In pairs, students will be given sentences in direct speech. They are required to convert these sentences into indirect speech.
  • The teacher will assess the converted sentences for accuracy.
  • Class participation and engagement during discussions and practice will also be considered in evaluation.
  • Indirect speech, also called ____, is used to report what someone else has said. a) Reported speech b) Direct speech c) Quoted speech d) Spoken speech
  • The purpose of indirect speech is to make communication more ____. a) Rude b) Polite c) Direct d) Aggressive
  • When using indirect speech, the verb tense usually shifts ____ in time. a) Forward b) Backward c) Stays the same d) Becomes conditional
  • In indirect speech, which of the following may need to be adjusted? a) Verb tense b) Reporting verb c) Pronouns d) All of the above
  • The reporting verb in indirect speech can alter the ____ of the sentence. a) Punctuation b) Structure c) Length d) Meaning
  • When converting a direct speech sentence from present simple to indirect speech, the tense becomes ____. a) Present simple b) Past simple c) Future simple d) Conditional simple
  • In indirect speech, “She said, ‘I am busy'” can be transformed into: a) She said that she is busy. b) She said that she was busy. c) She says that she will be busy. d) She said that she will be busy.
  • To convert sentences from direct to indirect speech, you need to adjust the ____. a) Time expressions b) Volume c) Font size d) Speaker’s name
  • The ability to convert sentences from direct to indirect speech is a valuable skill in ____. a) Silent reading b) Written communication c) Singing d) Running
  • Indirect speech is often used in ____ to relay information or conversations. a) Science experiments b) Storytelling c) Physical exercises d) Cooking recipes
  • Indirect speech is useful for reporting statements made at a different ____ or place. a) Age b) Color c) Time d) Temperature
  • Which of the following is an example of a reporting verb? a) House b) Said c) Banana d) Quick
  • Changing pronouns in indirect speech often involves adjusting “I” to ____. a) He or she b) It c) We d) They
  • Indirect speech helps to convey information more ____ and adapts it to the needs of the situation. a) Precisely b) Chaotically c) Surprisingly d) Dangerously
  • Mastering the rules of converting direct speech to indirect speech is important for effective ____. a) Communication b) Entertainment c) Cooking d) Swimming.


By the end of this lesson, students should have a good understanding of indirect speech and be able to use it to report incidents and conversations effectively.

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