Types of roads within and outside the school

Things in and around the classroom, school and home.

Edu Delight Tutors

Subject   :  Basic Science and Technology


Class  : Basic 1 / Primary 1  / Class 1


Term : First  Term


Week  : Week 3 and Week 4


Topic  : Types of roads within and outside the school


Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Things around the classroom , school or at home    in their previous lesson



Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

  • mention the names of common streets when coming to school
  • mention the name of the street  in which their school is located
  • demonstrate walking safely along the road
  • say how to cross the road safely
  • say objects around our homes and school

Instructional Materials 

  • Pictures of objects commonly seen at home
  • Objects seen at home
  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks

Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Sing Along
  • Recitation
  • Imitation

Content : Roads are access to where we are going . Roads make it possible for us to go to mosques , church , school , markets or home . We make use of roads everyday to get to where ever we want to go to . However when ever we are on the road we must be very careful and obey all road rules and regulations .

Road Rules and Regulations 

  1. Do not eat on the road

  2. Do not play rough on the road

  3. Do not push your siblings or anyone on the road

  4. Always walk on the pedestrian path when ever you are walking on the road

  5. Never walk alone .

  6. Always walk in the company of adults

  7. Always walk against the traffic by facing  the oncoming vehicles while walking on the pedestrian path

  8. Never walk on the path backing the oncoming vehicles

  9. Look right , left and right again before crossing the road

  10. Seek the assistance of adults when crossing the road

  11. Always use the pedestrian bridge when there is one

  12. Always make use of the Zebra Crossing

Objects In Classroom 

  • Table
  • Chair
  • Desk
  • Dust bin
  • Rulers
  • Pencils
  • Books
  • Wall charts
  • Television
  • Air Conditioner
  • Black board or white board
  • Notebooks
  • Pencil case
  • Sharpener
  • Stapler
  • Marker
  • Tape
  • Wall clock
  • Bell
  • Calendar
  • School bag



The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher And Pupils Activities. Interaction or  Participation 

This involves class teacher  and pupils interaction , conversation , imitation or modeling through discussion , play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught

  • The class teacher will take the pupils for a walk along a small street that is very close to the school .
  • Pupils repeat the names of the street in which the school is located when ever the teacher say it
  • The class teacher may adopt SAY AS I SAY METHOD to make the class fun and interesting
  • Some pupils may not want to pay attention , The class teacher may gain the pupil’s attention by calling the pupil’s names and ask him or her some question like

Tosan  : What is the name of your street ? ,

Alabi : Where do your live ?

James : What is your school located >What is the address of your school  etc.

Adelaja :  What are those things that you see on the road on your way when you were coming to school this morning ?

Adeniyi : Have you seen a pedestrian bridge before


  1. Do not eat on the _________

  2. Do not play rough on the ________

  3. Do not push your siblings or anyone on the ______

  4. Always walk on the ___________ when ever you are walking on the road

  5. Never walk ________ .

  6. Always walk in the company of ______

  7. Always walk against the traffic by facing  the oncoming vehicles while walking on the __________

  8. Never walk on the path backing the oncoming ________

  9. Look right , left and right again before crossing the _____

  10. Seek the assistance of adults when crossing the ______

  11. Always use the _________ when there is one

  12. Always make use of the Zebra _______

  13. My class teacher always writes on the _________

  14. When ever I want to drink water , i use my ______

  15. I always put pieces of paper in the _______________


The class teacher does the necessary corrections and he or she goes round to mark .



The class teacher should stimulate the pupils’ interest  on  Walking along the road and crossing the road.


Edu Delight Tutors

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