SECOND TERM SOCIAL STUDIES PRIMARY 4 WEEKS TOPICS Citizenship The concept of government The concept of local Government Problems of local government and suggestion and Solution The concept of State Government Separation of power and functions Second Term Mid Term Test Social Studies  Division of labour Why division of labour is necessary in Agricultural Industry


PRIMARY FIVE SOCIAL STUDIES SECOND TERM WEEKS TOPICS 1. Leadership 2. Organization and cooperation – Meaning of organization and cooperation – Types of organization and cooperation – Why people live together -Functions of various organization and cooperation – Benefit of living together i.e. cooperation in Solving common problems, protect one another, Sharing of things together

Gender Studies

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Gender Studies Gender is the meaning a society gives to a person’s biological sex. It is what it means to be a boy or a girl or a man or a woman. A person’s gender is their biological sex and all social behaviour that go along with

Communication and Transportation

  Class: Basic 5   Subject: Social Studies   Topic: Revision ( Communication and transportation)   1. ______________ is the movement of people, goods and services from one place to another.   2. Mention the means of transportation.   3. The sending of information from one person to another is known as _________________________.   4.

What is desalination?

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Tests Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly. 1. Buildings with two floors are called ________________. (a) Bungalows (b) Duplexes (c) Skyscrapers 2. What is desalination? 3. The first railway line in Nigeria was from ___________ to _____________. 4. Mention the two major forms of land

The headquarters of ECOWAS is in

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: Social— Studies TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Fill in the correct answer:::: Questions. (1)The Economic community of West Africa state was founded on______. (a) May 29th 1975. (b)May 18th 1975. (c)May 28th 2975. (2)The headquarters of ECOWAS is in _____ (a)Oyo(b)Abuja (c)Lagos. (3)Africa is divided into______regions . (a)ten (b) eight (c)five .

List two objects in the classroom

  SUBJECT:: Social – Studies   CLASS: Basic 1   TOPIC:: Evaluation-   Questions. 1. List two objects in the classroom …………. …………. 2. ……. Cooks for the family a. father b. mother C. I don’t know 3. List 2 rules in a Community …………. …………. 4. List two objects in the Kitchen ………… …………

Class: Basic 4 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Evaluation Test

  Class: Basic 4 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Evaluation Test   (1) One of the commonly abused drugs is _________ (a) tea (b) Cannabis (2) One of the socio__ economic effects of drugs is _________ (a) eating and sleeping (b) poor academic (3) One of the sources of drugs supply is _________ (a) drinking (b)
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