Basic Computer concepts. THIRD TERM JS 1 (BASIC 7) COMPUTER STUDIES      




JS 1 (BASIC 7)

SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDIES                                 



  1. Revision of Second Term Work

2&3  Basic Computer concepts. (a) Definition a computer (b) Description of a computer as Input – process – output (IPO) system (c) Parts of a computer system e.g. system unit, monitor, Visual Display Unit (VDU), keyboard, mouse, printer, speaker (d) Input devices: keyboard, mouse, scanner, light pen etc (e) Output devices: monitor (VDU, printer, speaker etc. (f) System Unit: i. central processing unit, ii. memory unit.

  1. System Unit:(i) Functions of components of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Arithmetic and Logic Unit -ALU,Control Unit)ii. Main memory ….
  2. Fundamental Computer Operations: (a) System start up (i) Cold booting (ii) Warm booting (b) System shutdown
  3. Input and Output Devices: (a) Function of Input devices: keyboard, mouse.   (b) Function of Output devices: monitor, printer.
  4. Word processing: (a) Definition (b) Uses of word processor (c)  Examples of word processor (d)  Loading and exiting word processor (e) creating, saving and retrieving files
  5. ICT Application in Everyday Life: (a) Uses of ICT (i) communication (ii) timing and control (iii) information processing/management. (b) ICT and Society.
  6. Computer Ethics: (a) Computer Room Management Ethics: (i) Maintaining dust-free environment (ii) appropriate ventilation (iii) appropriate lighting system (iv) Setting computer (b) The Ten commandments of computer ethics.
  7. Computer Ethics: (c) Laboratory Rules and Regulations (i) Arrange chairs and tables in a comfortable manner (ii) arrange the computers and their peripherals in an orderly manner. (d) Care of computer, diskettes, disk drives and how to protect the computer from viruses and how to get rid of viruses.
  8. Revision
  9. Examination.

WEEK 1.  Revision of Second Term Work


WEEK 2&3                             


TOPIC:    Basic Computer concepts. (a) Definition a computer (b) Description of a computer as Input – process – output (IPO) system (c) Parts of a computer system e.g. system unit, monitor, Visual Display Unit (VDU), keyboard, mouse, printer, speaker (d) Input devices: keyboard, mouse, scanner, light pen etc (e) Output devices: monitor (VDU, printer, speaker etc. (f) System Unit: i. central processing unit, ii. memory unit.



  • Definition of a computer
  • Description of a computer as Input –Process-Output
  • Parts of a Computer
  • Input device
  • Output device
  • System Unit – CPU & memory unit


A computer is an electronic machine that receives data as input, stores and manipulates the data, and provides output in a useful format. A computer can also be defined as a data processing machine. It is an electronic device used in processing data into information. The ability to store and execute lists of instructions called programs makes computers extremely versatile, distinguishing them from calculators. The first use of the word “computer” was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations or computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the 20th century.

DESCRIPTION OF A COMPUTER AS INPUT – PROCESS – OUTPUT (IPO) SYSTEM                                                         

Input Unit – This is the computer through which we send data, i.e. text and graphics into the computer for processing e.g. keyboard, scanner, mouse, Joysticks, light pen etc.

Processing Unit – This is the part of system unit that interprets and processes the data we send into the computer into a meaningful form. It is known as central processing unit (CPU).

Output Unit – This is the part of the computer that brings out the result of the processed data for us to see, store or print out. E.g. monitor, printer, speaker,Plotter etc.


The parts are as follows:

  1. System unit 2.     Monitor (Visual Display Unit)
  2. Keyboard 4.     Mouse
  3. Printer 6      Speaker
  4. Scanner 8.     Joystick



  1. Define a computer.
  2. List out all parts of a computer.





Input device are devices that are used to input text and graphics into the computer for processing. Below are examples of input devices.

