Tag: Primary 5

Read the passage carefully, and answer the questions that follow.

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: English Studies   Topic: Revision   Instruction: Read the passage carefully, and answer the questions that follow.     We had paddled along the banks of the Niger for about thirty kilometers, every centimeter of which we had carefully looked at, but could not discover any bit of

What is Respiration?

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Basic Science and Technology   Topic: Revision (Respiration and Excretion)   Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly.   1. What is Respiration? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   2. The air we breathe in is called ________________, while the air we breathe out is called ______________________.   3. List three

Class: Basic 5 Subject: Mathematics Topic: Revision

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Mathematics   Topic: Revision     Instruction: Answer the following questions by showing all workings.    1. Express 37 base 10 in binary.   2. The chance of selecting letter ‘P’ from the word ‘PENCIL’ is ____________.   3. What is the mean of the given set of

Define drug abuse

  Class: Basic 5   Subject: Civic Education   Topic: Revision (Drug abuse and Values)   Instruction: Read and answer the following questions correctly.   1. Define drug abuse   2. Mention three commonly abused drugs: _____________, _____________ and ____________   3. Identify two effects of drugs on victim.  _____________________________ _____________________________   4. ____________ are

Class: Basic 5 Subject: English Studies Topic: Tests

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: English Studies Topic: Tests Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly. 1. Eze is afraid ________ snakes. (a) by (b) for (c) at (d) of 2. Mary went to bed early _________ she was tired. (a) because (b) but (c) unless (d) until 3. Chike is too sick _______

Which of these is not used for drawing?

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Basic Science and Technology   Topic: Tests   Instruction: Read the questions carefully and choose from the alternatives, the one that is most suitable.   1. ____________ is the picture representation of object or an idea. (a) painting (b) drawing (c) sculpture   2. Which of these is

Primary 5 Objective Mathematics Questions Revision Examination

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Mathematics   Topic: Tests   Instructions: Read and answer the following questions. Show all workings.     1. Which of these is a three dimensional shapes? (a) rectangle (b) cuboid (c) triangle   2. If a dice is thrown once, the chance of having a prime number is

List four examples of National symbols in Nigeria

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Civic Education    Topic: Tests     Instructions: Read the questions carefully and provide the necessary answer.    1. What are political parties?  _______________________________________________________________________________________   2. List five political parties in Nigeria.  _____________, ______________, _____________, ______________ and _____________.    3. Define drug abuse.  _______________________________________________________________________________________   4. Give the

Master and apprentice; teacher and

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Verbal Reasoning   Topic: Tests    Section A: Instructions: In each of the following items a word is missing. Choose from the given alternatives the word that most suitably fill the space.   Example: food and water; eat and _____________   (a) drink (b) dinner (c) talk (d)