Jss 1 Basic 7 First Term Examination Home Economics







Answer all questions in this section.

1. Each hair grows from a narrow tube in the

skin called hair

A. follicle
B. scalp
C. organ
D. root


2. The knowledge of chemistry in Home

Economics helps to understand the

A. effect of heat on food nutrients

B. digestion of food in the canal

C. effect of oil on food nutrients

D. working of electricity in the homes

3. Which of these is not an advantage of

good posture?

A. encourages backaches and


B. enhances appearance

C. it prevent body pains

D. gives a relaxed feeling to the body

4. The part of the tooth that contains the

blood vessels and nerves is the

A. enamel
B. jaw bone.
C. dentine
D. pulp cavity

5. Home Economics is a field of study that teaches us how to manage ourselves and

A. career
B. clothing
C. education
D. household

6. A Person who creates new styles of

clothing is called a fashion

A Model

B artist

C. advertiser

D. designer

7. One of the following does not belong to
the group

A. Dietician
B. Nutritionist
C. Caterer
D. Model

8. The glass like part of the eye is known as

A. eye glass
B. eye lashes
C. iris
D. lens

9. Which of the following activities.

stimulates a person’s appetite?

A. sleeping
B. resting
C. reading
D. exercise

10. To become a fashion designer you need

the knowledge of

A. Foods and Nutrition

B. basic science

C. technical drawing

D. clothing and textile



11. Maintenance of a good eye sight can be obtained by eating foods rich in vitamin

A. vitamin D

B. vitamin C

C. vitamin E

D. vitamin A

12. The sense organ for smelling is the

A. nose

B. hand

C. eye

D. hair

13. Which of the following careers is related

to Home Economics

A. accounting

B. carpentry

C. mason

D. modeling

14. Which of the following is not a way of

exercising the body?

A jumping

B. running

C. sleeping

D. walking

15. Which of these is not a disease of the skin? A. eczema

B. dandruff

C. ring worm

D. pimples

16. The following are effects of fatigue on human beings, except

A. prevent a person from doing work

B. causes happiness in person

C. causes irritation in persons

D. makes a person dull

17. Which of these is good standing posture?

A. stand with head down

B. tuck in your abdomen

C. stand firm on the foot

D. place weight on one leg

18. Hair follicle is found in

A. sweat gland

B. epidermis duct.

C. sweat duct

D. dermis

19. Keeping the natural balance of the body

aligned is called

A. rest

B. posture

C. sleep

D. relaxation


20. The tooth is divided into three major parts

A. crown, neck, cement

B. crown, neck, root

C. cement, enamel, gum

D. gum, crown, root

21. The following are major areas in Home

Economics except——

A. clothing and textile

B. meal management

C. Home management

D. foods and nutrition

22. The set of teeth located in the centre of the front of the jaw are the——

A. canines
B. dentine
C. incisors
D. molars

23. Sweat is produced in the skin by

A. oil gland

B. blood vessels

C. sweat gland

D. sweat pore

24. An overall state of well-being is called

A. relaxation
B. sleep
C. health
D. fatigue

25. The following are hair care materials in the

market except

A. conditioners

B. shampoo

C. deodorant

D. pomade and oil

26. A hard substance which covers the crown

of the tooth is called

A. cement

B. gum
C. enamel
D. dentine

27. The nerves of smell that travel from the nose to the brain are called ___ nerves

A. nostril

B. sensing

C. olfactory

D. nose

28. When the sun shine on the skin, one of the

following vitamins is produced

A. vitamin B.

B. vitamin C
C. vitamin D

D. vitamin A

29. All the following are true except one

A. wise buying –consumer


B. family relation–family living

C. Textile—-child care

D. furniture arrangement-interior


30. The complete or deeper form of rest is known as

A. exercise

B. fatigue

C. rest

D. sleep

31. The wax inside the ear acts as

A. trap for dust
B. oil

C. passage for dust
D. lubricant for the ear

32. Which of the following items is used for

washing hair?

A. body cream
B. powder
C. deodorant
D. shampoo

33. Which of the following is not a skin


A. Lice

B. burn

C. Cut

D. bruise

34. The major weight centers of the body are
A head, chest, and pelvic

B. C. head, chest, and leg
C. head, chest, and stomach

D. head, legs and pelvic

35. Whitlow is a disease of the

A. Nail
B. Feet
C. hand

36. Whenever the skin is opened, torn or punctured by sharp objects, the result is

A. cut
B. sting
C. burn

D. puncture

37. —and – – – is the cure for fatigue

A. rest, sleep
B. reading, sewing

C. exercise, jugging

D. singing, reading

38. Which of these may lead to the cracking of

the enamel?
A. salt and water

B. harsh toothpaste

C. very hot and cold food.
D. non fluoride toothpaste

39. Which of these method is the best for

brushing your teeth?

A. clock wise

C. up and down

D. sideways

40. What is the main cause of dandruff”?

A. parasite

B. dead scales
C. fungi growth

D. dead cell

41. One of the following works in a fashion.


A. caterer
B. attendant

C. teacher
D. model

42. Where on the skin are sweat glands and

blood vessels located?

A. sweat pore
B. epidermis

C hair follicle

D. dermis

43. The organ for hearing is

A teeth

B. eye

C car

D. nose

44. How many are permanent teeth in


A. 42
B. 23
C. 16
D. 32

45. Which of the following is important for

healthy teeth?
A. protein

B. chloride

C nutrient

D. fluoride

46. The tool for filling and shaping the nails is

A nail polish
B. nail stick

C. nail board.

D. emery board A

47. At the junior secondary school level Home

Economics is offered as

A. Basic Science

B. Pre- vocational Studies

C. National Value Education

D. Cultural and Creative Art

48.The sensitive spot where image is formed in the eye is known as

A. iris

B. retina

C. lens

D. eye lid

49. Which of the following is not suitable for

the skin?

A. cleansing lotion

B. bleaching cream

C. moisturizing cream

D. toilet soap

50. Pedicure is the act of caring for the and —-

A. ear, eye brow.

B. feet, foot nails

C. feet, scalp

D. hand, foot nail

51. One of the following areas deals with planning available space in a house.

A. family living

B. house and interior decoration

C. consumer education

D. home management


52. One of the following must not be used for exercises and sport

A sweet

B. drug

C water

D. food

53. Which of these sensory maintain body balance?


A. nose

B. ear

C. eye

D. skin.

54. The sensory nerve which goes from the brain to the eye is called

A. iris

B. eyeball


D. optic nerve

55. Which of the following is not a type of


A. normal skin

B. dry skin

C. combination

D. eye brow

56. The inner layer of the skin is called

A. fat deposit

B. dermis

C. nerves

D. epidermis

57. Which of these is caused by moist heat

A. Fall

B. Scald

C. Burn

D. Bruise


58 . The doctor that cares for the eyes is called

A. pediatrician

B. optician

C. dentist

D. Surgeon

59. Which of the following is not a career Home Economics?

A. dietetics

B. gynecology

C. tailoring

D. catering


60. Manicure is the care and treatment of one of the following

A. nails only

B. Hands and nails

C. Hands and feet

D. Nails, hand and feet






1a. State five importance of good posture. 1b. Outline three functions of the hair.

1c. Define Home Economics



2a. Mention five cares of the teeth..

2b. State four functions of the skin

2c. State three cares of the nose..



3a.Mention four importance of Home 3b.Economics to the individual.

3c. Define sleep.



4a. Sate five importance of exercise.

4b. Define posture.

4c. Mention three cares of the ear.

4d. State five cares of the eye.