  1. Keyboard 2.     Mouse               3.     Joystick
  2. Scanner 5.     Light pen          6.     Track ball


Keyboard: The keyboard is used to type in data into the computer. It is an input device. The keyboard is usually connected to the system unit.  It is like a typewriter though with additional keys. The keys on the keyboard include Caps lock, Enter key, Alphabetic keys, Numeric keys, Functional Keys etc.




                                                          A KEYBOARD

Mouse: The mouse is used to input data into the computer. A mouse is a hand-held pointing device that moves a pointed arrow on a computer screen. The mouse has a cable that is connected to the microcomputer’s system unit. If you turn over your mouse you will see a small ball.  When you move your mouse over a mouse pad the ball rotates. A sensor picks up the movement of the ball, and translates this into movement of the pointing arrow on the screen.

A touch pad is a mouse replacement used in portable computers.  It is a small flat surface of about 5cm by 5cm which is sensitive to pressure and motion.  As you move your finger over it, the pointed arrow on the screen follows the movement.  You click by tapping your finger on the surface of the pad or by pressing buttons positioned below the pad.  A touch pad is commonly found on laptops.





Joystick:  Joysticks are used mainly for playing computer games. They input directional data so that an object on a screen can be moved.  It is an input device that is used to move the cursor or other objects on the visual display unit.  A button on the top of the joystick sends command to the computer.


Light Pen: The light pen is used for drawing on the monitor.  It is also used to read information from bar codes.  It sends signals to the computer according to the thickness and spacing of the black lines it passes over.


Scanner: The scanner is used to transfer photographs, documents, pictures, charts, etc directly into the computer.






Output devices translate information processed by the computer into a form which is readable.  These are the equipment through which one can print, read or hear what the computer has been able to do.  Output can be divided into two types – softcopy output and hardcopy output

Softcopy output is temporary output and it refers to information displayed on a screen or in audio or voice form through speakers. This kind of output disappears when the computer is switched off.

Hardcopy output is permanent output and refers to output printed onto paper.

Output devices include printers, monitors, plotters and speakers.

  1. Monitor: The monitor is an output device. It allows the user to see what is inside the computer. There are two types of monitors: monochrome and colour monitor.
  2. Printers: A printed copy of information is usually gotten from printers. Printers can be divided into two broad categories: impact printers and non-impact printers. Impact printers produce their output when the printing mechanism presses against a ribbon which then hits the paper. Types of Impact printers are the dot matrix printer and line printer. Non-impact printers are faster, quieter and produce better quality print than impact printers. There are 3 types of non-impact printers are:
  3. Page printer
  4. Inkjet printer
  5. Thermal printer
  6. Plotter – A plotter contains a pen that draws line on paper. They are devices used for producing hard copies of complex graphics outputs in the form of graphs, charts, histogram and diagram.



  1. What is an input device?
  2. List 3 input devices that you know.
  3. Describe any two of the input devices.
  4. Output devices produce either _____________ output or _____________ output
  5. ________________ is an example of an output device
  6. Printers can be divided into two broad categories _____________ and __________


Read System unit from your text book.




  1. Which of the following is not an output device
  • Microphone (b) Speaker (c) Printer (d)  VDU


  1. Which printer is an impact printer?
  • Laser printer (b) Inkjet printer

(c)  Line printer   (d)    Thermal printer


  1. Which of the following is not a pointing device?
  • Mouse (b) Light pen     (c)  Joystick     (d)  Keyboard


  1. Which of the following is a specialised input device?
  • Optical scanner (b) Light pen

(c)  Joystick                          (d) Printer


  1. A keyboard is usually connected to __________
  • CPU (b) System Unit
  • Monitor (d)  ALU



  1. Explain the difference between an impact printer and a non-impact printer.
  2. With the aid of diagrams describe the following input units:

(a) Mouse  (b) Joystick              (c) printer



WEEK   4                              


TOPIC: SYSTEM UNIT: (i) Functions of components of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Arithmetic and Logic Unit – ALU, Control Unit) ii. Main memory

