
Instruction: Read the following questions and choose the right answer from the given alternatives.


Comprehension: THE PRODIGAL SON

There was a certain man who had two sons. The younger of these said to his father, ‘Father, give me that share of your estate which I shall inherit.’ So his father divided his property between him and his brother.


Not many days afterwards, the younger son put together all that he had and went on his travels to a far country, where he wasted his fortune in riotous living. Then when all was spent, a great famine occurred in that country and he found himself without food; whereupon, he went and introduced himself to a citizen of that country, who put him on his farm, to feed swine. He would have been glad to fill his stomach with husks of corn such as the swine used to eat but no one was ready to give them to him.


When he realized how stupidly he had behaved, he went to his father to ask for forgiveness. Seeing him a long way off, the father ran up to him, threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. When he repented, the father gave orders to his servants to clothe him, put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. They were also asked to kill a fattened calf for all to eat and make merry because his lost son had been found.



1.) Who wanted the father’s property divided? ___________________________________


2.) What did he do a few days afterwards? ______________________________________


3.) How was he living? ______________________________________________________


4.) What happened to his fortune? _____________________________________________


5.) What happened in that foreign country where he went to live? ____________________




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