Tag: Primary 3

Primary 3 Mathematics First Term

Primary 3 Mathematics First Term Weekly Lesson Plan Week 1 Writing Whole numbers from 1 to 999   Week 2 Writing of whole numbers in words     Week 3 Comparison of Numbers by using greater than or less than   Week 4 Introduction of Fractions with shapes like triangle, square, rectangle, circle etc  

Fill in the correct form of adjectives from the following option.

  CLASS:: Primary 3   SUBJECT:: English– Language .   TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Fill in the correct form of adjectives from the following option. Questions… (1) That boy  speaks  _________ English that we do.  (a)better (b)good (c)well (d)best (2)He has  a _______ cat (white,, man, woman)  (3)Today is the______ day of the whole week (a)fine

The headquarters of ECOWAS is in

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: Social— Studies TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Fill in the correct answer:::: Questions. (1)The Economic community of West Africa state was founded on______. (a) May 29th 1975. (b)May 18th 1975. (c)May 28th 2975. (2)The headquarters of ECOWAS is in _____ (a)Oyo(b)Abuja (c)Lagos. (3)Africa is divided into______regions . (a)ten (b) eight (c)five .

Who amongst these is best to consult when in doubt of drug?

  CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: Civic Education TOPIC: Assessment Test   Instructions: Write out the questions and the answers alone.       1. _________ are substances we take to prevent or cure illnesses.  a. Drug Abuse b. Drug law c. Drugs   2. Examples of drugs include the following except__________. a. Paracetamol b. Panadol

How many litres make one kilolitre?

  CLASS: Basic 3   SUBJECT: Mathematics   TOPIC: Assessment Test   Instructions: Write out the questions and the answers alone.     1. Kilogram (Kg) is used to measure _________  object. a. Small b. Heavy c. Lighter   2. Examples of heavy objects include the following except _____________. a. Bag of cotton wool b.

Napier’s bones was invented by

  CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: Basic Science and Technology TOPIC: Assessment Test Instructions: Write out the questions and the answers alone. 1. ______________ pollution is the release of dangerous materials or substances into the environment. a. Water b. Chemical c. Noise 2.___________ is an example of chemical pollution. a. Burning of refuse b. Eating in

Write out the group name of the following

  CLASS:: Primary three SUBJECT:: Verbal- Reasoning TOPIC::Assessment- Test .     Questions. Write two words having common features in these group of words    (1) retreat, hunter, retrain(____,______)   (2)brief, deck, brilliant(_____,_______)   (3) Greek,grumble,  account (_____,_____)   Orange, apple,mango, tangerine are fruits. The word fruits is the group name for orange, apple,mango and

Answer the following questions correctly.

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: Home– Economic. TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Answer the following questions correctly.   (1)_____and____ can be found in the bedroom.  (a)Bed and wardrobe (b)Sand and dust (c)Onion and beans   (2)____cab be done in the kitchen (a)reading (b)cooking (c)sleeping   (3)State the six classes of food  ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________

Form an anagram from each of the following words.

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:::Verbal– Reasoning. TOPIC:::Assessment Test.   Form an anagram from each of the following words.   (1)Form an anagram from the first five letters of the word TEACHER ________.   (2)Form an anagram from the first four letters of the word SENTENCE________.   (3)Form the anagram from the last six letters of

Modern Day Means of Communication.

  CLASS:: Primary 3   SUBJECT:: Social-Studies.   TOPIC:: Modern Day Means of Communication. Content The world has come a long way in developing communication technology. Nowadays most of the methods of communication are fast and powered by electricity. Tools of modern day means of communication. (1)Radio (2)Television (3) The internet (4)Billboard (5(Newspaper (6)Magazine Advantages