CONTENT:  1. Components of the CPU: Functions of The ALU; Functions

of The Control Unit

  1.  Functionsof The Main Memory



The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is referred to as the ‘brain’ of the computer. It is found in the system unit.  The speed of the CPU determines how fast a computer operates.  The faster the speed of the CPU, the faster the computer.  The speed of the CPU is measured in Megahertz (MHz) and Gigabyte (GB) millions/billions of cycles per second.  The CPU is made up of the following functional units:

  • Arithmetic and Logic Unit
  • Control Unit
  • Main memory

The CPU controls the workings of the computer.  When data is keyed into the computer through one of the input devices such as a keyboard, the CPU decides on what to do, how to do it and which unit will do it.  If the processing involves calculations then the CPU will direct the ALU to carry out the processing.  If the result of the processing is to be stored, then the CPU will send it to the Main memory or any of the external storage devices for storage.  The CPU processes data according to the instructions given by the user.


  1. The Arithmetic and Logic Unit performs arithmetic operations on data. All types of calculations are carried out in the ALU.
  2. It also performs logical and manipulation operations on data.



  1. The Control Unit interprets instructions.
  2. It also supervises the execution of the instructions of the stored program in the correct sequence.


  1. What is another name for the CPU?
  2. Name the components of the CPU.



The main memory is the primary storage unit of the computer.  The main memory is made up of two types of memory:

Random Access Memory – It is also referred to as general purpose memory.

– This is made available to the user for storing programs and data

temporarily during processing.

–  RAM stores limited amount of information.

Read Only Memory  – This is a special purpose memory.

– It is used for storing programs permanently within memory circuits.

– The ROM tells the computer what to do when turned on.

–  The instructions in ROM were stored during manufacture and cannot

be changed or modified.

– The ROM checks whether the peripherals e.g. keyboard or printer are

connected properly.

–   It can only be read; nothing can be written onto it.


  1. What are the functions of the ALU?
  2. What functions does the Control Unit perform?



Read the Fundamental Computer Operations



  1. The speed of the CPU is measured in ______________ and _______________
  • Inches (b) centimetres (c) megahertz (d)  Gigabyte


  1. The functional units of the CPU are __________________, ________________  and _____________________
  • Cooling fan (b) ALU (c) Control Unit (d) Memory


  1. The two types of memory are _______________ and ___________________


  1. The following are the functions of ROM except __________________
  • Storing programs permanently within memory circuits.
  • Tells the computer what to do when turned on.
  • Stores data temporarily during processing.

(d) Checks whether the peripherals are connected properly.

  1. ___________ determines how fast a computer operates.

(a) The speed of the ALU                      (b) The speed of the CPU

(c) The speed of the system unit    (d) The speed of the control unit


  1. Why is the CPU referred to as the ‘heart’ of the computer?
  2. What is the difference between RAM and ROM?

WEEK   5                                    



(i) Cold booting  (ii) Warm booting (b) System shutdown








System Start Up: when the computer is switched on, it carries out a Power On Self Test (POST). During this process, it check the various devices connected to it to ensure they are function well, devices like the monitor, keyboard and mouse, after which is locates the boot sector file, which enables it to boot. Start up messages is usually displayed if there is a problem, for example, that a start up file is missing. If everything works well, then the computer will be ready for use.

  1. Cold Booting: this is the process of switching the computer to the ON position from the power button of the system unit (CPU) and the monitor. Before putting on the computer, you must make sure all the cables are properly fixed. Cold booting is carried out by pressing the power button on the system. As soon as this is done, the Central Processing Unit (CPU) will start what is called Power-On Self Test (POST). During this test, the CPU checks the primary memory, hard disk drive, floppy disk drive and the keyboard to ensure that they are working.

If the CPU finds out that any of these devices is not working; then the booting process will be terminated. The booting process takes a few minutes if the computer is in good form. If the capacity is high, that means the processing power will be high and the boot will be faster.

