Second Term Civic Education Exams Primary 1

Edu Delight Tutors


  1. One of the following is used during sanitation (a) Broom (b) Pencil (c) Ruler
  2. ____________ is a disease. (a) Sun Fly (b) Flower (c) Cholera
  3. What type of toilet do you have at home? (a) Water Closet (b) Bucket Closet (c) Pit toilet
  4. Germs make us fall ________ (a) beautiful (b) dancing (c) sick
  5. Dettol kills germs and bacteria (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe
  6. We must eat ________ food (a) Good (b) Bad (c) Poison
  7. _________ is used for cutting grasses. (a) Pencil (b) Cutlass (b) Comb
  8. Obedience is good. (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe
  9. Keeping our environment clean is called ________ (a) Sanitation (b) Social Habit (c) Dirt
  10. To avoid skin diseases we must take our bath regularly (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe
  11. Always brush your ________ twice daily. (a) Eyes (b) Nose (c) Teeth
  12. Which of these materials can be used to wash the toilet? (a) Chalk (b) Izal (c) Soil
  13. We must flush our __________ after use. (a) bathroom (b) Kitchen (c) Toilet
  14. Who among the following must be obeyed? (a) Thief (b) Teacher (c) Dog
  15. Mosquito is our friend. (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe


  1. What do you use the dust bin? ____________________________________________________________
  2. Name three types of toilet:
  3. ___________________________
  4. ___________________________
  5. ___________________________
  6. List 3 object used in keeping the environment clean:
  7. ______________________________
  8. ______________________________
  9. ______________________________
  10. Name three types of toilet:
  11. ______________________________
  12. ______________________________
  13. ______________________________
  14. List 2 materials used in cleaning our body:
  15. _____________________________
  16. _____________________________


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