Reading and Understanding a Story in French about the Beach French Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

French Lesson Plan for Primary 2

CLASS: Primary 2
AGE: 7 years
TOPIC: Une histoire en français – Sur la plage
SUB-TOPIC: Reading and Understanding a Story in French about the Beach
DURATION: 40 minutes
DATE: [Insert Date]

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Mention, pronounce, and explain the meaning of certain difficult words from the story.
b. Read the story fluently in French.
c. Answer questions about the story they have read in French.


  • Plage (Beach)
  • Sable (Sand)
  • Vagues (Waves)
  • Seau (Bucket)
  • Pelle (Shovel)
  • Château de sable (Sandcastle)
  • Soleil (Sun)
  • Maillot de bain (Swimsuit)
  • Coquillages (Shells)
  • Serviette (Towel)

Set Induction

Start with a brief discussion about the beach, asking students if they have ever been to the beach and what activities they enjoy there. Show some pictures of a beach to spark interest.

Entry Behavior

Students should have basic reading skills in French.

Learning Resources

  • Online resources
  • French textbook
  • Chambers Harrap’s French School Dictionary
  • French and English translation of the story “Bear and Moose”
  • Photos showing “Bear and Moose” on their journey

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss common beach activities and items found at the beach to connect with the story.

Core Skills

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing

Reference Books

  • French textbooks for Primary 2
  • Chambers Harrap’s French School Dictionary

Instructional Materials

  • Printed story “Bear and Moose” in French
  • Photos illustrating the story
  • Flashcards with difficult words and their meanings
  • Online resources (audio version of the story)

Content with Examples

  1. Introduction to the Story:
    • Briefly discuss the setting and main events of the story “Bear and Moose on the Beach”.
    • Introduce the main characters and their activities on the beach.
  2. Reading the Story:
    • Read the story aloud to the class, showing photos that illustrate the events.
    • Highlight and explain difficult words as they appear in the story.
  3. Difficult Words and Their Meanings:
    • Plage (Beach)
    • Sable (Sand)
    • Vagues (Waves)
    • Seau (Bucket)
    • Pelle (Shovel)
    • Château de sable (Sandcastle)
    • Soleil (Sun)
    • Maillot de bain (Swimsuit)
    • Coquillages (Shells)
    • Serviette (Towel)


  1. Nous sommes allés à la ___. (plage / école / maison)
  2. Le sable est ___. (bleu / jaune / noir)
  3. Les enfants jouent avec un ___. (livre / seau / crayon)
  4. Ils construisent un ___. (château de sable / bateau / avion)
  5. Les vagues sont ___. (calmes / bruyantes / lentes)
  6. Elle porte un ___. (maillot de bain / pantalon / manteau)
  7. Ils ramassent des ___. (coquillages / cailloux / feuilles)
  8. Nous étendons la ___. (serviette / table / chaise)
  9. Le soleil brille dans le ___. (ciel / sol / arbre)
  10. Ils creusent avec une ___. (pelle / fourchette / cuillère)

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: Comment dit-on “beach” en français?
    A: Plage
  2. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “sand”?
    A: Sable
  3. Q: Comment décrit-on “waves” en français?
    A: Vagues
  4. Q: Comment dit-on “bucket” en français?
    A: Seau
  5. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “shovel”?
    A: Pelle
  6. Q: Comment dit-on “sandcastle” en français?
    A: Château de sable
  7. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “sun”?
    A: Soleil
  8. Q: Comment décrit-on “swimsuit” en français?
    A: Maillot de bain
  9. Q: Comment dit-on “shells” en français?
    A: Coquillages
  10. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “towel”?
    A: Serviette

Presentation Steps

  1. Introduction:
    • Start with a discussion about the beach.
    • Introduce the story “Bear and Moose on the Beach”.
  2. Reading:
    • Read the story aloud.
    • Show photos that correspond to the story.
  3. Explanation:
    • Highlight and explain difficult words.
    • Use flashcards to reinforce learning.
  4. Practice:
    • Students practice pronouncing and using the new words.
    • Group activity: retell the story using the new vocabulary.
  5. Application:
    • Students read the story individually or in pairs.
    • Provide feedback on pronunciation and fluency.
    • Students answer questions about the story.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Introduce the story and setting.
  • Read the story aloud, pausing to explain difficult words.
  • Guide students in practicing pronunciation and usage of new words.
  • Facilitate group activities and sentence creation.
  • Provide feedback on students’ reading fluency.
  • Ask comprehension questions about the story.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the story and follow along with photos.
  • Participate in pronouncing and using new vocabulary.
  • Work in groups to retell the story.
  • Practice reading the story individually or in pairs.
  • Answer questions about the story.


  • Observe participation during reading and group activities.
  • Check pronunciation and understanding of new words.
  • Review sentences created by students for correct usage.
  • Assess reading fluency through individual or paired reading.
  • Evaluate comprehension through answers to questions about the story.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Comment dit-on “beach” en français?
  2. Quelle est la traduction de “sand”?
  3. Comment décrit-on “waves” en français?
  4. Comment dit-on “bucket” en français?
  5. Quelle est la traduction de “shovel”?
  6. Comment dit-on “sandcastle” en français?
  7. Quelle est la traduction de “sun”?
  8. Comment décrit-on “swimsuit” en français?
  9. Comment dit-on “shells” en français?
  10. Quelle est la traduction de “towel”?
  11. Qui sont les personnages principaux de l’histoire?
  12. Que font les personnages sur la plage?
  13. Comment construisent-ils le château de sable?
  14. Que ramassent-ils sur la plage?
  15. Quelle est l’importance du seau et de la pelle dans l’histoire?


Summarize the story and review the difficult words. Encourage students to use these words in their daily conversations and practice reading fluently. Discuss the main events and characters of the story to ensure comprehension.