Introduction to History History Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Lagos State Primary 1 – First Term Lesson Plan

Subject: History

Class: Primary 1
Term: First Term
Weeks: 2
Age: 6 years
Topic: Introduction to History
Sub-topics: What is History? Who is the Father of Modern History? Why Do We Study History? How to Obtain Historical Knowledge
Duration: 40 minutes

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of History.
  2. Mention the Father of Modern History.
  3. Relate why we study History.
  4. Research how historical knowledge is obtained.

Key Words:

  • History
  • Modern
  • Father
  • Herodotus
  • Knowledge

Set Induction:

The teacher starts by asking pupils if they have heard any stories about the past and if they can share what they remember.

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils are familiar with simple stories and can share experiences.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Audio-visual resources
  • A chart showing different concepts of History
  • Picture of Herodotus
  • Access to web resources (

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Discuss with pupils any stories or events they remember being told by parents or grandparents.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Leadership and personal development

Learning Materials:

  • Chart showing different concepts of History
  • Picture of Herodotus
  • Flashcards

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Primary 1 History Textbook

Instructional Materials:

  • Audio-visual aids
  • Charts
  • Pictures


  1. Explanation of Topic:
    • What is History?
      • History is the study of past events and people.
    • Father of Modern History:
      • Herodotus is known as the Father of Modern History.
    • Why We Study History:
      • To understand our past.
      • To learn from past mistakes.
      • To appreciate different cultures.
    • How to Obtain Historical Knowledge:
      • Through books.
      • By listening to stories.
      • Using the internet.

Learning Activities:

  1. Class Brainstorming:
    • Pupils brainstorm the meaning of History.
  2. Group Analysis:
    • Pupils in small groups analyze and discuss why Herodotus is called the Father of Modern History.
  3. Class Discussion:
    • Pupils discuss the reasons why we study History and share their ideas.
  4. Research Activity:
    • Pupils explore how historical knowledge can be obtained using books and pictures.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Guide the class brainstorm session.
  • Provide information about Herodotus.
  • Facilitate group discussions.
  • Provide resources for research activities.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in brainstorming.
  • Discuss in groups.
  • Share ideas and answers.
  • Conduct simple research.


  • Pupils answer fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Participation in class and group discussions.


  1. The study of past events is called _____.
    • a) Science
    • b) History
    • c) Geography
    • d) Mathematics
  2. _____ is known as the Father of Modern History.
    • a) Socrates
    • b) Plato
    • c) Herodotus
    • d) Aristotle
  3. We study History to learn from past _____.
    • a) Mistakes
    • b) Stories
    • c) Games
    • d) Songs
  4. Historical knowledge can be obtained from _____.
    • a) Television
    • b) Books
    • c) Music
    • d) Dance
  5. Learning about different cultures helps us to _____ them.
    • a) Ignore
    • b) Appreciate
    • c) Dislike
    • d) Forget

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is History?
    • History is the study of past events and people.
  2. Who is the Father of Modern History?
    • Herodotus.
  3. Why do we study History?
    • To understand our past, learn from mistakes, and appreciate cultures.
  4. How can we learn about History?
    • Through books, stories, and the internet.
  5. What can we learn from History?
    • We can learn about different cultures and past events.
  6. Why is Herodotus important?
    • He recorded many historical events and stories.
  7. Can we learn History from pictures?
    • Yes, pictures can show us past events.
  8. How does History help us today?
    • It helps us understand how past events shape our present.
  9. What other ways can we learn History?
    • Through museums, monuments, and historical sites.
  10. Why should we appreciate different cultures?
    • Because it helps us understand and respect others.


Step 1:
The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Myself.”

Step 2:
The teacher introduces the new topic “Introduction to History” by showing pictures and flashcards.

Step 3:
The teacher allows the pupils to share what they know about History and its importance. The teacher corrects and guides pupils where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Display and explain charts.
  • Provide information about Herodotus.
  • Guide discussions and research activities.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Work in groups.
  • Share findings and answers.


  • Pupils will answer the fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Teacher listens to pupil responses and checks understanding.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is History?
  2. Who is the Father of Modern History?
  3. Why do we study History?
  4. How can we learn about History?
  5. What do you call the study of past events?
  6. What is the importance of learning from past mistakes?
  7. Who recorded many historical events?
  8. Can stories help us learn History?
  9. How can pictures help us learn about History?
  10. What should we do to understand and respect different cultures?


The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and provides feedback.

More Useful Links :

Introduction to History for Young Learners