Vocabulary Building English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 1

Subject: English Grammar

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Week : Week 1

Topic : Vocabulary Building


Learning Objectives:

  1. To introduce primary 3 students to a set of 10 new words suitable for primary 3 students.
  2. To enhance students’ vocabulary and pronunciation skills.
  3. To enable students to construct simple sentences using the newly learned words.
  4. To reinforce the importance of effective communication through language.


Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Vocabulary development
  2. Pronunciation and phonetics
  3. Sentence construction
  4. Reading comprehension


Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Flashcards with the 10 new words written on them
  3. Worksheet handouts with sentences containing the new words
  4. Examples of simple sentences using the new words
  5. Audio recording or pronunciation guide (optional)





New Words Vocabulary Development

  1. Delicious – (di-LI-shus) – Having a very pleasant taste or flavor.
  2. Precious – (PRESH-us) – Of great value or importance; cherished.
  3. Brilliant – (BRIL-yuhnt) – Exceptionally clever or talented; shining brightly.
  4. Enormous – (uh-NOR-muhs) – Extremely large or huge.
  5. Curious – (KYOO-ree-uhs) – Eager to know or learn something; inquisitive.
  6. Exciting – (ik-SAHY-ting) – Causing great enthusiasm or eagerness.
  7. Lively – (LAHYV-lee) – Full of life, energy, or enthusiasm.
  8. Splendid – (SPLEN-did) – Very impressive or excellent; magnificent.
  9. Mysterious – (mi-STEER-ee-uhs) – Difficult to understand or explain; secretive.
  10. Courageous – (kuh-REY-jus) – Showing bravery or strength in the face of fear or danger.

Remember to practice saying these words aloud to improve your pronunciation


New Words Uses In Sentences

  1. Delicious – The cake my mom baked was delicious.
  2. Precious – My grandmother gave me a precious necklace as a gift.
  3. Brilliant – Sarah received a brilliant score on her math test.
  4. Enormous – The elephant at the zoo was enormous.
  5. Curious – The little boy was curious about the strange noise coming from the bushes.
  6. Exciting – Going on a roller coaster is always exciting.
  7. Lively – The children played in the park, running and laughing, making it a lively place.
  8. Splendid – The view from the top of the mountain was splendid.
  9. Mysterious – The locked room in the old house looked mysterious.
  10. Courageous – The firefighter showed courageousness by rescuing the cat from the burning building



  1. The ______ cake my mom baked was a treat for the family. a) delicious b) dangerous c) dirty
  2. My teacher gave me a ______ gift for my hard work in class. a) precious b) playful c) polite
  3. The fireworks display was ______, lighting up the night sky. a) brilliant b) broken c) boring
  4. The dinosaur at the museum was ______, towering over the visitors. a) enormous b) empty c) excited
  5. I am ______ about what surprise my parents have planned for my birthday. a) curious b) careful c) cheerful
  6. Riding a roller coaster is ______, giving me an adrenaline rush. a) exciting b) exhausting c) easy
  7. The party was ______, with music and dancing all night long. a) lively b) lazy c) loud
  8. The view from the top of the mountain was ______, taking my breath away. a) splendid b) scary c) simple
  9. The locked treasure chest holds a ______ secret. a) mysterious b) musical c) magical
  10. The superhero showed ______ bravery by saving people in danger. a) courageous b) cautious c) crazy

Choose the correct option (a), (b), or (c) to fill in the blanks correctly. Good luck!


Lesson Plan: Introduction to New Words for Primary 3 Students


Subject: Vocabulary Development Building English Grammar

Class: Primary 3


Previous Lesson 

I. Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Greet the students and explain the objectives of the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of learning new words and effective communication.
  • Greet the students and explain the objectives of the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of learning new words and effective communication.

II. Introducing the New Words (10 minutes)

  • Display the flashcards with the 10 new words written on them.
  • Pronounce each word clearly and have students repeat after you.
  • Provide brief explanations or definitions for each word, ensuring students understand their meanings.

III. Making Use of the New Words (15 minutes)

  • Present examples of simple sentences using the new words.
  • Read aloud the sentences and ask students to identify the new word in each sentence.
  • Discuss the meaning of the sentences and encourage students to think of additional sentences using the new words.
  • Provide students with worksheet handouts containing incomplete sentences, and instruct them to fill in the blanks with the appropriate new words.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the new words clearly and pronounce them accurately.
  • Provide explanations and definitions for each word.
  • Display examples of simple sentences using the new words.
  • Facilitate discussions and encourage student participation.
  • Distribute worksheet handouts and guide students through completing them. [mediator_tech]

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and repeat the new words after the teacher.
  • Engage in discussions about the meaning of the sentences and provide their own examples.
  • Fill in the blanks on the worksheet handouts with the correct new words.
  • Practice pronouncing the new words correctly.


I. Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of introducing new words to primary 3 students?
  2. How can you enhance your vocabulary and pronunciation skills?
  3. Can you construct a simple sentence using one of the new words we learned today?
  4. What strategies can you use to remember new words effectively?
  5. Why is effective communication important in language learning?

II. Assessment:

  • Evaluate students’ understanding through their participation in class discussions.
  • Assess the completion of worksheet handouts and the accuracy of the sentences filled in.
  • Monitor students’ pronunciation of the new words during class activities and provide feedback.


  • Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of vocabulary, pronunciation, and effective communication.
  • Encourage students to continue practicing the new words and expanding their vocabulary outside the classroom.