Tag: Primary 5

Mention five items needed to make simple article. 

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Home Economics   Topic: Tests     Instruction: Read and answer the following questions correctly.     Mention five items needed to make simple article.   _________________   _________________   _________________   _________________   _________________   Identify two methods of cooking.   _________________   _________________   State three

Disadvantages of a vehicle

  Class: Pry 4 Subject: Basic Science & Technology Topic: Disadvantages of a vehicle Content: The following are the major disadvantages of a vehicle. i. The vehicle depends on other forms of energy to make it work. For example ; a car depends on the chemical energy from Petrol to start it and a truck


Subject: Social Studies Topic:  SYNTHETIC AND NATURALLY OCCURRING DRUGS Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term, Week:  WEEK 10   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum     SYNTHETIC AND NATURALLY OCCURRING DRUGS PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES At the end of this Unit, Pupils should be able to know: Meaning

Revision Primary 5 Computer Study Test 

  Class: Primary 5 Subject: Computer Study Topic: Test   Instructions: Answer the following questions.   The full meaning of www is __________________________________   The first page that appear when you switch on your computer is called a ________ (a) screen (b) desktop (c) icons   The following are examples of internet browser except _____

Respiration and Excretion

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Basic Science and Technology   Topic: Revision (Respiration and Excretion)   Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly.   1. What is Respiration? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   2. The air we breathe in is called ________________, while the air we breathe out is called ______________________.   3. List three

Express 37 base 10 in binary.

    Class: Basic 5   Subject:Mathematics    Topic: Revision     Instruction: Answer the following questions by showing all workings.   1. Express 37 base 10 in binary.   2. The chance of selecting letter ‘P’ from the word ‘PENCIL’ is ____________.   3. What is the mean of the given set of numbers:

Revision (Physical development and Personal hygiene)

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Revision (Physical development and Personal hygiene) Instruction: Read the questions and answer them correctly. ___________ is the period when a child’s body undergoes dramatic sexual development. (a) Adolescence (b) Puberty (c) growth Two factors that can hinder physical growth and development are __________ and ____________. List three

Drug Abuse ( definition, factors causing it and effects

Class: Basic 5 Subject: Civic Education Topic: Drug Abuse ( definition, factors causing it and effects) Drug abuse is the use of drugs without doctor’s prescription. Drug abuse can also be defined as the wrong use of a drug or an improper way of taken drugs. Drugs are substances given or administered to be taken

Relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit

Class: Basic 5 Subject: Mathematics Topic: Temperature 2 (Relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit) On the temperature scale, degrees Celsius can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit and vice versa. To change the temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, we use the formula: F = 9/5 * C + 32 The temperature from degrees Fahrenheit to

Common diseases (Contagious and non-contagious diseases.) 

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Basic Science and Technology   Topic: Common diseases (Contagious and non-contagious diseases.)   Some of the common diseases include cough, kwashiorkor, ring worm, measles, chicken pox, meningitis, scabies, diarrhea and dysentery, etc   Some of these diseases are contracted through : I. Air borne; II. Water borne; III.