SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) Which of these is not a form of technology (a) developed technology (b) local technology (c) undeveloped technology 2.) ___________ is not an example of developed technology (a) radio (b) mobile phone (c) gong 3.) The two sources of light energy are _____________


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) The act of communicating to God is known as _______ (a) question (b) pledge (c) prayer 2.) ________ and _________ are conditions necessary for sins (a) pardon and truth (b) acknowledgement and repentance (c) prayer and answer 3.) When we feel sorry

Primary 2 Geography Scheme of Work Second Term

What is a mountain? Ans. A mountain is a piece of land raised above its surroundings. It is about 3000ft or 1050m. What is a hill? Ans. A hill is a piece of land raised above its surroundings. It is about 1000ft or 350m. What is a plateau? Ans. A plateau is a highland, which

Scheme of work for Year 2 (2ND term

  Scheme of work for Year 2 (2ND term)  Numeracy Numeracy Weeks Topics 1 Multiplication – 2, 3, 5, and 10 multplicaton by successive Addition 2 Multiplicaton of 2 digits numbers by 2,3,5 and 10 Multiplication Multiplying 10 by 1 – digit number Word problems 4-5 Division 6 Fractions 7 Mid term 8 – 10

Primary 2 BASIC SCIENCE Second Term Examination

Second Term Examination Basic 2 / Primary 2 Basic Science ______ and ______ are common plants in our locality and school compound (a)mango/orange (b) basket/bowl (c) school /church Plant are living thing that grow from the ___(a) heaven (b) soil (c) market Plants have various shapes and ____ (a) head (b) body (c) sizes The

LITERATURE NURSERY 2 Second Term Examination

SUBJECT: LITERATURE CLASS: NURSERY 2 Ken’s room is filled with toys and _____ (a) Cans (b) dolls His best colour is ___(a) red (b) blue ___ keeps books and snacks in his bag (a) Ade (b) Ken ___tells Ken to empty his bag and went to bed (a) mum (b) daddy Ken kept a meat

Second Term Examination Creative and Fine Art. PRIMARY SCHOOL

SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART CLASS: PRIMARY 1 1. Decorative artworks are for decorating ____(a) field (b) house 2. Foot mat and _____ are examples of decorative artworks (a) table mat (b) ice-cream 3. Folktale is about ____(a) drama (b) story 4. Primary colours are ________, ______ and _____colour (a) purple , green and orange (b) red,

Jss 3 Second Term For French

NAME:……………………………………………………………. CLASS:……………………..   DEUXIEME TRIMESTRE –E- LEARNING NOTE La classe : JS 3 (BASIC 9) La matière : le français. Le plan du travail. Les semaines Les titres 1er Révision des questions de l’examen du dernier trimester 2e Comparer les tailles, les quantité, les qualité et les actions 3e Dater et mesurer le temps 4e
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