Activities at Home and in Schools Social Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Fun Activities at Home and School for Nursery 2

Social Habits

First Term Lesson Notes

Week 5

Subject: Social Habits

Class: Nursery 2

Term: First Term

Week: 5

Topic: Activities at Home and in Schools

Sub-topic: Discussing Various Activities at Home and School

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify activities carried out at home.
  2. Identify activities carried out in school.
  3. State the importance of these activities.

Key Words:

  • Home
  • School
  • Play
  • Eat
  • Clean
  • Learn

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils know basic activities like playing, eating, and cleaning from their daily lives.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with pictures of home and school activities
  • Storybooks about daily routines
  • Drawing paper and crayons

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Pupils have participated in various activities at home and school.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Social Skills

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Storybooks
  • Drawing materials

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 Social Habits

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Charts of daily activities
  • Storybooks
  • Drawing materials


  1. Activities carried out at home
  2. Activities carried out in school
  3. Importance of these activities

Activities at Home and in Schools

Activities Carried Out at Home

  1. Eating Meals 🍽️
    • Families eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together.
    • Example: Eating rice and stew with your family.
  2. Cleaning 🧹
    • Everyone helps to keep the house clean.
    • Example: Sweeping the floor and washing dishes.
  3. Playing Games 🎲
    • Families play games together for fun.
    • Example: Playing “Ludo” or “Snakes and Ladders.”
  4. Watching TV 📺
    • Families watch their favorite shows together.
    • Example: Watching a cartoon or family movie.
  5. Reading Books 📖
    • Parents read stories to children.
    • Example: Reading a bedtime story before sleep.
  6. Praying Together 🙏
    • Families pray before meals or at bedtime.
    • Example: Saying a prayer before dinner.
  7. Gardening 🌱
    • Families plant flowers or vegetables together.
    • Example: Planting tomatoes in the backyard.
  8. Doing Homework 📚
    • Parents help children with school homework.
    • Example: Helping with reading or math assignments.
  9. Celebrating Holidays 🎉
    • Families celebrate special days together.
    • Example: Celebrating Christmas or a birthday party.
  10. Going for Walks 🚶‍♂️
    • Families take walks in the park or around the neighborhood.
    • Example: Walking to the park on a sunny day.

Activities Carried Out in the School

  1. Learning in Classrooms 📚
    • Children listen to the teacher and learn new things.
    • Example: Learning the alphabet or numbers.
  2. Playing During Recess 🛝
    • Children play outside with friends.
    • Example: Playing on the swings or slides.
  3. Singing Songs 🎤
    • Children sing songs together in music class.
    • Example: Singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”
  4. Reading Books 📖
    • Children read storybooks in the library.
    • Example: Reading a book about animals.
  5. Art and Craft 🎨
    • Children create art with paper, crayons, and clay.
    • Example: Drawing a picture of their family.
  6. Eating Lunch 🍏
    • Children eat lunch in the school dining area.
    • Example: Eating a sandwich and fruit.
  7. Physical Education 🏃‍♂️
    • Children exercise and play sports in PE class.
    • Example: Running, jumping, and playing ball games.
  8. Writing ✍️
    • Children practice writing letters and words.
    • Example: Writing their names and simple sentences.
  9. Counting Numbers 🔢
    • Children learn to count and do simple math.
    • Example: Counting from 1 to 10 with blocks.
  10. Participating in Assemblies 🏫
    • Children gather for school assemblies.
    • Example: Listening to the principal or singing the national anthem.

These activities help children learn, grow, and have fun both at home and in school. 😊


Step 1: Revision

  • The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Advantages of Living Together as a Family.”

Step 2: Introduction of New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the new topic, “Activities at Home and in Schools.”
  • The teacher explains that we do different activities at home and in school to learn and grow.

Step 3: Discussing Activities at Home

  • The teacher shows flashcards of home activities (eating, cleaning, playing).
  • The teacher discusses each activity with examples.

Step 4: Discussing Activities at School

  • The teacher shows flashcards of school activities (learning, playing, eating lunch).
  • The teacher discusses each activity with examples.

Step 5: Interactive Discussion

  • The teacher asks pupils to share what they do at home and in school.
  • The teacher listens and corrects where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Use flashcards to explain home and school activities.
  • Ask pupils to share their activities.
  • Write examples on the board.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the teacher.
  • Identify activities from flashcards.
  • Describe their own activities.


  • Teacher observes pupils’ responses during the lesson.

