Reading and Understanding a Story in French about the Beach French Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

French Lesson Plan for Primary 2

CLASS: Primary 2
AGE: 7 years
TOPIC: Une histoire en français – Sur la plage
SUB-TOPIC: Reading and Understanding a Story in French about the Beach
DURATION: 40 minutes
DATE: [Insert Date]

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Mention, pronounce, and explain the meaning of certain difficult words from the story.
b. Read the story fluently in French.


  • Plage (Beach)
  • Sable (Sand)
  • Vagues (Waves)
  • Seau (Bucket)
  • Pelle (Shovel)
  • Château de sable (Sandcastle)
  • Soleil (Sun)
  • Maillot de bain (Swimsuit)
  • Coquillages (Shells)
  • Serviette (Towel)

Set Induction

Begin with a brief discussion about the beach, asking students if they have ever been to the beach and what activities they enjoy there. Show some pictures of a beach to spark interest.

Entry Behavior

Students should have basic reading skills in French.

Learning Resources

  • Online resources
  • French textbook
  • Chambers Harrap’s French School Dictionary
  • French and English translation of the story “On the Beach”
  • Photos of the story “On the Beach”

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss common beach activities and items found at the beach to connect with the story.

Core Skills

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing

Reference Books

  • French textbooks for Primary 2
  • Chambers Harrap’s French School Dictionary

Instructional Materials

  • Printed story “On the Beach” in French
  • Photos illustrating the story
  • Flashcards with difficult words and their meanings
  • Online resources (audio version of the story)

Content with Examples

  1. Introduction to the Story:
    • Briefly discuss the setting and main events of the story “On the Beach”.
    • Introduce the main characters and their activities on the beach.
  2. Reading the Story:
    • Read the story aloud to the class, showing photos that illustrate the events.
    • Highlight and explain difficult words as they appear in the story.
  3. Difficult Words and Their Meanings:
    • Plage (Beach)
    • Sable (Sand)
    • Vagues (Waves)
    • Seau (Bucket)
    • Pelle (Shovel)
    • Château de sable (Sandcastle)
    • Soleil (Sun)
    • Maillot de bain (Swimsuit)
    • Coquillages (Shells)
    • Serviette (Towel)


  1. Nous sommes allés à la ___. (plage / école / maison)
  2. Le sable est ___. (bleu / jaune / noir)
  3. Les enfants jouent avec un ___. (livre / seau / crayon)
  4. Ils construisent un ___. (château de sable / bateau / avion)
  5. Les vagues sont ___. (calmes / bruyantes / lentes)
  6. Elle porte un ___. (maillot de bain / pantalon / manteau)
  7. Ils ramassent des ___. (coquillages / cailloux / feuilles)
  8. Nous étendons la ___. (serviette / table / chaise)
  9. Le soleil brille dans le ___. (ciel / sol / arbre)
  10. Ils creusent avec une ___. (pelle / fourchette / cuillère)

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: Comment dit-on “beach” en français?
    A: Plage
  2. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “sand”?
    A: Sable
  3. Q: Comment décrit-on “waves” en français?
    A: Vagues
  4. Q: Comment dit-on “bucket” en français?
    A: Seau
  5. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “shovel”?
    A: Pelle
  6. Q: Comment dit-on “sandcastle” en français?
    A: Château de sable
  7. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “sun”?
    A: Soleil
  8. Q: Comment décrit-on “swimsuit” en français?
    A: Maillot de bain
  9. Q: Comment dit-on “shells” en français?
    A: Coquillages
  10. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “towel”?
    A: Serviette

Presentation Steps

  1. Introduction:
    • Start with a discussion about the beach.
    • Introduce the story “On the Beach”.
  2. Reading:
    • Read the story aloud.
    • Show photos that correspond to the story.
  3. Explanation:
    • Highlight and explain difficult words.
    • Use flashcards to reinforce learning.
  4. Practice:
    • Students practice pronouncing and using the new words.
    • Group activity: retell the story using the new vocabulary.
  5. Application:
    • Students read the story individually or in pairs.
    • Provide feedback on pronunciation and fluency.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Introduce the story and setting.
  • Read the story aloud, pausing to explain difficult words.
  • Guide students in practicing pronunciation and usage of new words.
  • Facilitate group activities and sentence creation.
  • Provide feedback on students’ reading fluency.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the story and follow along with photos.
  • Participate in pronouncing and using new vocabulary.
  • Work in groups to retell the story.
  • Practice reading the story individually or in pairs.
  • Share sentences using the new words.


  • Observe participation during reading and group activities.
  • Check pronunciation and understanding of new words.
  • Review sentences created by students for correct usage.
  • Assess reading fluency through individual or paired reading.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Comment dit-on “beach” en français?
  2. Quelle est la traduction de “sand”?
  3. Comment décrit-on “waves” en français?
  4. Comment dit-on “bucket” en français?
  5. Quelle est la traduction de “shovel”?
  6. Comment dit-on “sandcastle” en français?
  7. Quelle est la traduction de “sun”?
  8. Comment décrit-on “swimsuit” en français?
  9. Comment dit-on “shells” en français?
  10. Quelle est la traduction de “towel”?


Summarize the story and review the difficult words. Encourage students to use these words in their daily conversations and practice reading fluently.