Pronouns (Types)



Class :Primary 6


Date : Monday 6th July 2020


Subject :English Grammar


Topic : Pronouns (Types)




What is a pronoun?


A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun in a sentence


Pronouns replace nouns in sentences


Examples of pronouns are you, me, him, them, who, that, etc


Examples in sentences


You can replace a noun (Mr Bolujo) with pronouns in the following sentences


1. *Mr Bolujo* is a very good teacher


Note that Mr Bolujo can be replaced with pronouns like



This etc


Now let us see some examples in sentences


2. *He* is a very good teacher


3. *Who* is a very good teacher



4. *This* is a very good teacher



*Types of Pronouns*


1. *Personal Pronouns* : Thses are pronouns that are used to refer to person, persons or people. Examples of such pronouns are












2. *Impersonal pronouns* : These are pronouns that are used to refer to inanimate objects or non living things. It is also used to refer to

nouns of common gender whose gender is not presently known. Example of impersonal pronoun is *it*


3. *Interrogative pronouns* : Thses pronouns are used to replace nouns in sentences most especially when we want to ask question. Examples of such pronouns are who, which, etc





Write out the type of pronoun that is highlighted in each of the following sentences


1. *HE* is a carpenter



2. *WHO* is a carpenter?

Ans =.


3. *IT* is hot

Ans =

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