Benefits of Living Together as a Family Social Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Activities at Home and in Schools

Activities Carried Out at Home

  1. What do families do together at home?
    • Families eat meals, play games, and watch TV together.
  2. Why do families clean the house together?
    • Cleaning together keeps the house neat and tidy.
  3. What games can we play at home?
    • You can play board games like “Ludo” or “Snakes and Ladders.”
  4. Why do parents read to children?
    • Reading helps children learn and enjoy stories.
  5. What do families plant in the garden?
    • Families can plant flowers, vegetables, or fruits.
  6. When do families pray together?
    • Families often pray before meals or at bedtime.
  7. Why do families celebrate holidays together?
    • Celebrating together makes holidays more special and fun.
  8. What do children do for homework at home?
    • Children complete reading, writing, or math assignments.
  9. Why do families go for walks together?
    • Walking together helps families stay healthy and enjoy time outside.
  10. What do families watch on TV?
    • Families watch cartoons, movies, or educational shows together.
  11. How do families spend weekends together?
    • Families relax, play games, or go on outings together.
  12. Why do children help with chores at home?
    • Helping with chores teaches responsibility and teamwork.
  13. What do families do during dinner time?
    • Families eat together and talk about their day.
  14. Why is it important to do homework?
    • Doing homework helps children practice what they learn at school.
  15. What can families do on rainy days?
    • Families can read books, play indoor games, or watch movies together.

Activities Carried Out in the School

  1. What do children do in the classroom?
    • Children listen to the teacher and learn new things.
  2. Why is recess important?
    • Recess gives children time to play and rest.
  3. What do children do in art class?
    • Children draw, paint, and make crafts.
  4. What songs do children sing at school?
    • Children sing nursery rhymes and simple songs.
  5. What do children read in the school library?
    • Children read storybooks and picture books.
  6. What do children do in PE class?
    • Children exercise and play sports.
  7. Why do children eat lunch at school?
    • Eating lunch gives children energy to learn and play.
  8. What do children write in school?
    • Children practice writing letters and simple words.
  9. Why do children count numbers in school?
    • Counting helps children learn math skills.
  10. What is a school assembly?
    • A school assembly is when all students gather for announcements or activities.
  11. What games do children play during recess?
    • Children play tag, hide and seek, and use playground equipment.
  12. Why do children do art and craft at school?
    • Art and craft help children express creativity and improve fine motor skills.
  13. What do children learn in music class?
    • Children learn songs, rhythms, and sometimes play instruments.
  14. What do children do during storytime?
    • Children listen to stories read by the teacher.
  15. Why do children practice writing?
    • Writing practice helps children improve their handwriting and spelling.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What do you do at home with your family?
  2. What do you do in the classroom at school?
  3. Why do you clean your room at home?
  4. What games do you play with friends at school?
  5. Why is it important to do homework at home?
  6. What songs do you sing at school?
  7. Why do you read books at home?
  8. What do you eat during lunch at school?
  9. Why do you go for walks with your family?
  10. What art activities do you do at school?

Objective Questions: Activities at Home and in Schools

  1. At home, we _______ together.
    • a) eat
    • b) fly
    • c) jump
    • d) drive
  2. We _______ our rooms to keep them tidy.
    • a) clean
    • b) paint
    • c) dance
    • d) swim
  3. We _______ games with our family.
    • a) play
    • b) cook
    • c) read
    • d) sleep
  4. In the morning, we _______ our teeth.
    • a) brush
    • b) cut
    • c) throw
    • d) wash
  5. At home, we _______ TV together.
    • a) watch
    • b) listen
    • c) jump
    • d) dance
  6. At school, we _______ to our teacher.
    • a) listen
    • b) swim
    • c) paint
    • d) cook
  7. We _______ our homework at home.
    • a) do
    • b) fly
    • c) climb
    • d) draw
  8. We _______ with our friends at school.
    • a) play
    • b) drive
    • c) cook
    • d) swim
  9. We _______ books in the school library.
    • a) read
    • b) eat
    • c) cut
    • d) draw
  10. At home, we _______ in the garden.
    • a) plant
    • b) drive
    • c) paint
    • d) fly
  11. At school, we _______ songs with our classmates.
    • a) sing
    • b) write
    • c) paint
    • d) jump
  12. We _______ our toys after playing at home.
    • a) tidy
    • b) cook
    • c) eat
    • d) sing
  13. At school, we _______ with clay during art time.
    • a) mold
    • b) drink
    • c) sweep
    • d) read
  14. At home, we _______ family stories.
    • a) share
    • b) swim
    • c) jump
    • d) write
  15. At school, we _______ during PE (Physical Education).
    • a) exercise
    • b) cook
    • c) sleep
    • d) eat


  • The teacher goes around to mark pupils’ work and provide feedback.
  • The teacher praises pupils for their participation and corrects any mistakes.

This detailed lesson plan ensures that pupils understand the different activities they engage in at home and in school in an engaging and interactive way.

Social Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes