Week 1 & 2

Topic: A Putting things into sets

  1. Beads into set according to colours
  2. Threading of beads and doing oral counting
  3. Looking at quantities- ask which is more and by how may is it more

Objective: Pupil should be able to put things into set in such as beads and count  

            same orally.

Lesson: 8 Lessons

Materials: Beads of different colours

Activity: Each pupil should participate in the treading and oral counting

Evaluation: Thread and count the beads according to colour.

WEEK 3 & 4

Topic more work on number rhymes 

  1. Action songs (one little finger)
  2. Share things in class and discuss
  3. How many do we tart with
  4. How many are left
  5. How many have been taken

Objective: Pupils should be able to sing the action songs, share things and discuss  

              in class 

  1. State the difference e.g how many have been taken and how many are left.

Lesson: 8 lesson

Materials: coloured beads, button 

Activity: Each pupils should participate in whatever activity the teacher employee  

               in these topics 

Evaluation: recite one little finger

               Count and put the bottom into set

               How many sets do we have?

Week 5 & 6

Topic: Sensorial beginning

Number rods: trace and name rod 1-3 more work on outing things into set in the  

                     order of colour, size, length and weight

Objective: pupil should be able to trace and count the number rods, and put thing  

                   into set according to colour, size length and weight.

Week 7 & 8

Topic : Introduce number rod 4-6

             Trade name and arrange.

Objective: pupils should be able to trace and count the number rods 1-6 and do  

             activity on previous week’s work

Lesson : 8 lesson

Materials: Number rods 1-6 and coloured beads and buttons.

Activity: Pupils should trace the number rods from 1-6 and count along as they  


Evaluation: Trace the number rods 1-6

                   Do other activities that brings previous weeks work into view.

Week 9 & 10 Topic: Introduce number rod 7-10

                    Trace name and arrange

Objective: pupils should be able to trace and count the number rods from 7-10  

                   and do activities that enhance previous week work

Lesson: 8 lessons

Materials: number rod 1-10, beads and buttoms 

Activity: Pupils should trace the number rods from 1-10 and count along as they  


Evaluation: Trace the number rods 1-10

                     Do activities that reviser past week’s work

Week 11 & 12 Put all 10 rods together and revise the tow’s work

Examination & closing


WEEK 1 & 2

Topic: Put all the 10 rods together in order of length and say the numerals 1-10     

            while tracing the rods

             Match rods with numeral cards

Objective: upils should be able to say the numerals and trace all 10 rods correctly.

(2)  They should be able to relate the rods with the numeral cards

Lesson: 8 lessons

Materials: Number rods 1-10

Numerical cards 1-10

Activity: Pupils should trace the rods, 1-10 and relate the rods to numeral card

Evaluation:  Trace rods 1-10 count numeral cards 1-10

Week 3-4

Topic: start work with making of lines vertical an horizontal

Objectives: pupils should be able to make horizontal and vertical lines

Lesson: 8 lessons

Materials: plain streets and fat crayons.

 Activity: pupils should trace on paper using the fat crayons ____   _____  ______ (dash & strokes) 

Evaluation: make strokes and dash. Do make work on oral counting.


Week 5 & 6

Topic: Start work on curves e.g .   


Objective: Pupils should be able to make cover facing forward an d backword direction. E.g                                                   as well as make O

Lesson : 8 lessons

Materials: place sheets and fat crayons

Activity: pupil should make curves on paper using fat crayons.

Evaluation:  make curves and do more work on oral counting.

Week 7 & 8

Topic: Introduce sandpaper numerals 1-3 Trace, name and try to write the morals

Objectives: Pupil should be able to trace and say numbers 1-3 on the send paper, 

         and on broken lines 

                  (2) Write number 1-3

Lessons: 8 lessons

Materials: Printed sheets of numbers 1-3 in dotted lines

Send paper letters

Custom made not books for numbers.

Activity: pupil should trace number 1-3 on send paper 

  • On dotted lines.
  • Write number 1-3
  • Evaluation: Trace number 1-3
  • Write number 1-3

Week 9 & 10 Continue writing numerals 1-3

Dictate identify using flash cards

Full in missing number 1-3   

Link numbers with number, 

1        3

3        2

2        1

Lin numbers with quantitative

  1. 00
  2. 000

Objectives:  pupils should be able to write 1-3 and fill in missing number sand identify number 1-3 when scrambled.

