Ceremony in Our Culture (Naming Ceremony) Social Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Fun Learning about Naming Ceremonies

Social Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Plan

Subject: Social Habits
Class: Nursery 2
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Topic: Ceremony in Our Culture (Naming Ceremony)
Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will understand the meaning of a naming ceremony.
  • Students will be able to describe the activities involved in a naming ceremony.
  • Students will share their experiences of attending a naming ceremony and say names to the baby.

Key Words: Ceremony, Culture, Naming, Activities, Baby, Family, Friends.

Entry Behaviour: Students have previously learned about family gatherings and celebrations.

Learning Resources and Materials: Pictures of naming ceremonies, baby dolls, storytelling props.

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge: Recap the concept of celebrations and family gatherings. Discuss previous lessons on social habits and customs.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, Social Interaction, Cultural Understanding.

Learning Materials: Storybooks about naming ceremonies, flashcards with names.

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work for Nursery 2.


  1. Introduction to the Topic: Discuss what a naming ceremony is and why it’s important in our culture.
  2. Explanation of Activities: Describe the various activities involved in a naming ceremony, such as giving the baby a name, prayers, blessings, feasting, and celebrating.
  3. Sharing Experiences: Encourage students to share their experiences of attending naming ceremonies and saying names to babies.
  4. Role-Playing: Allow students to participate in a role-play activity where they act out a naming ceremony.
  5. Vocabulary Building: Introduce new vocabulary related to naming ceremonies and cultural celebrations.
  6. Interactive Storytelling: Tell a story about a naming ceremony using props and visuals.
  7. Question and Answer Session: Ask students questions to ensure understanding and clarify any confusion.
  8. Recap and Conclusion: Summarize the lesson and emphasize the importance of respecting and participating in cultural traditions.


  1. Simple Meaning of Naming Ceremony:
    • Naming ceremony is when a baby is given their name.
  2. Activities Involved in Naming Ceremony:
    • Family and friends gather 🎉
    • Baby is given a name 🍼
    • Prayers and blessings are said 🙏
    • Feasting and celebrations take place 🎊
  3. Pupils’ Account of Naming Ceremony:
    • Pupils share their experiences 🤗
    • They say the names they remember to the baby 👶
    • They learn about the importance of names and celebrations 🎈

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is a naming ceremony?
    • A naming ceremony is when a baby is given their name.
  2. What happens during a naming ceremony?
    • Family and friends gather, the baby is given a name, prayers and blessings are said, and there’s feasting and celebrations.
  3. Who attends a naming ceremony?
    • Family members, friends, and sometimes neighbors attend a naming ceremony.
  4. Why is a naming ceremony important?
    • It’s important because it celebrates the arrival of the baby and gives them their identity.
  5. What do people do after giving the baby a name?
    • They celebrate with singing, dancing, and eating delicious food.
  6. Do babies attend their own naming ceremony?
    • Yes, babies are there to receive their name and blessings.
  7. Who gives the baby their name during the ceremony?
    • Usually, the parents or elders in the family give the baby their name.
  8. What do people say during a naming ceremony?
    • They say prayers and blessings for the baby’s future.
  9. What do pupils learn from attending a naming ceremony?
    • They learn about the importance of family gatherings and celebrations.
  10. What do parents do during a naming ceremony?
    • Parents proudly introduce their baby to everyone and participate in the ceremonies.
  11. What gifts do people bring to a naming ceremony?
    • They bring gifts like clothes, toys, and sometimes money for the baby.
  12. Can you share an account of a naming ceremony you’ve attended?
    • Yes, I remember when my baby cousin was named, we all celebrated with joy and happiness.
  13. What activities are involved in a naming ceremony?
    • There’s singing, dancing, giving gifts, and sometimes games for everyone to enjoy.
  14. How do people prepare for a naming ceremony?
    • They clean and decorate the house, prepare delicious food, and invite guests.
  15. Can you tell us why names are important?
    • Names help us identify each other and connect us to our families and cultures.


  • Start with a greeting and a song to engage students.
  • Use simple language and visual aids to explain concepts.
  • Encourage student participation through discussions and activities.

Step 1: Revision of Previous Topic: Discuss the previous lesson on family gatherings.


Step 2: Introduction of New Topic: Explain the concept of a naming ceremony and its significance.


Step 3: Interactive Activities: Engage students in discussions, role-plays, and storytelling.


Step 4: Vocabulary Building: Introduce new words related to naming ceremonies.


Step 5: Question and Answer Session: Assess students’ understanding through questions.


Step 6: Conclusion: Summarize the lesson and encourage students to share their thoughts and experiences.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions and activities.
  • Provide guidance and support during role-plays and storytelling.
  • Monitor student participation and understanding.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in discussions and activities.
  • Share their experiences and opinions.
  • Engage in role-plays and storytelling.

Assessment: Observational assessment during activities, participation in discussions, and understanding demonstrated through responses.

  1. What is a naming ceremony?
    a) When a baby learns to speak
    b) When a baby is given their name
    c) When a baby starts walking
    d) When a baby goes to school
  2. What activities happen during a naming ceremony?
    a) Playing games
    b) Reading books
    c) Giving the baby a name
    d) Swimming
  3. Who gathers during a naming ceremony?
    a) Only parents
    b) Family and friends
    c) Strangers
    d) Animals
  4. What do people say during a naming ceremony?
    a) Happy birthday
    b) Goodbye
    c) Prayers and blessings
    d) Jokes
  5. What do people do after giving the baby a name?
    a) Sleep
    b) Dance and sing
    c) Go home
    d) Cry
  6. Why is a naming ceremony important?
    a) To learn new things
    b) To celebrate the baby’s arrival
    c) To watch TV
    d) To do homework
  7. Who attends a naming ceremony?
    a) Only babies
    b) Only adults
    c) Family and friends
    d) Teachers
  8. What do pupils do during a naming ceremony?
    a) Play games
    b) Eat cake
    c) Give the baby a name and share experiences
    d) Sleep
  9. What do parents do during a naming ceremony?
    a) Dance
    b) Give gifts
    c) Cry
    d) Nothing
  10. What is the purpose of a naming ceremony?
    a) To celebrate a baby’s birthday
    b) To give the baby a name and bless them
    c) To study
    d) To go shopping
  11. Who says prayers and blessings during a naming ceremony?
    a) Friends
    b) Strangers
    c) Family members
    d) Pets
  12. What do people do after the naming ceremony?
    a) Go to school
    b) Go home
    c) Sleep
    d) Watch movies
  13. What do people bring to a naming ceremony?
    a) Toys
    b) Food and gifts
    c) Clothes
    d) Books
  14. Who gives the baby their name during the ceremony?
    a) Parents
    b) Teachers
    c) Friends
    d) Strangers
  15. What do pupils learn from attending a naming ceremony?
    a) Names of new animals
    b) Importance of family and celebrations
    c) How to drive a car
    d) How to play football

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is a naming ceremony?
  2. Why are naming ceremonies important?
  3. Name one activity involved in a naming ceremony.
  4. Who attends a naming ceremony?
  5. Can you share an experience of attending a naming ceremony?
  6. What do people do after giving the baby a name?
  7. Who usually gives the baby their name during the ceremony?
  8. What prayers and blessings are said during a naming ceremony?
  9. What gifts do people bring to a naming ceremony?
  10. Why is it important to respect and participate in cultural traditions?

Conclusion: Reiterate the importance of understanding and respecting cultural traditions, and encourage students to share their learning with their families.

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