Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 5 Home Economics




1. One way to care for the body is by being ____ (a) clean (b) sharp (c) attractive


2. To maintain good health, the body needs ____ diet (a) balanced (b) super (c) thorough


3. Having enough sleep helps to keep the body ___ (a) in good shape (b) super (c) healthy


4. Good posture is a sign of ____ (a) good health (b) uprightness (c) straightness


5. Is it right for us to wear the cloth for our daily activities to sleep (a) Yes (b) I think so (c) No


6. When clothes are torn, they should be ____ (a) mended (b) thrown away (c) burnt


7. Shoes should be polished at least ___ in a week (a) once (b) twice (c) thrice


8. Regular washing of the hair prevents the scalp from ____ (a) dandruff (b) mosquito (c) rat


9. We have ____ types of hair (a) two (b) one (c) three


10. Biting of nails is a ____ habit (a) bad (b) dirty (c) clean


11. Sugary foods are not good for the (a) teeth (b) hair (c) tongue


12. ____ are things applied to the body to make it look or smell better

adornment (b) perfume (c) cosmetics


13. ____ is used around the eyes and on the eyebrows to make them look dark and beautiful

eye pencil (b) antimony (c) powder


14. ____ is the use of cosmetics on the body (a) make-up (b) adornment (c) soap


15. School uniforms are worn only when going to ____ (a) church (b) school (c) party


16. During the rainy season ___ are worn

plastic rain coats (b) nylon rain coat (c) wool rain coat


17. Shoes are worn to ____ the feet (a) protect (b) freshen (c) keep the feet smooth


18. Linoleum is made from ____ (a) wire (b) wood (c) rubber


19. An example of food that can be boiled is ____ (a) akara (b) rice (c) puff-puff


20. ____ are materials that we can use to cover the surfaces within the home

carpet (b) floor covering (c) surfaces


21. Everything in the bathroom should be kept ____ always

covered (b) clean (c) disorganized


22. Spinach, tomatoes and potatoes are ____ (a) leaf (b) plant (c) vegetables


23. The diet that contains all the classes of food in the right proportion is ____

nutrient (b) balanced diet (c) supplement


24. Any edible solid or liquid substances that give us energy is ____ (a) food (b) diet (c) nutrient


25. Cooking food with dry heat is known as ____ (a) roasting (b) steaming (c) frying


26. To make burns, ____ is essential (a) baking powder (b) yeast (c) salt


27. The food eaten in the morning is called ___ (a) breakfast (b) morning food (c) dinner


28. Perishable foods easily get ____ (a) soaked (b) spoilt (c) bitter


29. Suya is cooked by ____ (a) roasting (b) boiling (c) steaming


30. The following except one can be cooked by roasting and boiling (a) yam (b) corn (c) bread


Section B

1. Mention five materials that can be used to take care of the hair

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________


2. List five items that can be used to make our bodies look beautiful and clean

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________


3. Mention five materials that can be used in knitting and cloth mending

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________


4. Write the steps that can be used to prepare Gizzdodo




5. Mention five materials that can be used to make shoes

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________


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