Category: First Term

Saul’s repentance, baptism and conversion

Subject : Christian Religious Studies   Term :First Term   Week: Week 2   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of Saul’s early life and religion     Topic :  Saul’s repentance, baptism and conversion   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the

First Term Senior Secondary School List of Subjects SS 1 Students

  First Term Senior Secondary School 1  (SS 1)  Subject Combination For Art Students, Commercial Students and Science Students     1. ENGLISH SS 1 FIRST TERM LESSON NOTE PLAN  2. Mathematics SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes 3. Yoruba 4. BIOLOGY SS 1 FIRST TERM SCHEME OF WORK WITH LESSON NOTES 5. Agricultural Science SSS 1

JSS 1 Basic 7 First Term

JSS 1 Basic 7 First Term list of subjects First Term Mathematics   English Grammar   Social Studies   Basic Science and Technology   Agricultural Science  

Basic 2 Verbal Reasoning

  Class: Basic 2 Subject:Verbal Reasoning Test Answer all questions Choose the correct preposition given in bracket to fil in the blank 1.Was he guilty__________stealing (of, from) 2.l was there___________he came? (to, before) 3.He divided the orange_________ two equal parts(into,over) Group of words are given underline the rhyming word to each question. Example: Plight, train,


  SUBJECT:: English  Language. TOPIC Questions.   Comprehension    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions    PIG AND LION   There was famine in the forest. Animals could not find food to eat. They were hungry. Lion went to pig to borrow some money to buy food. Lion could not pay back on

All Subjects Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Lesson

First Term Plan Lesson Note and Scheme of work For Pupils That Are In Kindergarten Class    Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes and Scheme of work Age 4-5 years   Civic Education Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Social Habits Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Health Habits Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Basic Science Kindergarten First Term Lesson

General Knowledge Basic 3/Primary 3 Second Term

Class 3 General Knowledge Week 1/Second Term Topic:- Treating Important Topics in General Knowledge What is a mosque? Ans. A mosque is a place where Moslems worship. What is a verb? Ans. A verb is an action word or a doing word. Give an example of a verb. Ans. An example of a verb is


FRENCH LANGUAGE   JSS 2 2nd TERM     WEEK TOPIC/ CONTENT ACTIVITIES 1 Contrôle continu: 1ère Épreuve Dégager les caractéristiques de la vie rurale: – Les champs, la chasse, le gibier, les routes de sable, l’air frais, beaucoup de nourriture, beaucoup de moustiques peu de jeunes, pas d’électricité. – Expression orale : les choses qu’on


Demander et expliquer la position des personnes ou des choses les unes par rapport aux autres Situer un lieux par rapport à l autre Accueillir . Pouvoir guider quelqu’un dans un espace intérieur Savoir demander /indiquer le chemin pour aller quelque part. SAVOIR PARLER DES DIFFERENTS MOYENS DE TRANSPORT. Savoir expliquer un trajet en transport