Classification of farm animals based on Habitat

Agricultural Science

Second  Term 



Basic 7  / JSS 1

Previous lesson : 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

Forms of farm animals (cont’d)

that was treated in the previous class

TOPIC :  Classification of farm animals based on-Habitat

Behavioural objectives :

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • say the meaning of habitat
  • mention different types of habitats in which animals can be found
  • say the unique characteristics or adaptation that make these animals survive in their special habitat
  • explain the uses or usefulness of farm animals
  • give examples of animals that can be found in these habitats



Instructional Materials :

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials :

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks


Content :




1. Classification based on the habitat

  1. Classification based on mode of reproduction and feeding of their young ones.

Introduction: Farm animals can be classified into different classes using different criteria. These includes; their sizes, their habitat ,how they reproduce and feed their young ones and the type of stomach they have.

Sub-topic one: Classification Based On Their Habitat

Habitat means where someone or something is living. Habitat is the dwelling place of organisms. Some farm animals are living on land and we called them terrestrial animals.

Example of such animals are: cattle, sheep, goats, pigs fowls camels etc.

Some other farm animals live in water and are called aquatic animals. E.g. fish shellfish, octopus , whaler, turtles . starfish etc.

There are some terrestrial animals, however, that live on trees and are called arboreal animals e.g. birds. monkeys ,squirrels , koala  etc

All living things need oxygen for survival. Terrestrial animals obtain oxygen directly from the atmosphere, but aquatic animals obtain oxygen dissolved in the water where they live.


  1. What are terrestrial animals?
  2. Give four examples of the following:
  • Arboreal
  • Aquatic animals.
  • Terrestrial animals.

Where does the aquatic animals get their oxygen requirement?



Sub-topic 2: Classification based on mode of reproduction and how they

feed their young ones.

Using this criteria, farm animals can be classified into two group which are:



Mammals are those animals that bear their young ones alive and have their bodies covered with hair. They equally feed their young ones with milk from their mammary glands(breast).Examples of mammals are: goat, sheep, cattle, pigs, guinea pigs, rabbits.

Non- mammals are animals which produce their young ones by laying and hatching eggs. Examples are birds, fishes, lizards , snails, snakes.


  1. Differentiate between mammals and non- mammals.
  2. Mention five examples each of each
  3. State three characteristics of mammals.

Week end assignment:

Make a ten list of the example of the following:






Classification of Farm Animals based on Mode of Reproduction

Using this criteria, farm animals can be classified into two groups, which are:

  • Mammals (viviparous farm animals)
  • Non-mammals (oviparous farm animals)


Mammals are animals that give birth to their young ones alive and have their bodies covered with hair or fur.

They are warm blooded vertebrates animals.

Mammals equally feed their young ones with milk from their mammary glands (udder).

Examples of mammals are: goat, sheep, cattle, cats, pigs, guinea pigs, rabbits, camels, etc.


Non Mammals

They are animals that do not give birth to their young ones alive, which produce their young ones by laying and hatching eggs. They do not breastfeed their young ones.

Examples are fish (pisces) and birds (aves) e.g. poultry such as turkey, guinea fowl, duck, pigeon, chicken, etc. Amphibians e.g. toad and frog.






The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise






  1. Mention three types of habitats
    • ______________________
    • ______________________
    • ______________________
  2. Write out three examples for each habitat that is written above the types of organisms that can be found in the habitat mentioned above
    • ______________________
    • ______________________
    • ______________________
  3. Say two  unique characteristics or adaptation that make fish to survive in their special habitat
    • ____________________________
    • ____________________________
  4. Give two examples of animals that can be found in arboreal habitat
    • __________________
    • __________________
  5. Mention and explain the uses or usefulness of farm animals
    • ______________________
    • ______________________




  1. Differentiate between mammals and non-mammals.
  2. Mention fiveexamples each of them
  3. State threecharacteristics of mammals.



The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.






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