MUSIC  HANDOUT




               J S S 1


                              OLUYEMI  G. JOSEPH




                                                          WEEK  ONE.

                        LEANING  THE   NATIONAL  AND  SCHOOL   ANTHEM

First  stanzer                                                                              second stanzer

Arise O! compatriots Nigeria’s call obey                  Oh God of creation  direct our noble

To serve our  fatherland                                             Guide our leaders right            

With love and strength and  faith                             Help our youth the truth to know

The labour of  our  heroes  past                                In love and honesty to grow

Shall never  be in vain                                                  and living just and true

To serve  with heart  and might                                  Great lofty heights attain  

One Nation bound  in freedom                                   To build a nation where peace

Peace  and  unity                                                            and justice shall reign                       


                                                              Solfa  Notes

                       s :  d  :  s  :  d  :  m  :  s  :  –  :     m  :  f  :  m  :  r  :  r :  d : – : 

  1. s. d : s : d : m : s : m .m.f: m : r : r : d : – :

                       r :  r : .  m .  f :   r :  m : . f .  s

                       s :  l :  s :  f  :  m  :  r : –  :   d  :  s :  .  s .  s :  m  :  l : –  :          

                       r  :  r : .  m  :  f :  r  :  l  :  –   s : –    f  : m :  r :  r :  d : – :          









                                                     WEEK  TWO

                                SOUND ,CHARACTERISTICS  AND QUALITY 


The early man learnt about nature by what he saw around him; the singing of birds, sound of brooks and water falls, the loud sound from thunder, the sighing of wind through reeds of grasses and leaves, and the cries of animals to mention a few.

However, Sound is a vibration of an object.


                                                 TYPES OF SOUND.

There basically two(2) types of sound  namely:

  1. Musical sound: this has to do with music, any sound produced musically is musical sound and can also known as Regular sound. Examples are singing, clapping and drumming.
  2. Non-musical sound : this type of sound has been said to be noise and not musical. It is generally called  irregular sound.


                                                  QUALITIES OF SOUND

The quality of a person are those things that  would distinguish him from other person. Some of the qualities of a person may be :height, complexion and size.

There are also qualities that distinguish music from other sounds:

  1. Pitch                     (b)  Duration           (c)  Intensity           (d)  Tone Colour   




Pitch     is the degree of  highness  or lowness that  we  hear  in a  sound.

Duration   is the  length  of time  for which  a  sound  lasts.  It could  be short  or  long.                                                                  

Intensity (dynamics)  is the degree of  loudness or softness of sounds. Loudness is related to the amplitude of the vibration that produces the sound e.g the harder a drum is struck, the louder the sound, or the harder the key of a piano is struck, the louder the is its sound.

Tone Colour    is the quality that distinguishes the sound of instrument from one another. the sound of violin is different from that of human voice, or flute from the piano even when they are playing the same tone at the same dynamic level.                          



  1. Define Pitch .   …………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Explain the difference between Duration and Tone color     




                                                        WEEK  THREE

                          DEFINITION , IMPORTANCE   AND TYPES OF MUSIC

            From the foregoing we can now  define  music.  The  ordinary  man  in  the  street  will  tell  you  that  music is  singing, dancing  and  playing  instrument. But,  what  really  is  music?

  • Music may  be defined as the combination of sounds  in a  manner  pleasing or  sweet  to  the  ear.
  • Music may also be  defined  therefore  as an organized  sound  in  time.
  • Thirdly, music may  be  defined  as the  combination  of  Rhythmic  and  harmonious  sounds  which  is  appreciated  by  our sense  of  hearing.


                                                   IMPORTANCE  OF  MUSIC

          Music  is  very  important  to  man,  and  particularly  to Africans.  Music permeates African life; it is used  for  entertainment, at plays, religious  ceremonies, 




etc.  Music is also  used  in  recounting  history.  In  Africa,  music  is  also  a social activity  in  which  almost  everyone  participates.


