Sources of Electricity. The flow of Electricity

Subject :BASIC Science and Technology WEEK 10 TOPIC: YOU AND ENERGY SUBTOPIC: BASIC ELECTRICITY BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: AT THE END OF THE LESSON, PUPILS SHOULD BE ABLE TO 1. Explain how electricity travels from one point to another 2. Group materials into conductor and non conductor 3. state the uses of electricity. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Light bulb

Relationship between Degree Celsius and Degree Fahrenheit

Subject :BASIC Science and Technology   Topic : Relationship between Degree Celsius and Degree Fahrenheit Units and Symbols of temperature scale Some uses of thermometer Taking measurement with clinical thermometer   Class :  Primary 5   Term :Third Term   Week : Week 8   INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: A chart showing different thermometers Flask of hot

Heat and Temperature

Subject : BASIC Science and Technology   Topic : Heat and Temperature  Meaning of temperature Explain Heat Difference between heat and temperature Types of thermometers Class : BASIC 5   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 7   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught forms and conversion of Energy   Behavioral

Identification and Mastering of Five Letter Words.

Date: Thursday, 7th May, 2020. Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Reading Readiness Topic: Identification and Mastering of Five Letter Words. Five Letter Words. 1) Clock 2) Mango 3) Apple 4) Lemon 5) Honey 6) Seven 7) Spoon 8) Plate 9.) Knife 10) Woman Home – Work Write Six , Five Letter Words. 1) _________________ 2) _________________

Ways of Maintaining and Caring for Clothes

Class: Basic 5 Subject: Home Economics Topic:  Ways of Maintaining and Caring for Clothes Class :  Primary 5 Week : Week 3   Content Clothing is any material worn on the body to protect and make is look attractive. The care clothes receives give the wearer a longer use of the clothing. Maintenance of clothes

Voice Note on Question Tag

Subject :English Grammar Topic : Question Tags in Past Tense (Continuation) Content Question tags are groups of words that are used at the end of sentences to ask questions Today we shall look at question tags in past tense Examples Example 1. Olu was happy, wasn’t he? Example 2. Ade was absent, wasn’t he? Example

Concept and Forms of Energy

Subject : BASIC Science and Technology  Class : Primary 5  Topic : Concepts and Forms of Energy  Term : Third Term  Week : Week 6  Previous Knowledge :The pupils have been taught identification and care of drawing instruments    Behavioural Objectives :At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to  define energy

Identification, Meaning, Definition and Care of Drawing Instruments

Subject : BASIC Science and Technology Class :Primary 5 Topic : Definition of drawing instruments Identification of drawing instruments Care of Drawing Instruments Term :Third Term Week :Week 5 Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught meaning, Importance and Types of Maintenance Behavioural Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be