Category: SS 1

The straight line (cont’d)

    WEEK 9 SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SSS 1   FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM TOPIC: The straight line (cont’d) CONTENT: (i) Equation of line (ii)Areas of triangles and quadrilateral (iii)Transform relationship into linear form (iv) Locus of points. (v) Determination of law. SUB-TOPIC: EQUATION OF LINE Two point form: The equation of


          FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM     WEEK 8 CLASS: SSS 1 2ND TERM SUBJECT: Additional Maths TOPIC: THE STRAIGHT LINE CONTENT: (I) mid- level of a section (ii) Gradient of a straight line (iii) Distances between two factors (iv) Situations for parallelism and perpendicularity (v) angles between two


SECOND TERM WEEK WEEKLY LESSON PLANS WITH LESSON NOTES AND SCHEME OF WORK  SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1   WEEK 1 Sequences and Types Arithmetic progression     WEEK 2 Arithmetic Series   WEEK 3 Calculating devices (Abacus, Slide Rule, pocket Calculator and the Computer)     WEEK 4 Scalars and Vectors/Types of vectors  

Displacement/Relative displacement

  FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM       WEEK 6 DATE(S)………………………………………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: RELATIVE VELOCITY CONTENT: Displacement/Relative displacement Acceleration Relative velocity Motion of word problem SUB – TOPIC: Relative velocity Every object or occurrence (be it real or abstract) is relative to some other object, occurrence. If a ship


  FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM       WEEK 5 DATE(S)………………………………………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: VECTOR 2 CONTENT: Scalar multiplication of vectors Unit vector Direction cosines Scalar (dot) product: Application of scalar (dot) product. Projections of vectors Application of scalar product Sub-Topic: VECTOR MULTIPLICATION BY A SCALAR/UNIT VECTOR Let say and

Scalars and Vectors/Types of vectors

  FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM       WEEK 4 DATE(S)…………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SSS 1 TOPIC: VECTORS 1 CONTENT: Scalars and Vectors Forms of vectors. Parts of vectors Algebra of vectors The triangle law, parallelogram law and Resolution of vectors Place vectors SUB – TOPIC 1: Scalars and Vectors/Forms of vectors

Calculating devices (Abacus, Slide Rule, pocket Calculator and the Computer)

  FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM   WEEK 3 SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: CALCULATING AND PROCESSING DEVICES CONTENT: Calculating units (Abacus, Slide Rule, pocket Calculator and the Laptop) Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal techniques and relationship between them Stream charts Software of movement – chart Sub – Subject: CALCULATING DEVICES Calculating units are

Arithmetic Series

  FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM     WEEK 2 DATE(S)………………………………………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: SERIES CONTENT: Definition of series. Arithmetic sequence Geometric series Sum to infinity Sub – Topic: DEFINITION OF SERIES/ARITHMETIC SERIES Series is the summation (addition) of the phrases of a sequence. For example, the collection equal of the

Sequences and Types Arithmetic progression

SECOND TERM WEEK 1 DATE(S)………………………………………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: SEQUENCES CONTENT: Sequences and Types. Arithmetic progression Geometric progression Sub – Topic: SEQUENCE AND TYPES A sequence is a succession of terms generated according to some rules or laws. Examples are: (a) 1, 3, 5, 7 (b) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, … (c)

Reproduction in Earthworm

SSS 1 Biology Third Term Week 8       Reproduction in Earthworm Earthworms are hermaphrodites. Every earthworm has each assessments and ovaries. The sexual organs and their ducts are paired on either side of the worm’s physique. Sexual Replica in Earthworm Copulation normally happens solely at night time. Two copulating earthworms lie head to
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