   Music  is  important  for  the  following  reason

  1.  It  makes  us  happy.  It  turn  our  sorrowful  situation  into  a  happy  one.  
  2.  It  is  used  for  relaxation. When  we  are  tensed up, it can  relieve  nerve  tension  and  restore  a fatigued  mind.
  3. It  is  used   in Wartime (tribal  war)
  4.  Music  is  used  for  advertisement  on  the  radio  and  television.
  5. It  serves  as  a  means  of  worship  God  or  whatever  we  believe  in
  6. It  is  used  to  educate  the  society, some  song  tells  us ways  of  doing  things
  7. Music  is  used  to  entertain people.
  8. Music  make  baby  to  sleep. (lullaby)



                                                   TYPES  OF  MUSIC

Folk Music :  is  the  music  that  is passed  from  one  generation  to the  other, the original  composers  are  not  known  e.g  moonlight/game song, war songs, work  songs, traditional  festival songs.

Sacred  Music : this  is a religious  music. Any  music  used in  worshiping  God  or  whatever  we  believe  in.

Secular  Music : this  is the type  of music  used  in praising  ourselves, or entertaining.                                                                

Popular  Music :this is the  type  of  music  used  today  by our  musicians  for  entertainment, e.g juju music, Apala, Afro beat, high life, Fuji music. hip hop.

Art  Music : this  is  compositions  of  trained  composers  like  akin-Euba  , Fela  sowande. 


                                               WEEK FOUR                                                                                                               

                              THE  MUSICAL  STAFF, CLEF  AND CLEF SIGNS

The Staff

The musical staff consists of five(5)  horizontal  lines with four(4)  equal spaces  between them.

Example:       _____________________________________________






The staff  is numbered from  the bottom  upward.


Clef:    A clef  is a musical  sign  which  fixes the position of a note on the staff and      hence   the positions  of all  other notes as well.

Clef  Signs : there are four (4) clef signs used in music namely : treble , alto tenor and the bass clef sign. However, the two commonly used clef signs in music are treble and bass clef.


The Treble Clef : The Treble Clef circle round the second line of the staff and fixes that line as G. Thus the Treble Clef is also known as G clef. The treble clef is used for high voices  and  the  high-pitched  instrument



The Bass Clef :  The bass clef circle round the fourth line of the staff and fixes that line as  F. thus bass clef is also  known as F clef. The bass clef is used for the lower voices and the low-pitched instruments.





Exercise : (i) draw Ten Treble clefs




  (ii) Draw Ten Bass clefs






                                                            WEEK  FIVE

                                                     NAMING  THE STAFF

           The  lines  and  spaces  are  named  after  seven  letters  of the  English  alphabet – A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

           When  one  letter  name  is given to a  line  the  next  space  acquires  the next  letter  name. For example if  the line  is given  A. the  first  space will be B, and so on


The Treble/G Clef  –The  treble clef is also  called  G  clef and it is written as

          It is called  G clef  because  its  lower  loop  encircles  the second  line  of  the staff  and  this line automatically  become  G  whenever this clef is present.


           By fixing the second  line  of the staff as G, names of the other lines  and spaces are determined. Since the second  line is G, the space above it becomes A, the line above  it becomes B and so on.

Example :   Treble /G Clef                        

















                                        Combining the lines  and Spaces, we  have











In order to remember the names, you can learn the names of the lines and spaces separately

e.g                Lines                                                                             

                     E- every         G – good          B – boys            D – deserve      F –  Fanta



                     F –father           A – Abraham            C  – cooks              E -egg     


Bass / F Clef                                          Lines














                              Combining  the lines  and  spaces,  we have










  In order to remember the names, you can learn the names of the lines and spaces separately

e.g                   Lines                                                                    

                        G – good        B – boys       D – deserve      F – Fanta         A – always


                         A – all             C  –  cow           E  – eat                G – grass              



                                                          WEEK  SIX

                                            THE GRAND/GREAT STAVE 

 In lesson 4  and 5, we learnt about staff , clef signs and the  letter names of the lines and spaces. Here we will be learning the combination of the two staffs together which is known as the Graet stave.                                     

