Primary 6 Dictation / Spelling For Second Term Week 2

English Language 


Spelling and Dictation For the week 2


Second Term Lesson Note


Week 2 


Primary 6 


Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 

  1. Say the meaning of each word that is spelt 
  2. Use the dictionary to write out the meaning of the given words 
  3. Use the given words in sentences correctly 


Entry Behaviour




Instructional Materials

  • Audio Visual Resources 
  • Flash cards 
  • Online Dictionary 
  • Recommended English Textbook 
  • Chart 
  • Hard copy dictionary 


Methods of Teaching

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation

Reference Materials 

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum



Meaning of new words for dictation for Primary 6 Second Term Week 2


Spell the following words : Rebel, Investigate, Argue, Pollute, Incubator, Dazzle, Mentor, Odour, Maggot, Freedom


Rebel: R-E-B-E-L
Investigate: I-N-V-E-S-T-I-G-A-T-E
Argue: A-R-G-U-E
Pollute: P-O-L-L-U-T-E
Incubator: I-N-C-U-B-A-T-O-R
Dazzle: D-A-Z-Z-L-E
Mentor: M-E-N-T-O-R
Odour: O-D-O-U-R (British spelling) or O-D-O-R (American spelling)
Maggot: M-A-G-G-O-T
Freedom: F-R-E-E-D-O-M


  1. How do you spell the word that means “to rise up against authority or the established order”? a) Rebal b) Ribel c) Rebel d) Rabel
  2. How do you spell the word that means “to examine thoroughly in order to discover facts or information”? a) Investigate b) Investagete c) Investegate d) Investigatee
  3. How do you spell the word that means “to give reasons for or against something in a formal manner”? a) Argue b) Argeu c) Arguay d) Arguey
  4. How do you spell the word that means “to make air, water, or land dirty and not safe or suitable to use”? a) Pollute b) Pollut c) Polute d) Polloote
  5. How do you spell the word that means “a device or place in which something is grown or developed, especially for scientific or medical purposes”? a) Incubator b) Incybator c) Inkubator d) Incubater
  6. How do you spell the word that means “to amaze or greatly impress”? a) Dazzle b) Dazzel c) Dazal d) Dazzal
  7. How do you spell the word that means “a person who gives guidance and instruction to someone, especially a younger person”? a) Mentor b) Menator c) Mentar d) Menatar
  8. How do you spell the word that means “a smell, especially an unpleasant one”? a) Odour (British spelling) b) Odor (American spelling) c) Odowr d) Odar
  9. How do you spell the word that means “a soft, legless, whitish larva of a fly, especially the bluebottle or greenbottle”? a) Maggot b) Maggat c) Maggoty d) Maggott
  10. How do you spell the word that means “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint”? a) Freedom b) Freeedom c) Freamdom d) Freedom


Dictionary meaning of the new words that we have just spelt 

1. Rebel: to rise up against authority or the established order

2. Investigate: to examine thoroughly in order to discover facts or information

3. Argue: to give reasons for or against something in a formal manner

4.Pollute: to make air, water, or land dirty and not safe or suitable to use

5. Incubator: a device or place in which something is grown or developed, especially for scientific or medical purposes

6. Dazzle: to amaze or greatly impress

7. Mentor: a person who gives guidance and instruction to someone, especially a younger person

8a. Odour: a smell, especially an unpleasant one (British spelling)

8b. Odor: a smell, especially an unpleasant one (American spelling)

9. Maggot: a soft, legless, whitish larva of a fly, especially the bluebottle or greenbottle

10. Freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint





Use the words for spellings in sentences 

  1. The rebel group fought against the government’s oppressive policies.
  2. The detective began to investigate the strange disappearance of the local businessman.
  3. The lawyers argued their cases before the judge in the courtroom.
  4. The factory’s emissions were polluting the air in the town.
  5. The scientist used an incubator to grow the experimental bacteria cultures.
  6. The fireworks display left everyone in the audience dazzled.
  7. The experienced teacher served as a mentor to the new faculty member.
  8. The rotten food in the trash bin emitted a strong odour.
  9. The gardener found a maggot infestation in the compost pile.
  10. The citizens of the country celebrated their freedom on Independence Day.




The lesson presentation is done step by step. The class teacher or subject teacher does the following

  1. Introduce the topic by explaining the importance of spelling words correctly and using a dictionary to check the spelling of new words.
  2. Provide the students with a list of new words, including “Rebel,” “Investigate,” “Argue,” “Pollute,” “Incubator,” “Dazzle,” “Mentor,” “Odour,” “Maggot,” and “Freedom.”
  3. Have the students work in small groups to try to spell each word correctly. Encourage them to use a dictionary or other reference materials to check their spellings.
  4. After the students have had a chance to spell the words on their own, go over the correct spellings as a class.
  5. Next, have the students look up the definitions of each word in a dictionary. Have them share the definitions with the class and discuss the meanings of the words.
  6. To reinforce the new vocabulary, have the students use each word in a sentence. Encourage them to think creatively and come up with original sentences.
  7. As a review activity, have the students play a game where they are given the definition of a word and have to spell it correctly. Alternatively, you could give them the spelling of a word and have them look it up in the dictionary to find the definition.
  8. As a final assessment, have the students write a short paragraph using several of the new words. This will allow them to practice using the words correctly in context.









To conclude the lesson, the class teacher or subject teacher does a brief review of what he or she has just taught the pupils. He ask you questions that are related to the topic to ascertain if the learners have actually assimilated and understood the new topic that has just been taught





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