Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 5 Basic Science and Technology























1. A place where two or more bones meet is called ____ (a) block (b) fuse (c) joint


2. The animals that feed on meat or flesh are called ___

(a) carnivores (b) herbivores (c) omnivores


3. The framework of bones in the body is called _____ (a) joint (b) bones (c) skeletal system

4. Another name for Apollo is called ____ (a) red eyes (b) cataracts (c) conjunctivitis

5. When a child has loose or water stools, he or she is said to have ____

stooling (b) diarrhoea (c) dysentery


6. This is a symbol of a ____ (a) fuse (b) switch (c) sockets

7. A piece of wire connected in a circuit is called a _____ (a) circuit (b) switch (c) fuse

8. How many types of electricity do we have (a) three (b) four (c) two

9. The degree of hotness or coldness of an objects is called ___

Heat (b) energy (c) temperature


10. We breathe in air which contains (a) acid (b) base (c) oxygen

11. The process whereby green plants manufacture their foods in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll is called ____ (a) photosynthesis (b) carbon-dioxide (c) reproduction


12. The brain is protected by the ____ (a) skin (b) skull (c) bone cage

13. What type of rock is formed in layers and the most common on the surface of the earth

(a) igneous rock (b) sedimentary rock (c) metamorphic rock


14. Reproduction is important for ___ (a) growth (b) continuity (c) living of life


15. The union of two cells of a male and female gametes give rise to what is called a/an ____

(a) embryo (b) zygote (c) baby


16. Natural acids are ____ (a) organic (b) inorganic (c) sour


17. Those things from which objects can be made or with which something is done is called ___ (a) raw materials (b) materials (c) ceramics


18. The excretory product of the skin is called ____ (a) salt (b) skin (c) sweat


19. A state of preventing danger or harm to ourselves or somebody is ____

(a) maintenance (b) prevention (c) safety


20. Accidents are mishaps that can cause harm, damage or even ____

(a) death (b) injury (c) wound


21. ____ is the transfer of male parts into the female parts

(a) pollination (b) reproduction (c) fertilization


22. Excretion is the process whereby waste products are removed from the ____

(a) heart (b) urine (c) body


23. The act of taking air into and out of the lungs is called ___ (a) breathing (b) process (c) air


24. Gliding joints can be found on the ____ and ____

(a) neck, shoulder (b) wrist, ankle (c) hip, shoulder


25. One of the living things found inside the soil is _____

(a) cookworm (b) butterfly (c) earthworm


26. The instrument used for measuring air pressure is known as

(a) barometer (b) hydrometer (c) thermometer


27. Energy at rest is also known as the energy (a) kinetic (b) potential (c) solar


28. Energy from the sun is called ____ energy (a) kinetic (b) potential (c) solar


29. The heat from sunshine or lighted lamp is spread through ____

(a) radiation (b) conduction (c) convection


30. + – represents a ____ (a) circuit (b) cell (c) battery


Section B

1. Mention five parts of a flower

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________


2. Mention four organs of excretion

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


3. Draw the human lungs and label


4. Mention four respiratory organs

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


5. Mention one function of heat in our daily activities



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