The Grand/Great stave is the combination of the Treble staff and the bass staff with the middle C in between 

























                                                           WEEK  SEVEN

                      LIFE  AND WORKS OF  W.A MOZART  AND  DAYO  DEDEKE


          Mozart was born in 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. His father Leopold was a recognized violinist and composer in the court of the archbishop. His father was quick to realize and capitalize on his extraordinary musical talent; under his father’s teaching he showed remarkable mastery of the piano than the violin. By the time Mozart was five, he had composed his first pieces and at the age of six he had started performing.

Mozart traveled to so many places including Paris, London and Munich. At the age of thirteen, he had written  concertos, symphonic and comic opera.

In 1729, he met Haydn in Vienna where he permanently settled and each admired the other.

In 1782, he married Contanze Weber, Aloysia sister.

Mozart continued to earn his living by giving music lessons, concerts, composing operas, symphonies and concertos. He stands out among composers; his music has clearness and simplicity and was known as a child prodigy. 


Mozart composed over 600 works, some of them are:

     .     The marriage of Figaro                      *  The Magic flute 

  • Don Giovanni                                      *   A little night music    
  • Jupiter 



Dayo Dedeke was trained at Trinity College of music London. He contributed a lot in the field of music. He made a collection of Yoruba folk songs and his own songs, and wrote a piano accompaniment to some of them. He wrote both sacred and secular music. Dayo is a church music composer and an arranger. 

                                                              His music

  • Ma gbagbe Ile




                                                         WEEK  EIGHT


Drumming plays important role in Nigerian music. The Nigerian musical instrument are many and can be classified into families on the basis of the method by which their sounds are produced.

Some of the Nigerian musical instruments namely are :

Agidigbo                                     molo                                        Ekwe                                                                                                                                                                  

Agogo/gong                               Goje                                         Kaho

Sekere                                         kudi                                         wooden clapper  

Gudugudu                                  omele-ako

Dundun                                      Omele-abo      

Kakaki                                         Ngelenge


Shantu                                        Udu 


The four families of the Nigerian musical instruments are :

  • Idiophone         –  Aerophone         –  Chordophone      – Membraphone


Idiophone : instruments in this group produce sound by the vibration of their body, when they are struck, shaken. They are commonly used musical  instruments in Nigeria and very easy to play 

Examples : sekere, gong , Xylophone , Ekwe , pot drum, wooden clapper, Agidigbo


Aerophone   : These are the instruments that can be played when air is blown in them. They are of three types : Horn , Trumpet  and Flute.

Examples : kakaki , Oja, Algaita ,  Etsu , Farai , Upe (from Ondo)

Chordophone : This group of  instrument produces sound by the vibration of  a stretched string. The string can be plucked , bowed or struck.

Examples : Goje , molo, Gurumi, Gwari

Membranophone : These are the group of instruments made from Animal skin. The skin is used to cover the end or both ends of the hallowed wood. The skin are held with small pegs, which are used to tune the drum.

Examples : Dundun, tomtom, batakoto, Omele , gudugudu, adamo






           Musical terms are the vocabularies used in music, they can either written fully or abbreviated. These musical terms are also referred to as Italian terms, since the origin of music can be traced to Rome. These musical terms and signs are used by composer to indicate the manner they wanted their music performed. Students should learn these musical terms, signs and abbreviation so as to help them read and interpret music effectively.

Terms                                                             Meaning  

Accelerando                                                 Gradually becoming faster

Adagio                                                           Slow

Allegro                                                           quick / fast

Da                                                                    From

Da capo(DC                                                    From the beginning

Dolce                                                               Sweetly         

Fine                                                                  End 

Forte ( f )                                                         Loud

Fortissimo ( ff )                                              Very loud

Mezzo forte (mf)                                           moderately loud 

Piano (p)                                                         Soft      

Pianissimo (pp)                                             Very soft

Mezzo piano (mp)                                        moderately soft 

Legato                                                             smoothly


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