Roles of Religious Bodies In Nigeria In Economic Growth and Development

Subject :

Social Studies

Topic :

Traditional Marriage

Class :

Primary 5 / Basic 5 / Year 5


Term :

First Term


Week :

Week 12

Reference Materials :  .

  • Online materials
  • Scheme of work
  • Textbooks


Instructional Materials

  • Holy Bible
  • Holy Quran
  • Pictures of Religious riot scenes



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of

Controlling Religious Intolerance In Nigeria 

that was taught in the previous lesson



Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

1.  Explain the meaning of religious groups

2. Give examples of religious bodies in Nigeria

3. State ways Religious bodies in Nigeria can have positive impact on growth and development on Nigerian economy


Teaching Methods 

  • Explanation
  • Demonstration
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modelling

Content :

What are religious bodies 

Religious bodies are the religious group of people with related common practices, faith and beliefs. These bodies develop their members by teaching moral, social, spiritual financial and emotional values.

Examples of Religious Bodies in Nigeria

Examples of Traditional Religious Bodies :

Examples of Traditional religious bodies in Nigeria are the

sopona worshippers,

the igunnuko worshippers,

the olókùn worshipers,

the Sango worshippers,

the Obatala worshippers,

the Amadioha worshippers, etc


Examples of Christian Religious Bodies In Nigeria 

Christian Religious Bodies are

The Apostolic Church

Deeper Christian Life Ministry

Anglican Communion

The Christ Apostolic Church

The Celestial Church of God

Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church

Roman Catholic,

the Church Missionary Society (CMS),

the Baptist Convention

the Pentecostal Movement,

The foursquare gospel church etc

Examples of Islamic Religious Bodies In Nigeria 

Islamic Religious Bodies are

the Ansar-ud-deen,

Nasfat society

The Sufi Islamic group

the Ahmadiyya

the Nawar-ud-deen sects,

The teblic Islamic group


  1. Preaching of religious tolerance, forgiveness, love, peace and restitution.
  2. Educating their members on charitable giving.
  3. Provision of education and educational facilities for public schools.
  4. Provision of health services for their members
  5. Encouraging members on financial empowerment by preaching, admonishing and training their members on the needs to be financially independent
  6. Encouragement of peaceful coexistence among members and non members of their religious bodies
  7. Provision of social amenities such as roads,(Shimawa road by Redeem church) water, markets, etc.



Write out five ways by which religious bodies could aid in economic and financial growth and development



3. ________

4. ________

5. ________

Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written. He or she does the necessary corrections when the need arises.


Assignment :

Prepare for the next lesson by reading about

Revision and Examination

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