Lesson:  8 Lesson 

Materials: flash cards,  beads and coloured button

Activity: Pupil should fill in missing numbers and match numbers. Pupil should also link numbers with quantities.

Evaluation: match number with quantities write number 1-3 fill in missing numbers.

Week 11 & 12: Revision of the terms work, examination and closing  


Week 1 & 2 

Topic: Continue work on curved lines, free hand writing 

and introduce zigzag 

Objective:  pupil should be able to write 1-3 freehand, do zigzag and write curved lines 

Lesson: 8 lessons

Materials: Number cards, flash card of numbers

Activity: Pupil should write curved lines and do zig zag vertically 

And horizontally 

Evaluation:  make curved lines

Make zig zag line

Write 1-3 free hand style.

Week 3-4

Topic: Introduce number 4-6 (send paper number) Trace, name and write.

Objective: Pupils should be able to count 1-6 trace it on send paper and write it  

                   free hand style.

Lesson : 8 lesson

Materials: send paper number flash cards on number 

Activity: Pupil should write nos 1-3, trace  4-6 on send paper, then write nos 1-6.  

               Do other activities such as matching with objects, linking the numbers  

               and free style writing. 

Evaluation: count nos -6

Write nos 1-6

Match nos 1-6

Line 1-6 with objects

Week 5 & 6

Topic: Read write and identify 1-6 fill in, dictate randomly. Match numbers with       

             numbers or with objects

Objectives: people should be able to read, write fill in, identify 1-6 and do other     

                    activities that enhance recognition of the numbers 

Lessons: 8 Lesson

Materials:  Flash card of number, buttons and large beads.

Activity: Pupils should do activities with the assistance of the teacher to enhance  

                recognition of number 1-6

Evaluation: Read write and match numbers 1-6 

Week 7 & 8

Topic :  Introduce numbers 7-10

            Trace, name and try to write

Objectives: Pupil should be able to write number 1-6, trace number 7-10 and do        

           other activities to enhance recognition of numbers 1-10

Lesson 8 lesson

Materials: Flash cards of numbers, beads and buttons.

Activity: people should trace nos 7-10 and write 1-10 free hand style.

Evaluation:     Write nos 1-6

Match nos 1-10

Fill in nos 1-10

Link nos 1-10

Week 9 & 10 Topic: More work on number 1-10

Dictate fill in and match

Objective: pupil should be able to count from 1-10 orally, identify 

       1-10 and write 1-10

Lesson: 8 Lesson

Material: Object like beads, buttons, flash card

Activity: Pupil should be taken through activities such as dictation, making and   

                linking nos 1-10 with objects.

Evaluation: write nos  1-10 and do other activities to enhance counting and recognition of nos 1-10

Week 11 & 12 Revision, family test examination and closing.


  1. Delphina Pre Nursery Number, Bk 1 by Iteidi Anne
  2. Mastering step, to numbers for beginners  by I.M Omogbai

Summary of teaching materials 

  1. Large beads of different colours (large number)
  2. Large buttons in different colours (large number)
  3. Montessori number rods 1-10
  4. Send paper numbers 0-9
  5. Number cards – flash cards
  6. Flash cards of number and pictures

Pupils textbooks

  1. Delphia pre nursery numbers bk 1- Iteidi Anne
  2. Mastering steps to number – I.M Omogbai
  3. My Trinity number workbook.

Teacher’s texts

  1. Mastering mathematics bk 1
  2. Evan Pre nursery mathematics
  3. Pre school picture Book writing 1.23 by Learning solution 

PRE- NURSERY – RECEPTION                    TERM ONE 


Week 1 & 2 Topic: Preparatory work like 

1 spy game

Objective: pupil should be able to look into a box quickly and say what he/she      

                   saw in the box. This is to aid talking and making oral sentences.

Lesson 8 lessons

Materials: A big carton, building blocks, teddy bear, doll etc.

