God delivers people from danger Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Topic: God Delivers People from Danger

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of God’s deliverance during times of danger.
  • Identify examples of individuals from the Bible who were delivered from danger by God.
  • Appreciate the importance of faith and trust in God during challenging situations.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Religious literacy
  • Moral and ethical reasoning

Learning/Instructional Materials:

  • Bible stories and illustrations
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of Isaac, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
  • Chalkboard or flipchart

Reference Materials:

  • Bible passages (Genesis 22:1-19, Daniel 6:16-23, Daniel 3:8-30)
  • Visual aids depicting biblical stories
  • Handouts with key points from the lesson

Previous Lesson: “God Loves and Saves Us”

Set Induction: (5 minutes)

  • Begin by asking students to recall what they learned in the previous lesson about God’s love and salvation.
  • Show pictures of happy families, peaceful scenes, and people helping each other, emphasizing that God’s love brings happiness and safety.

Content: (30 minutes)

📖 Bible Verse: Let’s start with a powerful verse. In Psalm 34:17 (NIV), it says, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” This verse reminds us that when we call out to God, He listens and helps us when we’re in trouble.


Imagine this, kids: sometimes things go wrong in life. 🏠 Your home might face a fire 🔥, someone could get hurt, or you might even be in a scary car accident 🚗. These situations can be very frightening, but here’s the good news – we can turn to God for help and safety. 🙌

Now, let’s hear some exciting stories from the Bible about people who trusted God in dangerous situations!

  1. Isaac: 🌾 Isaac was a good man who obeyed God. In Genesis 22, there’s a story about him almost getting hurt. But guess what? God saved him! Just like when you’re about to fall, and someone catches you, God catches us in danger.
  2. Daniel: 🦁 Daniel was thrown into a den of lions because he prayed to God. It seemed like a big problem, right? But God closed the lions’ mouths, and Daniel was safe! 🐾 That’s like having a superhero shield!
  3. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: These three friends wouldn’t bow to a golden statue, even when the king threatened to throw them into a fiery furnace. But guess what happened inside? They didn’t get burned! Why? Because God was with them, just like a firefighter saving someone from a burning building.

So, kids, what do these stories tell us? 🤔 They remind us that God’s love and protection are real. Just like He saved Isaac, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, He can save us today. 🌟

🔍 Let’s Break It Down:

  1. When we face danger, what can we do? (Answer: Pray and trust God for help.)
  2. Can you name one person from the Bible who was saved by God from danger? (Answer: Isaac, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego)
  3. Finish this sentence: “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he ___________.” (Answer: delivers them from all their troubles.)

🙋 Class Participation Time: Share if you’ve ever felt scared or faced a dangerous situation and how you handled it (if you’re comfortable sharing).

🧐 Takehome: I have an exciting one for you! 📝 Create a drawing or write a short story about how you imagine God helping you or someone else in a dangerous situation. Be creative, and remember, God is our protector! 🌈

So, my dear students, remember that no matter what danger comes our way, we can trust God to deliver us just like He did for Isaac, Daniel, and many others. Stay safe, and have a blessed week! 🌼🌟




1. Sometimes people face unexpected ___________ such as fire outbreaks.
a) opportunities
b) dangers
c) solutions
d) celebrations

2. In times of trouble, it is advisable to ___________ and trust in God.
a) worry
b) doubt
c) pray
d) ignore

3. According to the text, who delivered people from danger in the Bible?
a) Kings
b) Prophets
c) God
d) Priests

4. Examples of people who were delivered from danger include ___________.
a) John and Mary
b) Isaac, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
c) Paul and Timothy
d) Moses and Aaron

5. What should one do when faced with many dangers?
a) Panic and despair
b) Trust in oneself
c) Call upon God and ___________.
d) Seek human help only

6. The text suggests that God’s deliverance is ___________.
a) unreliable
b) impossible
c) limited to the past
d) available today

7. When encountering a road accident, it is recommended to ___________.
a) blame others
b) pray and seek God’s help
c) drive faster
d) ignore the situation

8. Trusting in God during domestic accidents can lead to ___________.
a) greater danger
b) perfect deliverance
c) increased stress
d) more accidents

9. Who are some of the individuals mentioned in the text who were delivered by God?
a) Friends and neighbors
b) Isaac, Daniel, and Noah
c) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
d) Strangers and travelers

