Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes
Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Primary 5 First Term – Weekly Brief of Topics
Week 1:
- Topic: God’s Plan for Us
- Sub-Topics:
- God Creates
- Understanding God’s Creation of Man in His Image
- Discovering God’s Creation: Understanding Our Place in God’s Plan Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1
- Sub-Topics:
Week 2:
- Topic: God Creates and Wants Us to Be Creative
- Sub-Topics:
- The Call for Human Creativity
- The Significance of Creation as a Sign of God’s Love
- God creates and He wants us to create Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Week 2
- Sub-Topics:
Week 3:
- Topic: God’s Love Saves Man
- Sub-Topics:
- Understanding God’s Love
- How God’s Love Saves Us
- God’s Saving Love: Understanding the Depth of His Care for Us Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3
- Sub-Topics:
Week 4:
- Topic: God Saves Us from Danger
- Sub-Topics:
- God’s Deliverance
- Examples of God’s Deliverance in Times of Danger
- God Saves Us from Danger: Trusting in His Everlasting Deliverance Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
- Sub-Topics:
Week 5:
- Topic: God Supplies Our Needs
- Sub-Topics:
- Ways God Provides for Us
- Understanding that God Always Supplies Our Needs
- God Supplies Our Needs Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5
- Sub-Topics:
Week 6:
- Topic: God Wants Us to Work
- Sub-Topics:
- Definition and Importance of Work
- Different Types of Work
- God wants us to work Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6
- Sub-Topics:
Week 7:
- Topic: Mid-Term Assessment and Break
- Activities:
- Assessment on Topics Covered in Weeks 1-6
- First Term Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7
- Activities:
Week 8:
- Topic: God Shows Us Mercy
- Sub-Topics:
- Understanding Mercy
- The Importance of Being Merciful to Others
- God shows us mercy Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8
- Sub-Topics:
Week 9:
- Topic: God Saves
- Sub-Topics:
- The Concept of Salvation
- Ways in Which God Saves His People
- God’s Saving Power: How God Protects and Delivers His People Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9
- Sub-Topics:
Week 10:
- Topic: God Saves His People
- Sub-Topics:
- Examples of God’s Salvation in Times of Trouble
- How God Uses People to Save Others
- God Saves His People Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10
- Sub-Topics:
Week 11:
- Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered
- Activities:
- Review and Revision of Lessons from Weeks 1-10
- Revision and Review Test Questions Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11
- Activities:
Week 12:
- Topic: Examination of the Topics Covered in the First Term
- Activities:
- Formal Assessment Covering All Topics from Weeks 1-11
- First Term Examination Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12
- Activities:
This brief provides an overview of the topics covered throughout the term, focusing on key themes and lessons related to God’s creation, love, mercy, and salvation.
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