Weight Measurement

Class:- Basic 6


Subject: Mathematics


Week:- 8


Term : Second Term


Topic: Weight


Behavioral objective:-


At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:-


1. do conversion involving unit of weight

2. do basic operations on weight

3. solve word problems involving weight.

Instructional material/Reference material:-Online Materials , Textbooks , Workbooks , Lagos state scheme of work, Mathematics  book 6

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge :

Students are familiar with various ways of measuring weight


Weight is used to measure how heavy an object is . the heaviness of objects refers to the weight of that object. Various types of objects like scale , measuring weight and bathroom scale are used to measure weight of animals, peoples or objects 



Weight Measurement






Conversion involving unit of weight

1000 grams (g) = 1 kilogram (kg)

1000 kilograms = 1 tonne (t)

1 tonne = 1000 × 1000 grams = 1000 000 g

Basic operation on Weight



Weight Measurement


Change these to grams.

1. 23 kg


2. 105 kg


3. 29.2 kg


4. 17.06 kg


5. 12 kg


6. 14 kg


7. 18 kg


8. 1100 kg

Change these to tonnes.

9. 7000 kg


10. 19046 kg


11. 312345 kg


12. 896 kg


13. 500 kg


14. 250 kg


15. 125 kg


16. 10 kg

Change these to kilograms.

17. 11000 g


18. 27726 g


19. 400 g


20. 250 g


21. 16 tonnes


22. 73 tonnes


23. 8.9 tonnes


24. 0.67 tonnes

How many quarter-kilogram packets of sugar can be packed from each of the amounts of sugar listed below?

25. 50 kg


26. 32 kg


27. 20250 kg



28. 110 kg


29. 18 tonne


30. 0.4 tonne


31.12 tonne


32. 1 tonne


Weight Measurement


Word problems on weight


1. A shopkeeper sold 478 kg 400 g of rice in January and 762 kg 710 g of rice in February. How much rice did he sell in January and February?

2. Adisa is 5.5 kg heavier than Chukwu, who weighs 26.4 kg. What is Adisa’s weight?

3. Give your answer to 4 in grams and kilograms.

4. A sack of groundnuts weighs 22 kg 200 g. The sack alone weighs 6 kg 450 g. What is the weight of the groundnuts?

5. The heaviest boy in Seyi’s class weighs 39.6 kg. The lightest boy weighs 27.9 kg. What is the difference between the weights of the heaviest boy and the lightest boy in Seyi’s class?

6. From a five hundred kilogram of butter, a trader sells ten lots of twenty kilograms and six lots of two kilograms five hundred grams. How much butter is left?

7. A lorry carried seven baskets of kolanuts. Two of the baskets weighed 21 kilograms 90 grams and 26 kilograms 400 grams. Each of the other five baskets weighed 20 kilograms 350 grams. Find the total weight of all the baskets of kolanuts.

8. An empty box weighing 0.75 kilogram is filled with twenty-four packets of rice, each weighing 0.56 kilogram. What is the total weight of the box?

9. A piece of brick weighs 2.25 kilograms. What is the weight of twelve pieces of such bricks?

10. Eight tins of milk weigh 17.6 kilograms. What is the weight of ten tins of milk?