Primary 6 Dictation / Spelling For Second Term Week 3

English Language 


Spelling and Dictation For the week 3


Second Term Lesson Note


Week 3


Primary 6 


Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 

  1. Say the meaning of each word that is spelt 
  2. Use the dictionary to write out the meaning of the given words 
  3. Use the given words in sentences correctly 


Entry Behaviour




Instructional Materials

  • Audio Visual Resources 
  • Flash cards 
  • Online Dictionary 
  • Recommended English Textbook 
  • Chart 
  • Hard copy dictionary 


Methods of Teaching

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation

Reference Materials 

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum



Meaning of new words for dictation for Primary 6 Second Term Week 3


Spell the following words : conflict, dispute, personality, altercation, unity, harmony, situation, exchange, pitch, pleasant,

Meaning of the words 

  1. conflict: a disagreement or argument between two or more people or groups
  2. dispute: a disagreement or argument, especially one that is long-standing or complex
  3. personality: the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s unique character
  4. altercation: a heated argument or fight
  5. unity: the state of being united or joined together as a whole
  6. harmony: the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective
  7. situation: the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings
  8. exchange: the act of giving or receiving something in return for something else
  9. pitch: the highness or lowness of a sound or the degree of inclination of something
  10. pleasant: pleasing or enjoyable to the senses or mind





Use the words for spellings in sentences 

  1. There was a conflict between the two countries over the disputed territory.
  2. The dispute between the neighbors over the property line ended up in court.
  3. She has a very outgoing personality and is always the life of the party.
  4. The altercation between the two friends started over a minor misunderstanding.
  5. The team’s unity was strong, and they were able to overcome any challenges they faced.
  6. The music had a sense of harmony that was soothing to the ears.
  7. The situation at the office was becoming increasingly tense, and a resolution needed to be found quickly.
  8. The exchange program allowed students from different countries to learn about each other’s cultures.
  9. He practiced his pitch for the presentation, trying to make it sound as natural as possible.
  10. The pleasant weather made for a perfect day to spend outdoors.



  1. What is the definition of conflict? a. a disagreement or argument between two or more people or groups b. a heated argument or fight c. the highness or lowness of a sound or the degree of inclination of something d. the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective
  2. What is the definition of dispute? a. a disagreement or argument between two or more people or groups b. a heated argument or fight c. the highness or lowness of a sound or the degree of inclination of something d. the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective
  3. What is the definition of personality? a. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s unique character b. a disagreement or argument between two or more people or groups c. the highness or lowness of a sound or the degree of inclination of something d. the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective
  4. What is the definition of altercation? a. a heated argument or fight b. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s unique character c. the highness or lowness of a sound or the degree of inclination of something d. the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective
  5. What is the definition of unity? a. the state of being united or joined together as a whole b. a heated argument or fight c. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s unique character d. the highness or lowness of a sound or the degree of inclination of something
  6. What is the definition of harmony? a. the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective b. the state of being united or joined together as a whole c. a heated argument or fight d. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s unique character
  7. What is the definition of situation? a. the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings b. the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective c. the state of being united or joined together as a whole d. a heated argument or fight
  8. What is the definition of exchange? a. the act of giving or receiving something in return for something else b. the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings c. the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective d. the state of being united or joined together as a whole
  9. What is the definition of pitch? a. the highness or lowness of a sound or the degree of inclination of something b. the act of giving or receiving something in return for something else c. the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings d. the combination of different elements in a way that is pleasing or effective
  10. What is the definition of pleasant? a. pleasing or enjoyable to the senses or mind b. the highness or lowness of a sound or the degree of inclination of something c. the act of giving or receiving something in return for something else d. the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings




The lesson presentation is done step by step. The class teacher or subject teacher does the following

  1. Introduce the list of words and explain that these are important words that they will encounter in their everyday lives. Then go over each word individually, sounding it out and breaking it down into syllables to help the pupils understand how to pronounce and spell it.
  2. To further reinforce the spelling of each word, the teacher might have the pupils write each word several times on a worksheet or use flashcards to quiz them on the spelling. The class teacher might also incorporate interactive activities, such as word games or word searches, to make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for the pupils.
  3. In addition to reinforcing the spelling of each word, the teacher would also focus on teaching the meanings of the words and how to use them in context. To do this, I would provide examples of each word in a sentence and encourage the pupils to come up with their own sentences using the words.









To conclude the lesson, the class teacher or subject teacher does a brief review of what he or she has just taught the pupils. He ask you questions that are related to the topic to ascertain if the learners have actually assimilated and understood the new topic that has just been taught





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