  1. Warm Booting: there are times that a computer system will have some problems which make it to hang. Hanging means the computer at that time does not obey the commands issued by the user. When a computer system hangs, the user will have to reboot it. This is called WARM BOOTING and it is carried out in two ways:
  • By pressing the reset button on the system unit.
  • By pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys at the same time.

When the computer system reboots, some of the POST tests, such as the memory check, will be skipped.





  1. Close all open windows or running programs.
  2. Click the start button and then click shut down.
  3. When you click shut down, perhaps you forgot to save changes, the document windows prompts you to do so. S screen message helps you to safely turn off your computer.



Fill in the blank spaces

When the computer is switched ON, the ___________________ carries out a ___________ Test. Before putting on the computer, you must make sure that all the ____________ are properly fixed.  _______________ means putting on the computer to make it ready.



Read Input and Output Devices.




  1. When a computer system hangs, the user will have to ___________
  • Resave (b) start again (c) shut down the computer (d) reboot
  1. What is the function of these keys Ctrl + Alt + Delete when pressed at the same time?
  • It opens a document. (b) It closes a file.

(c) It boots the computer. (d) It shuts down the computer.

  1. The _______________ file enables the computer to boot.

(a) Boot sector file                (b) system file

(c) Booting file              (d) document file

  1. If the capacity of a computer is high,

(a) Booting will be slower                     (b) The speed will be moderate

(c) The processing power will be high        (d)The start up file will be fast.

  1. The reset button is used for ___________

(a) Opening a document              (b) Resetting a document

(c) To restart the computer    (d) It is used for warm booting




  1. What is booting?
  2. Differentiate between cold and warm booting.


WEEK   6                                    


Topic:  INPUT AND OUTPUT DEVICES:  (a) Function of Input devices: keyboard, mouse.   (b) Function of Output devices: monitor, printer.

CONTENT  (a)   Function of input devices – keyboard, mouse etc

(b)Function of output devices – monitor, printer etc.


SUB-TOPIC 1:  Function of Input devices 


Keyboard is an input device that is used to input data into the computer system. Keyboard remains the most vital interface device between user and the computer.

  1. Keyboard is use to enter text, number and punctuation mark.
  2. It can be used to shut down the computer system.

iii.     Ctrl+Alt+Del keys can be used to restart the computer during warm booting


There are different types of keyboard. All keyboards perform similar functions.

They are:

  1. XT Keyboard
  2. Standard Keyboard
  3. Enhanced keyboard
  4. Windows Keyboard
  5. Multi-media keyboard


Features of Standard Keyboard

  1. It has 10 function keys ii.      It has four arrow keys

iii.     It has 89-96 keys


Features of Enhanced Keyboard

  1. It has 12 function keys ii.      It has 8 arrow keys

iii.     It has 101 – 105 keys



  1. A mouse is a pointing device used to control the movement of a mouse pointer cursor in a graphical environment.
  2. It is an alternative to keyboard.

iii.     Mouse can be dragged by hand on smooth surface called mouse pad.

  1. It is an input device that can be used to draw.


SUB-TOPIC 2:  Function of Output Devices



  1. Monitor is an output device
  2. It looks like TV screen

iii.     It is used for viewing the result of the operation which the computer has performed.

  1. It is also referred to Visual Display Unit, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) or Console.
  2. Monitor produces softcopy – i.e. result display on the screen of the monitor

There are two types of monitor, these are monochrome and colour monitor.



Printer is a peripheral output device that produces a permanent record of processing on paper or other material.

The printer output is called hard copy output.

There are two types of printer, namely:

  1. Non-impact printers
  2. Impact printers


Non-impact Printers                   Impact Printers

Ink jet printer                                  Daisy wheel printers

Laser jet printers                                      Dot matrix printer

Thermal printer

Electro thermal printers



  1. What do you understand by i. softcopy and hardcopy?
  2. List 3 functions of monitor
  3. Mention 2 functions of a printer.



