Meaning, Problems, and Ethnic Groups in Nigeria Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Discovering Ethnicity: Exploring Cultures in Nigeria

Civic Education Lesson Plan for Primary 4

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 4
Term: Third Term
Week: 2
Topic: Ethnicity
Sub-topic: Meaning, Problems, and Ethnic Groups in Nigeria
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of ethnicity.
  2. Identify problems of ethnicity in Nigeria.
  3. Name different ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Key Words

  • Ethnicity
  • Culture
  • Conflict
  • Discrimination
  • Unity

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with basic ideas about their own cultural backgrounds and traditions.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures showing different ethnic groups in Nigeria
  • Flashcards with key words
  • Chart with definitions and examples

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Ask pupils to recall their own family traditions and festivals they celebrate.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Social skills

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Civic Education textbook for Primary 4

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards
  • Pictures
  • Chart paper and markers



Meaning of Ethnicity:

  1. Ethnicity is about people who share the same culture, language, and traditions.
  2. It is a way to identify groups of people who have common backgrounds.
  3. Ethnicity can include things like food, clothing, music, and festivals.


  • The Yoruba people in Nigeria speak Yoruba and celebrate traditional festivals like Egungun.

Problems of Ethnicity in Nigeria:

  1. Conflict: Sometimes ethnic groups fight over land or resources.
    • Example: Clashes between farmers and herders.
  2. Discrimination: People may treat others unfairly because they belong to a different ethnic group.
    • Example: Not giving jobs to someone because of their ethnicity.
  3. Division: Ethnicity can make people focus more on their group than on the country.
    • Example: People supporting only leaders from their ethnic group.
  4. Inequality: Some ethnic groups may not have the same opportunities as others.
    • Example: Less access to education or healthcare in some areas.

Different Ethnic Groups in Nigeria:

  1. Yoruba: Mostly in the Southwest.
    • Language: Yoruba
    • Example: Celebrating the Ogun festival.
  2. Hausa: Mostly in the North.
    • Language: Hausa
    • Example: Wearing traditional attire like the Babban Riga.
  3. Igbo: Mostly in the Southeast.
    • Language: Igbo
    • Example: Celebrating the New Yam festival.
  4. Fulani: Spread across the country.
    • Language: Fulfulde
    • Example: Famous for cattle herding.
  5. Ijaw: Mostly in the Niger Delta.
    • Language: Ijaw
    • Example: Celebrating the Ijaw festivals with dance and music.
  6. Kanuri: Mostly in the Northeast.
    • Language: Kanuri
    • Example: Known for their rich history and traditional customs.


  • Ethnicity is about our culture and traditions.
  • We should respect all ethnic groups.
  • Working together makes Nigeria stronger.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Ethnicity is about people who share the same ______. a) Money b) Culture c) Games d) Cars
  2. Ethnicity includes things like food, clothing, ______, and festivals. a) Music b) Animals c) Sports d) Plants
  3. An example of an ethnic group in Nigeria is the ______. a) Americans b) Yoruba c) Indians d) Chinese
  4. Ethnic groups may fight over ______ or resources. a) Schools b) Land c) Clothes d) Books
  5. Treating someone unfairly because of their ethnicity is called ______. a) Discrimination b) Celebration c) Education d) Recreation
  6. Focusing more on one’s ethnic group than on the country can cause ______. a) Unity b) Division c) Joy d) Growth
  7. Some ethnic groups may not have the same ______ as others. a) Toys b) Opportunities c) Friends d) Games
  8. The Hausa people are mostly found in the ______ of Nigeria. a) South b) East c) North d) West
  9. The Igbo people celebrate the ______ festival. a) Christmas b) New Yam c) Eid d) Easter
  10. The Yoruba people are known for speaking the ______ language. a) Hausa b) Igbo c) Yoruba d) Fulfulde
  11. The Fulani people are famous for ______. a) Farming b) Fishing c) Teaching d) Cattle herding
  12. The Ijaw people are mostly found in the ______ Delta. a) Niger b) Amazon c) Nile d) Mississippi
  13. Ethnicity can include traditions and ______. a) Cars b) Customs c) Toys d) Houses
  14. The Kanuri people are known for their rich ______ and traditional customs. a) History b) Food c) Music d) Clothing
  15. Working together despite ethnic differences makes Nigeria ______. a) Weaker b) Smaller c) Stronger d) Poorer


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic (5 minutes)

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic (5 minutes)

  • Teacher writes “Ethnicity” on the board.
  • Explain that ethnicity is about people who share the same culture, language, and traditions.