Activity: teacher should do what he/she expect the pupil to do i.e. spy into the 

                   box and tell the class what he/she sew in the box

Evaluation: say three things you saw in the box

Week 3 & 4

Topic: picture reading and sentence formation (orally)

Objective:    Pupils should be able to talk in class, respond to questions and  


Lesson:        8 Lessons

Materials:  This in end around the class 

Activity:     Teacher should guide the pupil to tell the class about the thing found   

                   in and around the class.

Evaluation : look around you and tell the class too thing you can see


Week 5 & 6

Topic: Introduce send paper letter a the first vowel (one vowel at a time)

           ‘a’ Trace sound end try to write

Objectives: Pupil should be able to identify, trace, sound and write letter ‘a’

Lesson 8 lesson

Activity: The teacher will ask every child in the class to trace and sound letter ‘a’    

                  on send paper, then trace on paper and write.

Materials: send paper letters,, flash cards on letter a and other flash cards. (to   

                   create a mix-up of the letters or the child to sent out).

Evaluation : Trace ‘a’ on send paper

 Trace ‘a’ on dotted line

Sort out a in a mix

Write letter ‘a’

Week 7 & 8

Topic: identify ‘a’ using flash card

Objective: pupils should be able to identify ‘a’ in words such as three letter      

                   phonic words such as cat, bag etc.

Lesson 8 Lessons

Materials: large moveable alphabets, alphabet racks, large Picture cards with         


Activity: Teacher should guide pupil to identify ‘a’ in three letter words such as 

               cat, rag, bag etc. teacher should make letter mix on the floor or the  

               alphabet rack for pupil to single out letter ‘a’a He/She should dictate 

                letter ‘a’a for pupils to write down link a with objects and put up the 

               slogan “a as in ant that eats my sugar”

Evaluation: circle letter ‘a’ in words

   Write letter ‘a’a in your book

   Fish-out letter ‘a’ from the alphabet mix.

Week 9 & 10

Topic: Introduce ‘e’

Objectives:  pupil should be able to trace, sound, write and identify letter ‘e’ 

Lesson: 8 lesson

Materials: as in week 7 & 8

Activities: Teacher should guide pupils to repeat the activities in week 7 & 8 as is  

                  relevant for letter e’e put up the slogan ‘e’ as in egg I ate in the morning 

Evaluation: trace letter ‘e’

Identify ‘e’ in words

Fish out ‘e’ in a mix

Write letter e

Week 11 & 12 “ Revision,  temely test, examination & closing.


WEEK 1 & 2

Topic: review letter ‘a and e’

Objectives: at eh end of the lesson pupil should be able to sand, identify, fill in and math letters with letter.

Lesson: 8 lesson

Materials: as in week 9 and 10

Activity: teacher should guide pupil through most of the activities employed in   

                the presentation of ‘a’ and ‘e’ last term. He/she should also take the               

                 pupil though fill in the picture reading and matching of letter with letters       


Use a or e to fill the gap in the following



Evaluation: write letters a and e

Identify letter a and e

Fill in letter a and e

Find out letters a and e

Match letters a and e

Week 3  & 4

Topic: introduce “1”

Objective: pupil should be able to trace sound and write letter 1

Lesson: 8 lessons

Materials: as in week 1 & 2 but relevant for letter “1”

Activity: Teacher should guide pupil to sound trace and write letter “1” He/she 

    should also put up all other activities that will enhance committing the    

    letter to memory.

Evaluation: write letter i

Match and find out letter i

Fill in letter i

Week 5 & 6

Topic: ruled I with e and a

Objective: pupils should be able to write sound and identify. The first three vowels

Lesson: 8 lesson

Materials :- Large movable alphabets, large picture cards, alphabet racks

Activity: Teacher guide the pupil through activities that will help the pupils, to commit these vowels to memory.

Evaluation: Match letter with letter 

    e        i

    a        e

    i        a

Find out the vowels, in these words 

C    a +

B     I    +

L  e  g

P    a  n

Week 7 & 8

Topic introduce O

Objective : pupils should be able to trace, sound and write letter O

Lesson: 8 lesson

Materials Sound paper letter O and other materials used for lesser presentation

Activities: teacher guide pupil through all  activities geared toward, recognition of letter ‘o’ by the pupil as done in previous weeks

Evaluation: Let evaluation follow the pattern used in week 5 and 6 

Week 9 & 10

Topic: Introduce ‘u’

Objective: At the end of the lesson pupil should be able to trace sound and write letter u.

