Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Marketing


INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions


Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Marketing

  1. The selling of goods in small units is normally performed by

a. distributors b. wholesalers c. retailers d. brokers

  1. A storage facility that uses advanced material handling system under the control of a central computer is

a. A public warehouse b. an automated warehouse

c. a distribution warehouse d. a storage warehouse.

  1. The way in which a product is delivered to meet the customers’ need is

a. new product concepts b. selling concepts c. advertising activities

d. distribution activities

  1. The process of encouraging consumers to buy products at retail outlet is

a. advertising b. publicity c. merchandising d. distribution

  1. Another term of e-marketing is ________

a. direct marketing b. internal marketing c. electronic marketing

d. electronic banking

  1. A document that accomplishes goods on transit is a ________

a. manifest b. waybill c. bill of sight d. credit note

  1. Marketing concepts means

a. buying and selling to customers b. selling and distribution to customers

c. satisfying customers’ needs and wants d. advertising and promotion to customers

  1. Meeting customer expectation regarding the quality of a product is

a. customer satisfaction b. customer excellent c. customer loyalty

d. customer value

  1. Which of the following channels of distribution will be used by a company that wants to have control over its price?

a. Manufacturer – consumer b. Manufacturer – Agent -Consumer

c. Manufacturer – wholesaler-retailer-Consumer

d. Manufacturer – Agent – Retailer – Consumer

  1. Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix?

a. place d. packaging c. price d. product

  1. Competitive price in marketing is arrived at by _________

a. Considering competitive demand for the product

b. Adding mark-up to the cost price c. Setting margin to the best price

d. Adding margin to the best price

  1. Marketing is defined as a. buying and selling to customers

b. selling and distribution to customers c. meeting customers

need profitably d. advertising and promotion to customers

  1. A product by an organization for use in carrying out a business is

a. an industrial product b. a specialty product c. a consumer product

d. a convenience product

  1. Which of the following cannot be used to identify a product?

a. trade mark b. trade name c. pricing policy d. package

  1. Convenience and specialty goods are classified as

a. consumer goods b. organizational goods c. agricultural goods

d. industrial goods

  1. An offer of free sample of goods is a form of a. conditional sale

b. tied buying c. after – sale service d. sales promotion

  1. The process of dividing a market into homogenous groups of buyers is

a. product differentiation b. target marketing market

c. segmentation d. product positioning

  1. Which of the following is not contained in a consignment note?

a. name of the seller b. name of the buyer c. cost of goods

d. description of goods

  1. A market that deals in soft drinks and cosmetics is a

a. consumer market b. business market c. government market

d. reseller market

  1. Which of the following is a source of fund that a limited liability companywill not pay back?

a. Debenture b. ordinary shares c. overdraft d. none of the above

  1. Another name for 4p’s in marketing is

(a) consumerism (b)impulse (c) specially product (d) marketing mix

  1. The activities of marketing that take place outside your country is known as

(a) international marketing (b) internal marketing (c) Economic

(d) competitive marketing

  1. market information is obtained for

market research marketing concept advertising promotion

  1. all but one are the four ps in marketing

(a) public (b)product (c)price (d)promotion

  1. ________ are product bought by individuals and organizations for further processing or for use in conducting a business

(a) Industrial products (b)service (c) specialty (d) promotional

  1. Sellers that handle their own experts are engaged in

(a) Licensing (b)Direct exporting (c)indirect exporting

  1. an example of specialty product is

(a) Bread (b)Dress (c)A car (d) Food stuff

  1. one of the following is a document used in international trade

(a)bill of lading (b) ticket (c) journal

29.Another name for consignment

(a) goods (b) transport (c) pipeline

  1. The use of pipes underground for transporting liquid and gases is called

A. transport Rail c. land pipeline

  1. The sender of goods is known as

a. consignor Consignment marketer Consignee

  1. what form of transport is used to carry bulky and heavy goods

(a.) rail (b). car (c) .pipeline (d) Air

  1. which of the following is not a factor affecting transportation

(a). cost (b)speed (c)profit (d)nature

  1. which of the following n is not a function of warehousing

(a)Transportation (b) Risk bearing (c)processing (d) Marketing

35.__________ is not a type of warehous

(a) Public (b)private (c) Bonded (d) Strong

  1. __________ is not a mineral product

(a) Copper (b) Zinc (c) Milo (d) Gold

  1. Which of the following is not a global brand

(a)Coca-Cola (b) Toyota (c) Procter and gamble (d) dear mama

  1. The fastest form of transportation is

(a) land b)water (c) pipe (d) Air

  1. Sampling is a way of promoting

(a) Debt (b) branding (c)sales (d) Income

  1. Electronic marketing is usually carried out in the

(a) cities (b) internet (c) Abroad (d)Urban areas

  1. Which of the following is not a type of distribution [a]selective[b]exclusive [c] specialty

42.Which of the following is a type of transportation[a]land[b]pipeline[c]free

43.The fastest form of transportation is by [a]land[b]air[c]road

44.The form of transportation to move bulk goods is [a]air[b]rail[c]pipeline

  1. The following is a document used in transportation[a]credit card[b]bill of lading[c]vending machine

  2. What makes a product different from others[a]cost[b]branding[c]name

  3. Which of the following is a brand name[a]bank[b]coca cola[c]milk

  4. One of the following is a type of warehouse[a]security[b]bonded[c]international

  5. Which of the following is a goal of marketing[a]consumer satisfaction[b]export[c]franchising

  6. Which of the following is not a function of marketing[a]storage[b]selling[c]retailing


  1. What is consumer behaviour

b. Differentiate between consumer and organizational behaviour

  1. List the various stages of consumer buying process

b. Explain three (3) internal organizational factors in organizational buying behaviour

