Revision Civic Education Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Lagos State Primary 1 Civic Education Lesson Plan

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 1
Term: First Term
Week: 11
Age: 6 years
Topic: Revision Test
Sub-topic: Revision of All Topics Covered in Weeks 1-10
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recall the main points from each of the previous topics.
  2. Answer questions related to the topics covered in weeks 1-10.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the civic concepts taught.

Key Words: Revision, recall, test, questions, answers.

Set Induction: Start the lesson by explaining that they will be reviewing all the topics they have learned so far to prepare for a test. Encourage them to remember as much as they can.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils have participated in lessons on various civic education topics throughout the term.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with key words from each topic.
  • Charts summarizing the main points from each topic.
  • Test papers for the revision test.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Review the main points from each topic covered in previous weeks.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Recall
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Charts
  • Test papers

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Civic Education, Primary 1.

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards with key words.
  • Charts summarizing the main points.
  • Test papers.


  1. Review of Topics Covered:
    • Week 1: Meaning of Civic Education and Why We Study It
    • Week 2: Ways Civic Education is Important in Schools
    • Week 3: Ways Civic Education is Important at Home
    • Week 4: Ways Civic Education is Important in the Media
    • Week 5: Other Ways Civic Education is Important
    • Week 6: Mid Term Test
    • Week 7: Meaning and Examples of Rights of Citizens
    • Week 8: Meaning and Examples of Duties of Citizens
    • Week 9: Public Enlightenment Campaign
    • Week 10: Public Enlightenment Campaign – HIV/AIDS Education and Drug Abuse
  2. Key Points to Remember:
    • Civic Education: Understanding how to be a good citizen.
    • Importance: Helps in understanding rights, duties, and how to contribute positively in different environments (school, home, media).
    • Rights of Citizens: Things we are entitled to as citizens (e.g., right to education, right to safety).
    • Duties of Citizens: Responsibilities we have as citizens (e.g., following rules, helping others).
    • Public Enlightenment Campaigns: Informing the public about important issues (e.g., health, safety).

Test Questions:

Section A: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Civic Education helps us understand how to be a good __________.
    • a) citizen
    • b) player
    • c) singer
    • d) dancer
  2. One way Civic Education is important in schools is by teaching us to follow __________.
    • a) games
    • b) rules
    • c) songs
    • d) stories
  3. At home, Civic Education teaches us to __________ our parents.
    • a) disobey
    • b) ignore
    • c) help
    • d) disturb
  4. Public Enlightenment Campaigns provide important __________.
    • a) music
    • b) movies
    • c) information
    • d) games
  5. HIV stands for Human __________ Virus.
    • a) Immunodeficiency
    • b) Infection
    • c) Influenza
    • d) Immune
  6. AIDS stands for Acquired __________ Syndrome.
    • a) Immunodeficiency
    • b) Immunity
    • c) Infection
    • d) Influenza
  7. A duty of citizens is to keep the __________ clean.
    • a) room
    • b) house
    • c) environment
    • d) bed
  8. Rights of citizens include the right to __________.
    • a) eat
    • b) sleep
    • c) education
    • d) play
  9. Drug abuse means using drugs in a way that is __________.
    • a) helpful
    • b) harmful
    • c) safe
    • d) clean
  10. Public Enlightenment Campaigns about health might tell us to wash our __________.
    • a) clothes
    • b) hands
    • c) toys
    • d) shoes

Section B: Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. What is Civic Education?
    • a) Learning about music
    • b) Understanding how to be a good citizen
    • c) Playing games
    • d) Watching movies
  2. Why is Civic Education important at home?
    • a) To help us ignore rules
    • b) To teach us to help our parents
    • c) To make us play more
    • d) To make us sleep more
  3. What should you do if you see a health campaign poster?
    • a) Ignore it
    • b) Read it and follow the advice
    • c) Tear it down
    • d) Draw on it
  4. What does drug abuse mean?
    • a) Using drugs safely
    • b) Using drugs in a harmful way
    • c) Playing with drugs
    • d) Selling drugs
  5. How can we prevent HIV?
    • a) By sharing needles
    • b) By avoiding sharing sharp objects
    • c) By ignoring cleanliness
    • d) By staying dirty
  6. What is one duty of a citizen?
    • a) To litter
    • b) To follow rules
    • c) To play all day
    • d) To ignore others
  7. What is one right of citizens?
    • a) Right to be rude
    • b) Right to education
    • c) Right to litter
    • d) Right to disobey
  8. Public Enlightenment Campaigns help to __________.
    • a) confuse people
    • b) inform people
    • c) make people sleep
    • d) make people play
  9. Why should we stay informed about health issues?
    • a) To make bad choices
    • b) To stay healthy
    • c) To ignore safety
    • d) To play more
  10. Why is it important to follow good habits?
    • a) To stay healthy
    • b) To get sick
    • c) To stay dirty
    • d) To ignore health


  • The teacher collects the test papers and marks them.
  • The teacher reviews any common mistakes with the class.
  • The teacher praises the pupils for their efforts and encourages them to keep learning about Civic Education.



Name: ___________________

Section A

  1. Disobeying rules and regulations brings
    (a) punishment
    (b) awards
    (c) promotion
  2. Civic education helps us to understand our government
    (a) maybe
    (b) true
    (c) false
  3. It is the duty of people to behave in an orderly way
    (a) true
    (b) false
    (c) maybe
  4. Civic education allows people to live in peace with one another
    (a) I don’t know
    (b) true
    (c) false
  5. The hospital is a place where we eat food
    (a) true
    (b) false
    (c) I don’t know
  6. The home where orphan children are taken care of is called
    (a) school
    (b) farm
    (c) orphanage home
  7. Is it good to give to the poor?
    (a) if you like
    (b) true
    (c) false
  8. What is occupation?
    (a) the work we do
    (b) food we eat
    (c) our mothers
  9. _______ is a place of knowledge
    (a) bank
    (b) school
    (c) parties
  10. Helping an elder to carry his or her load is a sign of respect
    (a) true
    (b) false
    (c) if you like
  11. We put waste paper into the
    (a) waste bin
    (b) under your locker
    (c) corner of the class
  12. Neatness is very important
    (a) true
    (b) false
    (c) maybe
  13. Harmful ______ are dangerous
    (a) leg
    (b) mouth
    (c) drug
  14. It is good to visit and pray for the sick
    (a) true
    (b) false
    (c) maybe
  15. Substances are a sign of respect
    (a) true
    (b) false
    (c) I don’t know
  16. _______ is my country
    (a) Ghana
    (b) America
    (c) Nigeria
  17. Well-behaved pupils must not
    (a) greet
    (b) tell lies
    (c) listen
  18. We must sweep our surroundings every day
    (a) true
    (b) false
    (c) if I like
  19. _______ is used in sweeping the floors
    (a) rake
    (b) hoe
    (c) broom
  20. Why must we keep our bodies clean?
    (a) to avoid skin diseases
    (b) to lie
    (c) to have odour

Section B

  1. Mention four materials that are needed to keep our bodies clean: (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  2. Harmful substances are: (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  3. Mention two people who give treatment in the hospital: (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
  4. Mention two people that we can show kindness to: (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
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