Read word processing from your text book




  1. Which of the following is not an output device
  • Microphone (b) Speaker    (c) Printer (d)  VDU


  1. Which printer is an impact printer?
  • Laser printer (b) Inkjet printer

(c)  Line printer   (d)    Thermal printer


  1. Which of the following is not a pointing device?
  • Mouse (b)  Light pen (c)  Joystick     (d)  Keyboard


  1. Which of the following is a specialised input device?
  • Optical scanner        (b)  Light pen

(c)  Joystick                          (d) Printer


  1. A keyboard is usually connected to __________
  • CPU (b) System Unit
  • Monitor (d)  ALU



  1. Explain the difference between an impact printer and a non-impact printer.
  2. List 2 features each of both standard and enhanced keyboards.



WEEK 7                                      


TOPIC: WORD PROCESSING: (a) Definition  (b) Uses of word processor (c)  Examples of word processor (d)  Loading and exiting word processor (e) creating, saving and retrieving files

CONTENT:i.     Definition of word processor; Uses of word processor;

Example of word processor

  1. Loading and exiting word processor; Creating, saving and

retrieving files


Sub-Topic 1: Definition of Word Processor, Uses of Word Processor,

Examples of Word Processor.



A word processor is an application package that allows you to do word processing. Word processing is the preparation of documents such as letters, reports, memos, books or any type of correspondence on a computer.  In other words, Word processing is the creation, formatting and production of texts using the computer.

Uses of Word Processor:

The following are the uses of word processor:

  1. It is used to type documents, letters, memos, magazines, newspapers, etc. Using a word processor allows you to enter text on the ‘page’ shown on the computer screen, and make changes to that text without having to retype the entire document from scratch.
  2. Word processor is used to save documents on disk so that it can be retrieved and worked on at a later date.
  3. It is used to format documents to make them look very professional. You cannot do any of these things on a typewriter.
  4. Word processor can be used for designing letter heads, birthday cards, invitation letters, etc.

Examples of Word Processor:

Some of the more popular word processors available today are i. Microsoft Word  ii.   Lotus   iii. Word Pro    iv. Word Pad      v. Word Perfect. Although these word processors are created and sold by different companies, they possess many similar functions


  1. What is a Word processor?
  2. What are the uses of a Word processor?

Sub-Topic 2: Loading and Exiting Word Processor, Creating, Saving and

 Retrieving Files.

Loading and Exiting Word Processor:

To load a word processor, say Microsoft Word, go through the following steps:

  1. Point the mouse arrow on the Start button and click.
  2. When the Start menu appears, select Programs
  3. When the Programs menu appears, click on Microsoft Office and select Microsoft Word.

The Word window appears. To exit, use the following steps:

  1. Click File menu
  2. When the File menu appears, select Exit

This exits the Word window back to your desktop background.


At the extreme right of the Word window is the close button represented with an X, clicking on it will also exit the Word window.

Creating, Saving and Retrieving Files:

To create a file in Ms-Word, follow the steps below:

  1. Load Ms-Word
  2. As you open Word, a new document window opens.
  3. You are able to start typing immediately as the document will have default settings. This means that features such as page size, margin size, line spacing, font style and size have all been preset.

Saving Your Work:

Saving a document on a back-up storage device makes it available for editing and printing at a later date. To save a document in Ms-Word, you can use the File menu or the Save icon on the standard toolbar.

Saving a File Using the File Menu:

  1. Pull down the File menu
  2. Select The ‘Save As’ dialogue box appears
  3. Type in a name for the document in the box labelled ‘File name’
  4. Select a storage location from the drop-down list provided in the ‘Save in’ box
  5. Click on the Save

Once your document has been saved as a file you can use the same Save function to update your document as you continue typing. That is, if you make changes to your document you do not have to use the ‘Save As’ dialogue box again. The changes to your work will be saved in the same location using the same file name.