Lesson: 8 lessons

Materials: send paper letter ‘u; and other materials use so far.

Activity: Teacher should guide pupil through the activities that will enhance recognition of the letter and keep those learnt previously in view. Such as matching of letter

a        o

e        u

i        a

o        e

u        i

Fill a 

                          c  ____  p


                          c ______p

Fish out

Cap        b  a  g

B  I  t                 leg

Egg        d  o  t

Evaluation  Find out

Fill in 

Match and write the five vowels

Week 11 & 12 revision

Termly tests




Week 1 & 2

Topic: review a,e,I,o and u

Objective: at the end of the lesson pupil should be able to recall the five vowels correctly, say the slogan and write the five vowels correctly

Lesson: 8 lesson

Materials: All materials used in term 1 & 2

Activity: re-run of activities of week 7-10 of term 2

Evaluation: evaluate following the pattern used in week 9 & 10 term 2

Week 3 & 4

Topic: introduce consonants b c and d

Objective: pupils should be able to trace sound and write letter b c and d 

Lesson: 8 lessons

Materials: sandpapers letter b  c and d and other materials used so far.

Activity: teachers should guide pupil to trace sound and write the first three  

              consonant and also start building the alphabet in order e.g a, b, c, d, e.

               He/she should also put up activities such as fill in, fish out, circle, picture        

              reading that will help the pupil to count the letter to memory  

Evaluation: Fill in the vowels: these words

                     Fill in the consonant in these words match letters.

Week 5 & 6

Topic: Move work on   b  c   d

Objective: At end of the lesson pupil should be able tale down in dictation the  

                    consonants fill in missing letter, read and write the alphabets in  

                    correct order from a-e

Lesson: 8 lesson

Materials: all materials used in week four and five 

Activity: teacher should guide the pupil through dictation, solo the slogan for 

               each alphabet, link all the lesser, do fill in and matching of letter and all 

               other activities that will enhance recognition. 

Evaluation: evaluate as I week 3 and 4

Week 7 & 8

Topic introduce consonants of  g and h

Objective: At the end of the lesson pupil should be able to trace sound and write  

                   letter f g and correctly.

Lesson: 8 lessons

Materials: sand paper letter f g and h and other materials used so far

Activity: teacher should guide pupil through activities as in the presentation of b c 

                d in week 3 & 4  

Evaluation: evaluate the lesson as follows 

Trace and sound letter of g an h

Write letter f  g and h

Match letter and fill in.

Week 9 & 10

Topic: link all the alphabets-

A b c d e f g h I 

Objective: at the end o the lesson pupil should be able to write, sound write down in dictation, fill in and match the letter of the alphabet from a –i

Lesson 8 lesson

Materials: sand paper letter f g h and other materials, used in previous terms

Activity: teacher should guide pupil through all activities that will enhance recognize follows previous patterns and build the alphabet from a-i

Evaluation: write the letter from a-i

Match letter a-i

Fill in vowels in words (three letter words)

Fill in the missing consonant in words.


Week 11 & 12


Termly test



Summary of teaching materials 

  1. Sound paper letters a-z in triplicate 
  2. Vowel in blue consonants – red
  3. Large moveable alphabets in triplicate
  4. Picture cards in triplicate
  5. Large carton
  6. Toys- building blocks, dolls, teddy bear
  7. Alphabet racks
  8. Flash card of alphabets
  9. Wall charts relevant the topic in view
  10.   Hand made card relevant to topic of the day or week.

Pupil textbooks

  1. Pre school picture book (writing a b c small letter ) by learning solution  
  2. My trinity book of alphabets stage one – by M.O. Kolawole
  3. Montessorri Reads one  – by B.A. Efuniyi

Teacher’s text books

  1. Dolphin pre Nursery alphabets – by Heidy Annre- dolphin publisher 
  2. Mastering step to letter- metropolitan publisher
  3. Phonies made easy – Nursery 1  Austin Wak- by Harrowgate ventures.

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