Tag: Computer

Computer Primary 3 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY NAME: …………………………………………………………… 1.) The keyboard is an ____________ device. (a) output (b) input (c) shortput 2.) Blaise Pascal was a ______ mathematician (a) Chinese (b) British (c) French 3.) Analytical engine was made by ___________ (a) Blaise Pascal (b) Mr. Kunle (c) Sir Charles Babbage


Edu Delight Tutors LAGOS SECOND TERM EXAM BASIC 4 COMPUTER 1. _________ are the parts of computer that can be seen and touched (a) Software (b) Hardware (c) Strongware 2. The computer keyboard is good example of _____________ device (a) Output (b)Input (c) offput 3. All these are senious of a keyboard except __________________ (a)

Nursery Two Computer Science

      Edu Delight Tutorss Tapa Lagos Island   EASTER TEAM 2020 / 2021 EXAMINATION Subject : Computer Science Class: Nursery Two   Name Of Pupil : ___________________________________________________   Date : ____________________________________________________________ Answer all the b questions. 1. The letters on the computer keyboard has letters Aa to _______ (a) Qq (b) Vv (c)

Basic Computer concepts. THIRD TERM JS 1 (BASIC 7) COMPUTER STUDIES      

NAME……………………………….CLASS…………………………   THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTES JS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDIES                                  SCHEME OF WORK WEEK       TOPIC Revision of Second Term Work 2&3  Basic Computer concepts. (a) Definition a computer (b) Description of a computer as Input – process – output (IPO) system (c) Parts of a computer system e.g. system unit, monitor,

Television  As An Example Of ICT Gadget 

PRIMARY 1 COMPUTER THIRD TERM E-NOTE   Subject :  COMPUTER (ICT ) Term : THIRD TERM Week: WEEK: Nine Class : PRIMARY  1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Radio As An Example Of ICT Gadget    Topic : Television  As An Example Of ICT Gadget      Behavioural objectives : At

Radio As An Example Of ICT Gadget

PRIMARY 1 COMPUTER THIRD TERM E-NOTE   Subject :  COMPUTER (ICT ) Term : THIRD TERM Week: WEEK: Eight Class : PRIMARY  1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Fax machine   Topic : Radio     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

Fax machine

PRIMARY 1 COMPUTER THIRD TERM E-NOTE   Subject :  COMPUTER (ICT ) Term : THIRD TERM Week: WEEK: Seven Class : PRIMARY  1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Common ICT Gadget ( Organizer)   Topic : Fax machine     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils

Common IT devices (Organizer)

PRIMARY 1 COMPUTER THIRD TERM E-NOTE   Subject :  COMPUTER (ICT ) Term : THIRD TERM Week: WEEK: Six Class : PRIMARY  1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Common ICT Gadget ( Wrist Watch )   Topic : Common IT devices (Organizer)     Behavioural objectives : At the end of

TOPIC: Common IT devices (Wrist watches)

PRIMARY 1 COMPUTER THIRD TERM E-NOTE   Subject :  COMPUTER (ICT ) Term : THIRD TERM Week: WEEK: FIVE Class : PRIMARY  1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Common ICT gadget ( Calculator )   Topic : Common IT devices (Wrist watches)     Behavioural objectives : At the end of

Common IT devices (calculator)

PRIMARY 1 COMPUTER THIRD TERM E-NOTE   Subject :  COMPUTER (ICT ) Term : THIRD TERM Week: WEEK: Four Class : PRIMARY  1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Common devices (GSM phones)   Topic : Common IT devices (calculator)     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the
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