To Retrieve a Document:

  1. Pull down the File menu and select Open or from the toolbar click the Open button
  2. The ‘Open’ dialogue box, appears. Using the ‘Look in’ box, select the location where the file is stored.
  3. When the list of files/folders is displayed, you either:
  • Type the name of the file you want to open in the ‘File Name’ box and click Open or
  • Double click on the name of the desired file.


  1. __________ or _________ can be used to save our work.
  2. Describe how to load Ms-Word.

Reading Assignment:

  1. Search through the Internet for the following:

The use of ICT as communication.

Weekend Assignment:


  1. The uses of Ms-Word include the following except _____________

(a)It is used to type documents, letters, memos, magazines.

(b) Word processor is used to play music.

  • It is used to format documents to make them look very professional.
  • Word processor can be used for designing letter heads, birthday cards, and invitation letters.


  1. Word processing involves the following except ___________
  • Creating text (b) Formatting text
  • Producing text             (d) Fixing text.


  1. To load Microsoft Word, fill in the blank spaces with the words in the bracket.

Point the mouse arrow on the ______ button and click.  When the ______menu appears,  select _________.  Click ________ and select _______________

(Start, Programs, Microsoft Word, Menu, Microsoft Office)


  1. To save a file in Microsoft Word, click on __________
  • Open menu (b) Save icon

(c) Programs                             (d) File icon

  1. To close Microsoft Word, click on the following:

(a) Open menu/click X button

(b) File menu/Click X button

(c) Open menu/Close

(d) File menu/minimize button


  1. What is the difference between a Word processor and Word processing?
  2. Describe how to load Ms-Word.



WEEK 8                                


TOPIC: ICT Application in Everyday Life: (a) Uses of ICT (i) communication (ii) timing and control (iii) information processing/management. (b) ICT and Society

CONTENT:  i.Uses of ICT – Communication, timing and control, information


  1. ICT and Society

Sub-Topic 1: USES OF ICT 




  2. ICT is used to send information across to people using the electronic-mail (e-mail) through the internet.
  3. Many people use the GSM (mobile phone) to communicate.
  4. Audio and Video conferencing is also made possible through the internet. With video conferencing, people at various distant locations can discuss on different topics. Each of these people makes their contributions to the topic under discussion.
  5. Chatting and instant messaging



The use of ICT in timing and control includes the following:

  • Controlling equipment used for scientific research.
  • Monitoring and reporting on the status of security equipment.
  • Monitoring and reporting status of weather and other atmospheric activities.
  • Manipulating and controlling equipment used in aircraft, ships, oil rigs, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), etc.



ICT can be used in the following areas of information processing and management.

  • Typing letters, notes and other documents.
  • Distributing and sharing of information.
  • Keeping records and inventory, storing, retrieving and manipulating data and information.
  • Transmitting information.


Many of us go through our daily routine without noticing how many times we come into contact with computers. Computer technology has become such a part of our daily lives that if it were taken away we would lead radically different lives. Information communication technology involves the use of modern communication channels to convey information. The Global System Mobile – Telecommunication (GSM), Facsimile (Fax), Computers, Television, Satellite, Communication, Cellular Networks, Internet are among the gadgets used for this.

ICT in Education Industry

ICT has really widened the scope of education. Computers are used to aid student learning through Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) and Computer Assisted Learning (CAL). CAI takes the form of:

(i)  Drills: This allows students to practise concepts through repeated questions.

(ii) Tutorials: which are self-instructional programs that guide the student through new materials, but which allow the student to move at his/her own pace. The student can repeat a lesson if he/she does not understand it the first time.

(iii)  Simulation: Which are basically ‘what if’ analyses. These use sound, text and graphics (multimedia) to bring about an outcome based on a specific scenario. Topics on different subjects are on CDs and can be played on the computer by students. Students can then learn at their own pace. Degree and Masters Courses are also obtainable on the internet. These are made possible through on-line courses.

