Second Term PHE  Primary 6 Exams


Second Term PHE  Primary 6 Exams

Edu Delight Tutors 


1. Hockey is a game played by two teams of __________players each (a) 22 (b) 11 (c) 5 (d) 7

2. In hockey, ____ are the goal poachers; they collect the ball from the mid fielders. (a) goal keeper (b) defenders (c) attackers (d) midfielder

3. All of these are techniques in hockey except ____(a) throwing (b) dribble (c) push (d) drive

4. Midfielders in hockey are also called ___ (a) forwards (b) full backs (c) half backs (d) none of the option

5. A team of handball players consist of ____players (a) 10 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 7

6. All of these are skills in handball except ____(a) roll in (b) throwing (c) catching (d) shooting

7. In handball, the ability of moving the ball away from the opponent is ___(a) shooting (b) throwing (c) dribbling (d) catching

8. ____ is the escape of blood from the blood vessels (a) wound (b) sprain (c) bleeding (d) dislocation

9. ___ is a broken or cracked bone which occurs when pressure is applied to bones (a) haemorrhage (b) fainting (c) dislocation (d) fracture

10. ______ is a brief loss of consciousness due to decreased supply of blood to the brain (a) drowning (b)fainting (c) sprain (d) bleeding

11. Wounds caused by gunshot are called ____(a) punctured wound (b) avulsion wound (c) lacerated wound (d) incised wound

12. All of these are type of wounds except ___(a) shock (b) bruise (c) abrasion (d) none of the options

13. The part of the tooth that can be seen easily is called (a) crown (b) root (c) neck (d) none of the options

14. ____ is a hole in the tooth caused by decay (a) periodontitis (b) halitosis (c) cavity (d) gingivitis

15. Gum disease is also called ___(a) periodontal disease (b) halitosis (c) pneumonoultra microscopicsilico volcanocomosis (d) none of the options

16. The early stage of gum disease is called ______

(a) pneumonoultra microscopicsilico volcanocomosis (b) halitosis (c) periodontitis (d) gingivitis

17. All of these are methods of disposing waste except ____(a) locking them away in the kitchen cupboard (b) incineration (b) burying them at designated sites (d) reclaiming and recycling

18. ____ is the release of harmful substances into water bodies (a) air pollution (b) noise pollution (c) water pollution (d) none of the options

19. One of these is an effect of air pollution (a) it causes hearing impairment (b) it kills organism living in water (c) it causes difficulty in breathing (d) it can disturb sleep

20. All of these are effects of water pollution except ___ (a) coughing (b) killing of organisms living in water (c) causing excessive growth of algae and other unwanted water plants (d) water soluble radioactive compounds can cause earner, birth defect and genetic disorder

21. All of these are components of physical fitness except ____(a) swimming (b) agility (c) power (d) flexibility

22. ____is the physical ability which enables an individual to rapidly change body position and direction in precise manner (a) agility (b) power (c) flexibility (d) balance

23. One of these is an activity for measuring power (a) sergeant jump (b) beam walk (c) zigzag run (d) sit and reach

24. _____is the ability of an individual to make a steady posture while standing (a) flexibility (b) agility (c) sit and reach (d) balance

25. Straight knee toe touch and sit and reach are activities used to measure _____ (a) power (b) flexibility (c) agility (d) none of the options



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26. Two techniques in hockey are _____________ and ______________

27. Two officials in hockey are _______________ and __________________

28. Two basic skills in handball are ________________

and ________________________

29. ______________, in handball, is getting the ball into the goal

30. First Aid is ___________________________________

31. Bleeding is also called _________________________

32. Two types of wounds are ____________________ and _________________________

33. Two types of fracture are ___________________ and _____________________

34. In _______________________ fracture, the skin breaks causing open wound

35. _______________ and _______________ health is defined as a state of having a balanced state of mind.

36. One way to have peace at home is _____________


37. One importance of environmental health is ________


38. Bad breadth is also called ____________________


39. ___________________is the ability to do forceful and muscular activity at a fast speed.

40. ___________________ is an example of activities used to measure agility


1a. What is self-understanding? ____________________


b. State two things to do to have and maintain peace at school . i. ______________________________________

ii. _____________________________________________

2a. State 2 benefit of having good friends

i. ______________________________________

ii. _____________________________________

b. WHO stands for __________________________


3a. What is personal health? ____________________


b. State two player formations in hockey

i. _______________________________

ii. _______________________________

4a. State two officials in hockey

i. ____________________________________________

ii. ____________________________________________

b. What is dislocation? __________________________


b. Draw a hockey pitch showing one of the two player formation in question (3b)

