Using artistic text In Microsoft Word Document

Subject : Computer Studies / Information Communication Technology ( ICT )   Topic :   Using artistic text Class : Primary 6,Basic 6,   Term : Second Term Week :   Week 4 Instructional Materials : Textbooks Computer system   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous

Using tool bars to format a document

Subject :   Computer Studies / Information Communication Technology ( ICT ) Topic :  Using tool bars to format a document   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6 Term :  Second Term Week : Week 3 Instructional Materials : computer system textbooks documents   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9

How to Retrieve and Edit Saved Documents

Subject :  COMPUTER STUDIES Topic : How to Retrieve and Edit Saved Documents Class :BASIC SIX Term :SECOND TERM Week : Week 2 Instructional Materials : Computer System   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of how to use

Growing Healthy: Exploring Crops and Balanced Diets for Grade 3 Students

Exploring Agricultural Science for Grade 3 Students Understanding Balanced Diets 1. What is an Unbalanced Diet? Explain that an unbalanced diet lacks some types of food we need to stay healthy 😕. 2. Effects of an Unbalanced Diet Discuss how an unbalanced diet can lead to problems like stunted growth and diseases like kwashiorkor 📉.

Time Measure primary 6 second term Week 9

Class:- Basic 6 Primary 6 Second Term  Mathematics  Subject:- Mathematics Week:- 9 Topic: Time Behavioral objective:- At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:- 1. Tell the time on a 24-hour clock 2. Read time tables on journeys 3. Calculate average speed 4. Calculate athletic time. Instructional material/Reference material:-Online Materials ,

Weight Measurement

Class:- Basic 6   Subject: Mathematics   Week:- 8   Term : Second Term   Topic: Weight   Behavioral objective:-   At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:-   1. do conversion involving unit of weight 2. do basic operations on weight 3. solve word problems involving weight. Instructional material/Reference

Capacity Measure

Subject Mathematics Term : Second Term Class:- Basic 6 Subject:- Mathematics Week:- 7 Topic: Capacity Behavioral objective:- At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:- 1. Do some conversions involving units of capacity 2. Identify the relationship between capacity and volume 3. Carry out basic operations on capacity 4. Solve word

Volume (Prisms, cube and spheres)

Week:- 6. Subject Mathematics Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6 Week : Week 6  Topic: Volume (Prisms, cube and spheres) Behavioral objectives : At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:- 1. Identify different types of prism 2. Find the volume of prism 3. Calculate the volume of cube 4.

Who amongst these is best to consult when in doubt of drug?

  CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: Civic Education TOPIC: Assessment Test   Instructions: Write out the questions and the answers alone.       1. _________ are substances we take to prevent or cure illnesses.  a. Drug Abuse b. Drug law c. Drugs   2. Examples of drugs include the following except__________. a. Paracetamol b. Panadol

How many litres make one kilolitre?

  CLASS: Basic 3   SUBJECT: Mathematics   TOPIC: Assessment Test   Instructions: Write out the questions and the answers alone.     1. Kilogram (Kg) is used to measure _________  object. a. Small b. Heavy c. Lighter   2. Examples of heavy objects include the following except _____________. a. Bag of cotton wool b.