ICT in Banking Industry

The bank uses the high power of ICT equipment’s to handle wide variety of task such as:

  • Keeping of customers accounts
  • Processing of cheques
  • Processing of deposit and withdrawals
  • Money transfer
  • Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

ICT in Medical Sciences

The versatility of computer and ICT equipment is most useful in medical profession. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, radiologists and researchers find computer to be very useful and indispensable tools. Many lives have been saved because of the use of computers.

ICT in Government

E-government has become a global phenomenon, especially in the western world. Information from the government is passed to the citizen’s logical decision much faster and accurate.



  1. What is the full meaning of ICT?
  2. List 4 gadgets used for ICT
  3. What do the following stand for?
  • CAI
  • CAL
  1. CAI takes the form of ________________, __________________ and ___________________


Search through the Internet and read the following topic:

Computer ethics.



  1. What is the meaning of GSM?

(a)Global Street Mobile             (b)Global System Mobility

(c) Google System Mobile  (d) Global System Mobile

  1. The full name for Fax machine is _______________
  • Facsimile (b) Fascimile (c) Facsemile (d) Fascemile
  1. ICT is used for the following except ________________
  • e-learning (b) e-banking (c) e-travelling (d) e-passport
  1. Which of the following is not a form of Computer Aided Instruction
  • CD-ROM encyclopaedias
  • Drills
  • Textbooks
  • Simulations
  1. Application of computers in banking include all of the following except:
  • ATM
  • EFT
  • CAI
  • Smart cards



WEEK 9                                


TOPIC:    Computer Ethics: (a) Computer Room Management Ethics: (i) Maintaining dust-free environment (ii) appropriate ventilation (iii) appropriate lighting system (iv) Setting computer (b) The Ten commandments of computer ethics.


  • Computer Room Management Ethics
  • The Ten Commandments of computer ethics.


SUB-TOPIC 1:Computer Ethics

Ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the behaviour of a group or individual. Therefore, computer ethics is a set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers. Some common issues of computer ethics include intellectual property rights, privacy concerns, and how computers affect the society. While it may be possible to access someone’s personal information on a computer system, computer ethics would advise that such an action is unethical.


Computer Room Management Ethics – Ways of taking good care of the computer Room/Laboratory

  1. Computer room should be free of dust; this is possible by cleaning the room and dusting the computers regularly.
  2. Appropriate lighting system should be put in place
  3. There should be ventilation in the computer room.
  4. Setting computer – the chairs and tables should be set in a comfortable manner.
  5. The computer and their peripherals should be arranged in an orderly manner.


SUB-TOPIC 2:  The Ten Commandments

There are Ten Commandments for computer ethics from the Computer Ethics Institute.  These can be found at Arlene Rinaldi’s website about netiquette.

  1. Thou shall not use a computer to harm people.
  2. Thou shall not interfere with other people’s computer work.
  3. Thou shall not snoop around in other people’s files.
  4. Thou shall not use a computer to steal.
  5. Thou shall not use a computer to bear false witness.
  6. Thou shall not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
  7. Thou shall not use other people’s computer resources without authorization.
  8. Thou shall not appropriate other people’s intellectual output.
  9. Thou shall think about the social consequences of the program you write.
  10. Thou shall use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.


Components in the computer room

The following are what should be found in a computer room.

  1. Computer
  2. Stabilizer
  3. Uninterrupted power supply (UPS)
  4. Air conditioner
  5. Fan
  6. Diskettes and flash disks
  7. Chairs and tables
  8. White marker board


  1. List 5 computer room/laboratory ethics.
  2. List 5 Ten Commandments of computer ethics.


Search the internet for care of computer and diskettes.



