I want to show you a partnership that will make you more money and get more people to 


know you and buy from you…


Dear Business owner,


I am excited to write this letter


You know why…


I have been walking and driving past your business for the past 4 months a decision I just have e 


a positive feeling when am around your business..


I have been thinking of ways we can partner and I see that you will really like this, I want you to 


be one of our sponsors for our upcoming end of session party..


Don’t let the word sponsorship put you back..


This is what I mean.


  1. I will make a space available for you at our party to display and sell some of your products


  1. I will personally appreciate you as one of our sponsors


  1. I will advertise your business to our parents at the party and also in our yearly 


programme brochure


  1. I will recommend your business to them even describing your address..


I know you are asking why I will be willing to be this generous….


  1. I really like your kind of business and I want us to have a long term partnership


  1. I would love you to also recommend us to your customers who are not our parents


  1. And also I would love you to sponsor our party so we can advertise your brand in our year 


book and give you a display booth


We would like you to pick any of these sponsorship packages below


  1. Full page Adverts 10,000


  1. ½ page adverts 5,000


  1. ¼ Page advert 2,500


  1. Inner front adverts 15,000


  1. Inner Back page advert 15,000
  2. Back page Adverts 15,000


Advertising in our programme at any rate will give you access to display your product at our end 


of session party


Let me know if you like this idea so we can quickly fix you in as we have limited number of


businesses we are partnering with. Not more than five….


Thank you so much for all you do..


Looking forward to your response and possibly a fruitful partnership…

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