Step 3: Exploring the New Topic (20 minutes)

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Explain the Meaning of Ethnicity:
    • Ethnicity is the shared culture, language, and traditions of a group of people.
  2. Analyze the Problems of Ethnicity in Nigeria:
    • Conflict: Ethnic groups fighting over land or resources.
    • Discrimination: Treating people unfairly because of their ethnic background.
    • Division: People focusing more on their ethnic group than the country.
    • Inequality: Some ethnic groups not having the same opportunities as others.
  3. Mention Different Ethnic Groups in Nigeria:
    • Yoruba: Mostly in the Southwest.
    • Hausa: Mostly in the North.
    • Igbo: Mostly in the Southeast.
    • Fulani: Spread across the country.
    • Ijaw: Mostly in the Niger Delta.
    • Kanuri: Mostly in the Northeast.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Pupils will listen and take notes.
  • Pupils will observe pictures and flashcards.
  • Pupils will participate in discussions.

Step 4: Pupils’ Contributions and Corrections (10 minutes)

  • Teacher asks pupils to share examples of ethnic groups they know.
  • Teacher corrects and guides pupils’ answers.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Encourage pupils to ask questions.
  • Provide examples and explanations.
  • Use flashcards and pictures for better understanding.

Learners’ Activities

  • Answer questions.
  • Share examples and ideas.
  • Participate in discussions.


  • Teacher gives pupils short exercises to complete in their notebooks.

Meaning of Ethnicity

  1. Q: What is ethnicity? A: Ethnicity is about people who share the same culture, language, and traditions.
  2. Q: What does ethnicity include? A: Ethnicity includes food, clothing, music, and festivals.
  3. Q: Why is ethnicity important? A: It helps people identify with their group and feel a sense of belonging.

Problems of Ethnicity in Nigeria

  1. Q: What problems can ethnicity cause in Nigeria? A: It can cause conflict, discrimination, division, and inequality.
  2. Q: How can ethnicity cause conflict? A: Ethnic groups may fight over land or resources.
  3. Q: What is discrimination based on ethnicity? A: Treating people unfairly because of their ethnic background.
  4. Q: How does ethnicity lead to division? A: People may focus more on their ethnic group than the whole country.
  5. Q: What is an example of inequality due to ethnicity? A: Some ethnic groups may not have the same access to education or healthcare.

Different Ethnic Groups in Nigeria

  1. Q: What are some major ethnic groups in Nigeria? A: Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Fulani, Ijaw, and Kanuri.
  2. Q: Where are the Yoruba people mostly found? A: In the Southwest of Nigeria.
  3. Q: What language do the Hausa people speak? A: Hausa.
  4. Q: What festival do the Igbo people celebrate? A: The New Yam festival.
  5. Q: What are the Fulani people known for? A: Cattle herding.
  6. Q: Where do the Ijaw people live? A: In the Niger Delta region.
  7. Q: What is unique about the Kanuri people? A: They have a rich history and traditional customs.


  1. Q: How can we solve the problems caused by ethnicity? A: By respecting and understanding each other’s cultures and working together as one nation.
  2. Q: What should we do to promote unity in Nigeria? A: Encourage friendships and cooperation among different ethnic groups.
  3. Q: Why should we learn about different ethnic groups? A: To appreciate our diverse cultures and promote peace.
  4. Q: How does working together help Nigeria? A: It makes the country stronger and more united.
  5. Q: What is one thing you can do to respect other ethnic groups? A: Learn and celebrate their traditions and customs.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is ethnicity?
  2. Name one problem of ethnicity in Nigeria.
  3. Give an example of an ethnic group in Nigeria.
  4. How can ethnicity cause conflict?
  5. What does discrimination mean?
  6. Why is division a problem in ethnicity?
  7. Name one ethnic group in the Southwest of Nigeria.
  8. Which ethnic group is mostly found in the North?
  9. How do the Igbo people celebrate their culture?
  10. What are the Fulani people known for?


  • Teacher goes around the class to mark pupils’ work and provide feedback.
  • Summarize the lesson by revisiting key points.
  • Encourage pupils to respect and learn about other ethnic groups to promote unity.