  1. _____ is a set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers.
  2. Profession b. Computer behaviour     c. Computer ethics
  3. computer users
  4. _____ is a place where the teaching and learning of computer studies takes place. a. Computer laboratory    b. Computer shop     c. Computer factory      d. Computer house
  5. These are some of the components of an ideal computer laboratory except _____ a. white marker board    b. printers    c. chairs and computer system    d. washing machine
  6. Which of the following is good computer ethics? A. Fighting other students    b. moving the computers about     c. cleaning the computer with dust-free napkins    d. spraying fluid in the computer room
  7. The use of a dust cover to cover a computer system when it is not in use is a computer laboratory rule. (True / False)






WEEK 10                              

DATE: ………………………

TOPIC: Computer Ethics: (c) Laboratory Rules and Regulations (i) Arrange chairs and tables in a comfortable manner (ii) arrange the computers and their peripherals in an orderly manner. (d) Care of computer, diskettes, disk drives and how to protect the computer from viruses and how to get rid of viruses.


–       Laboratory Rules and Regulations

–       Care of computer, diskettes, disk drives etc.




  1. Computer room should be kept tidy always by regular cleaning
  2. No visitors: the computer room should be made a restricted place not every disk and harry should have access into the computer room.
  3. The security should be very tight to prevent stealing of the


  1. Eating: eating in whatever form should be discouraged.
  2. No staff should attempt to repair any faulty system but the attention of a qualified engineer should be called in the event of any faulty equipment.
  3. All electrical appliances should be switched off at the end of each day’s activity.
  4. Noise: noise of all form should be discouraged such as stereo set, sound set etc.
  5. Always shut the door when coming in or going out.
  6. On account should anyone remove cable from the socket.
  7. Always shut down the system properly and arrange the chair before leaving computer room.
  8. Always cover the computer system after use.
  9. The use of anti-glare is recommended when using computer, in order to protect the eyes.



  1. Computer and related devices are not heat friendly, therefore, do not operate computer in a poorly ventilated environment.
  2. Never switch off computer but shut down properly to avoid creating irreparable error on your hard disk.
  3. Do not leave computer or related devices while they are not being used.
  4. Always follow the shutdown procedure and never turn off the computer until a screen message tells you to do so.
  5. Do not shake the desk or table while the computer and other related devices are working to prevent interrupt.
  6. Always cover your computer and other devices with their cover when they are not in use to protect them from dust




Drives are the provision in the computer system unit that allows the user to write and read from the storage devices. Without the drives there cannot be the diskette.


There are five drives, these are:

A: (drive A) for floppy diskette;         B: (drive B) for floppy diskette

C: (drive C) for Hard disk                   D: (drive D) for CD ROM

F: (drive F) for flash or pen drive


Functions of Diskette and other storage devices

  1. They are used to store information
  2. They can also be used to transfer information from one place to another.

iii.     They can act as backup storage for later recall.

  1. They are used for installation of software/ program into the system i.e. CD ROM



  1. Do not allow your diskette to absorb dust
  2. Prevent your diskette from chemical or liquid
  3. Do not bend for fold the diskette
  4. Do not touch the exposed surface of the diskette
  5. Do not write on diskette labels with hard writing materials
  6. Do not put it near any magnetic objects
  7. It should not be stored or put in a very cold or hot place.
  8. Remove the diskette before you turn off the computer.
  9. The diskette should be gently inserted into the disk drive.


Computer Virus – this is a written program coded by the programmer to disrupt and adversely affect the efficiency and smooth running of the computer.


– The system should be prevented from unauthorized access.

– Avoid pirating or copying other people’s program or software.

– An Anti-virus software should be installed in the system

– Scan all foreign diskette and all external storage devices before use.

How to get rid of Virus

Anti-virus is software or program designed to cure virus.



  1. Itemise five ways of caring for the computers
  2. Name four drives that can be found on the system unit and their letter code.


Read all the topics for your second term examination.




  1. One of the following should not be found in a computer room
  • Chalk (b) Computer
  • UPS (d) Printer
  1. Pick out the wrong statement from the following:
  • The computer room should be well lit.
  • Liquids like water should be kept away from the computer room.
  • Eating in the computer is allowed.
  • The computer room should be very clean.
  1. ____________ is used to protect the eyes when using the computer.
  • Nylon (b) Treated nets

(c) Anti-glare protection                    (d)  Papers



  1. State four ways of protecting your computer from virus.


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