Reading Teaching of New words Primary 6 Week 3

CLASS: PRIMARY 6   SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………… Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow 24 Broad Street, Lagos Island, Lagos State, 8th January 2017 The Headteacher, Edu Delight Tutors Group of Schools 38, Bode Thomas Street, Lagos Dear Sir, A Letter of Complaints I wish to draw your attention to some

A simple code

Subject : Mathematics Topic : A simple code Class : JSS 1 Lesson : 2 Content Code system is an interesting aspect of number manipulation . Here, the alphabets A— Z are allocated the numbers 1—26 respectively . This gives a simple code as shown below: A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E


    Class :Primary 6   Subject : English Grammar Topic : Antonyms Content : What are antonyms? Antonyms are words with their respective opposites. Examples are Good….. Bad Nice…… Wicked Up……… Down Far……… Near Dead…… Alive Note that some words form their antonyms by add prefixes to their root words. Examples of such words

Types of Blood Vessels and Their Functions

  Class :Primary 6   Subject : Basic Science And Technology   Topic : Types of Blood Vessels and Their Functions Content : Blood vessels carry blood to and fro all the parts of our body. The blood vessels are 1. The Arteries : There are two types of arteries in our body. The Pulmonary

Simple Sums On Ratio And Proportion

Three men share some bags of cement in the ratio 3:4:5. If the smallest share was 36 bags, find the other shares Solution   Ratio given : 3: 4: 5 Total ratio =(3+4+5) is 12 Fractional ratio = 3/12.  4/12….5/12 Smallest share = 12 Whole share = 36 is divided by 3/12 =144    

The Reward of Stealing

Subject : English Comprehension Topic : Reading Practice Stealing Does Not Pay Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 2 Reference Materials :  Textbooks Online Reference materials Lagos state scheme of work Instructional Materials :.. Pictures showing people in jail for dishonest acts     Previous

Tenses of Verbs. English Grammar Third Term Week 2

Subject : English Grammar Topic : Tenses of Verbs Class : Primary  6/ Basic 6   Term :   Third Term Week : Week 2 Reference Materials :  . Online Reference Lagos State Primary Schools Scheme of work Mastering English Brighter Grammar For Junior Learners Instructional Materials :.. Charts showing different time intervals as in