  1. Define market plan

b . What is marketing research

c. what are the reasons for market research

  1. What is pricing

b .explain four pricing strategies you know


Attempt five questions

1a. State five importance of middlemen in marketing

b. Explain five factors that can determine the type of channels of distribution to be used by a company

2a. What is a warehouse?

b Describe any three of warehousing

c. State five functions of a warehouse

3a. What is merchandising?

b. Mention four merchandising activities

c. State five functions of merchandising

  1. State five importance of e-marketing to (i) an organization (ii) a consumer

5a. What is pricing? B. Explain marketing concept

c. List and explain the four elements of marketing mix

6a. What is product? B. Distinguish between product and production

c. State five reasons why new products may fail in the market

7a. Explain “quality” in marketing

b. Explain the following terms (i) intensive distribution (ii) selective distribution (iii) exclusive distribution








  1. What is consumer behaviour?

    Consumer behaviour refers to the study of how individuals, groups, or organizations select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants.

  2. Differentiate between consumer and organizational behaviour

    Consumer behaviour focuses on the actions of individual consumers or households in the market, while organizational behaviour pertains to the actions of organizations or businesses when making purchasing decisions.

  1. List the various stages of consumer buying process

    a. Need Recognition
    b. Information Search
    c. Evaluation of Alternatives
    d. Purchase Decision
    e. Post-Purchase Evaluation

    Explain three (3) internal organizational factors in organizational buying behaviour

    a. Organizational Structure
    b. Company Culture
    c. Policies and Procedures

Define market plan

A market plan is a comprehensive document or strategy that outlines an organization’s approach to marketing its products or services. It includes goals, target markets, marketing mix strategies, and implementation tactics.

What is marketing research?

Marketing research is the process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information about a market, product, or service to make informed decisions related to marketing strategies and activities.

What are the reasons for market research?

a. Identifying market opportunities
b. Understanding customer needs and preferences
c. Assessing competition
d. Evaluating marketing effectiveness
e. Mitigating risks

  1. What is pricing?

    Pricing refers to the process of setting a value or monetary worth for a product or service based on various factors such as costs, demand, competition, and perceived value.

    Explain four pricing strategies you know

    a. Penetration Pricing
    b. Skimming Pricing
    c. Premium Pricing
    d. Psychological Pricing


Attempt five questions

1a. State five importance of middlemen in marketing

a. Facilitate Distribution
b. Provide Market Information
c. Offer Bulk Breaking
d. Assumption of Risk
e. Financing Assistance

Explain five factors that can determine the type of channels of distribution to be used by a company

a. Nature of Product
b. Market Size
c. Customer Preferences
d. Competition
e. Company Resources

2a. What is a warehouse?

A warehouse is a facility used for the storage of goods or products before they are distributed or sold to customers.

Describe any three of warehousing

a. Inventory Management
b. Order Fulfillment
c. Security and Safety Measures

State five functions of a warehouse

a. Storage
b. Inventory Control
c. Order Processing
d. Transportation Consolidation
e. Risk Hedging

3a. What is merchandising?

Merchandising refers to the activities involved in presenting products or services to customers in an appealing way to drive sales and maximize profitability.

Mention four merchandising activities

a. Product Display
b. Pricing Strategy
c. Promotion Planning
d. Stock Management

State five functions of merchandising

a. Attracting Customers
b. Increasing Sales
c. Enhancing Brand Image
d. Improving Customer Experience
e. Managing Inventory

  1. State five importance of e-marketing to (i) an organization (ii) a consumer

    a. Organization:
    i. Global Reach
    ii. Cost-Effectiveness
    iii. Targeted Marketing
    iv. Real-Time Analytics
    v. Enhanced Customer Engagement

    b. Consumer:
    i. Convenience
    ii. Access to Information
    iii. Variety of Choices
    iv. Competitive Pricing
    v. Personalized Experience

5a. What is pricing?

Pricing refers to the process of setting a value or monetary worth for a product or service based on various factors such as costs, demand, competition, and perceived value.

Explain marketing concept

The marketing concept is a business philosophy that emphasizes understanding and meeting the needs and wants of customers effectively and efficiently, while also achieving organizational goals.

List and explain the four elements of marketing mix

a. Product: Refers to the goods or services offered to meet customer needs.
b. Price: Represents the amount charged for a product or service.
c. Place: Involves the distribution channels used to make products available to customers.
d. Promotion: Includes various communication strategies used to inform, persuade, and remind customers about products or services.

6a. What is product?

A product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need. It includes physical goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas.

Distinguish between product and production

Product refers to the output of the production process, while production is the process of creating goods or services through various activities such as manufacturing, assembling, and processing.

State five reasons why new products may fail in the market

a. Poor Market Research
b. Inadequate Planning
c. Lack of Differentiation
d. Pricing Issues
e. Weak Marketing Campaigns

7a. Explain “quality” in marketing

Quality refers to the level of excellence or superiority of a product or service in meeting or exceeding customer expectations. It encompasses various aspects such as performance, reliability, durability, and customer satisfaction.

Explain the following terms (i) intensive distribution (ii) selective distribution (iii) exclusive distribution)

i. Intensive Distribution: Involves making a product available in as many outlets as possible to maximize market coverage.
ii. Selective Distribution: Involves selectively choosing specific outlets to distribute a product based on factors such as image, reputation, or target market.
iii. Exclusive Distribution: Involves limiting the distribution of a product to only a few select outlets to maintain control over pricing, image, and customer experience.




















































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