10. Praying for God’s help during a fire outbreak is an example of ___________.
a) taking matters into one’s own hands
b) trusting in insurance
c) seeking divine intervention
d) ignoring the fire

11. Trusting God during dangerous situations requires ___________.
a) doubt
b) fear
c) faith
d) skepticism

12. The text emphasizes the importance of ___________ during challenging times.
a) self-reliance
b) community support
c) seeking God’s help
d) avoiding the issue

13. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were known for their ___________.
a) disobedience
b) bravery and faith in God
c) cunningness
d) fear of danger

14. According to the text, who is able to deliver us from danger today?
a) Doctors and scientists
b) Friends and family
c) God, who delivered people in the past
d) Luck and chance

15. When facing danger, one should not forget to ___________.
a) rely solely on human help
b) pray and trust in God’s deliverance
c) blame others for the situation
d) give up hope


Step by Step Presentation:

Step 1: Introduction to the Topic (5 minutes)

  • Begin by telling the students that today, we will learn about how God delivers people from danger.
  • Explain that sometimes in life, we face dangers like accidents or problems at home, and in those moments, we can turn to God for help and safety.

Step 2: Examples from the Bible (10 minutes)

  • Introduce the examples of Isaac, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Bible who were delivered from danger by God.
  • Share short, age-appropriate versions of their stories, highlighting the moments when God protected them.

Step 3: Faith and Trust in God (10 minutes)

  • Discuss the importance of having faith and trust in God during difficult times.
  • Emphasize that just as God helped these people in the Bible, He can help us today if we pray and trust Him.
  • Encourage students to share any personal or family experiences of God’s deliverance if they feel comfortable doing so.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present biblical stories clearly and engagingly.
  • Encourage class participation through questions and discussions.
  • Provide real-life examples to relate the topic to students’ experiences.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively to the stories and explanations.
  • Participate in discussions and share their thoughts.
  • Ask questions if they have any doubts or need clarification.

Evaluation/Assessment: (5 minutes)

  • Ask students to summarize the lesson by naming one person from the Bible who was delivered by God and explaining the importance of faith during danger.
  • Evaluate their understanding based on their responses.

Conclusion: (2 minutes)

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson: God can deliver us from danger when we have faith and trust in Him.
  • Reinforce the idea that God’s love and protection are always available to us

Weekly Assessment

  1. When we face problems or danger, we should __________ and trust in God. a) worry b) run away c) pray d) ignore
  2. In Psalm 34:17, it says, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord __________ them.” a) ignores b) doesn’t hear c) helps d) scolds
  3. Which Bible story is about a man named Isaac who was saved by God? a) Noah and the Ark b) David and Goliath c) Isaac and the Lions d) Isaac and the Ram
  4. Daniel was thrown into a den of __________ because he prayed to God. a) bears b) lions c) tigers d) wolves
  5. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to a __________. a) giant statue b) golden calf c) king’s horse d) fiery furnace
  6. What happened to the lions when Daniel was in the den? a) They fell asleep. b) They started dancing. c) They didn’t harm Daniel. d) They ran away.
  7. God’s love and __________ are real and can protect us in danger. a) sandwiches b) protection c) toys d) laughter
  8. When we call out to God in times of trouble, He __________ us. a) sends more trouble b) ignores us c) listens and helps d) laughs at us
  9. In Genesis 22, Isaac was saved by God from a dangerous situation involving a __________. a) burning bush b) raging river c) fiery furnace d) sacrifice
  10. Finish this sentence: “The righteous cry out, and the Lord __________ them from all their troubles.” a) punishes b) ignores c) hears d) scolds
  11. When we trust God during danger, it’s like having a __________ shield. a) superhero b) invisible c) rainbow d) broken
  12. In times of danger, what should we do to stay safe? a) Panic and scream b) Hide and cry c) Pray and trust God d) Ignore the danger
  13. Which of the following was NOT an example of someone saved by God from danger? a) Moses b) Daniel c) Shadrach d) Abednego
  14. What’s the assignment mentioned in the lesson? a) Write a poem about danger b) Create a drawing about a superhero c) Write a short story or create a drawing about God helping in a dangerous situation d) Write a list of favorite Bible verses
  15. God can save us today, just like He saved __________ in the Bible. a) superheroes b) animals c) people d) vegetables
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