
1.) _________________ is a method of growing new plants from seeds or other existing parts of a plant (a) crop weeding (b) crop yielding (c) crop propagation (d) crop production

2.) There are ____________ types of crop propagation (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 3

3.) ______________ is a vegetative propagation

(a) sexual propagation (b) sexual propagation (c) yielding (d) production

4.) The propagation of growing new plants from seeds is called _______ (a) asexual propagation

(b) sexual propagation (c) bisexual propagation (d) unisexual propagation

5.) Asexual propagation involves the use of stems, roots and leaf

(a) true (b) false (c) maybe (d) not sure

6.) ___________ is used for sexual propagation (a) maize (b) tube (c) onion (d) cocoyam

7.) __________ is used for asexual propagation (a) steam (b) rice (c) beans (d) maize

8.) There are _______________ processes involved in asexual propagation (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 4

9.) ____________ are natural or synthetic substance or chemical produced to enrich the soil

(a) fertilizer (b) sand (c) vitamin (d) minerals

10.) ______________ are called inorganic manure (a) manure (b) fertilizer (c) oil (d) mineral

11.) NPK means ____________ (a) Nigeria, Port-Harcourt and Kano

(b) Nutrient, Potasin and Kerosine (c) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium

12.) ___________ are organic substance added to the soil to increase its fertility

(a) fertilizer (b) manure (c) urea (d) faeces

13.) __________ are plants that beautify our surroundings

(a) ornamental dress (b) ornamental gown (c) ornamental plants (d) ornamental tree

14.) Ornamental plants are grown by a person called ____________

(a) flower man (b) florist (c) farm (d) flowerist

15.) ________ involves removing unwanted plants (a) weeding (b) widing (c) cutting (d) growing

16.) Leaves, paper, soil dung, ash water, straws make up ___________

(a) compost manure (b) primary manure (c) green manure (d) farm yard manure

17.) There are _________ factors of production (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

18.) The reward of land as a free gift of nature is _____ (a) salary (b) interest (c) rent (d) dividend

19.) Which of the following operation is carried or done after planting ornamental crop _______

(a) watering (b) land clearing (c) seed bed-preparation (d) planting

20.) The act of trimming the vegetative parts to have good shape is known as _______

(a) mulching (b) pruning (c) weeding (d) clearing





1.) What is crop propagation ______________________________________________________


b.) List two types of crop propagation and explain them

(a) _________________________________________________________________________

(b) _________________________________________________________________________


2.) Ornamental plants are _________________________________________________________


b.) List three types of flower you know

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________


3.) What is production ___________________________________________________________


b.) List the factors of productions

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


4.) Mention two uses of ornamental plant

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


b.) Mention any two places where ornamental plants me be raised

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


5.) The final person whom the finished goods are distributed to is referred to as ______________

b.) _______________________ is a free gift of nature among the factors of production





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