Days of the week in French


I. Underline the correct answer:
1. When I am going to bed , I wish my parents in French Language :
a. Bonsoir. b. Bonjour. c. Bonne nuit. d. Merci.
2.When I get up in the morning I greet my Mummy like this in French language :
a. Bonjour b. Bonne nuit c. Au revoir d.Bonsoir
3.When I am going to school I used to say to my parents in French language :
a. Bonjour b. Bonsoir c. Bonne nuit d. Au revoir
4. In the evening I can greet someone like this in French language :
a. Bonne nuit b.Bonsoir c. Au revoir d. Bonjour
5. If My Mummy gives me something I may say to her in French language :
a.Au revoir b. Merci c. Salut d. Bonjour .
6. If someone asks me in French  language: Comment tu t’ appelles? I will say :
a. Je m ‘appelle b. Il s’appelle c. Elle s’appelle . d. J ‘ ai six ans .
7. If someone asks me in French language: Comment s’ appelle – t- il? I will say:
a. Bonjour b. Il s ‘appelle c. Elle s’appelle d. Au revoir
8. If someone asks me in French language: Comment s’appelle – t – elle? I will say
a. Je m ‘appelle b. Il s’appelle c. Elle s’appelle . d. J ‘ ai six ans .

Link the word from A to their correct meaning in B
9. Lundi a. Thursday

10. Mardi b. Friday

11. Mercredi c. Monday

12. Jeudi d. Sunday

13. Vendredi e. Tuesday

14. Samedi f. Wednesday

15. Dimanche g. Saturday


Choose the correct word and fill with”
Dix Deux Quatre Six Huit Trois Neuf Sept Un Cinq
1 :………………….. 2 :……………………. 3 :…………………….. 4 :………………….
5 :…………………. 6 :…………………….. 7 :…………………… 8 :………………….
9 :…………………. 10 :…………………..

