Second Term Revision Basic Science Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Subject: Basic Science
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: 11
Topic: Basic Science Second Term Revision Test
Duration: 1 hour
Entry Behaviour: Students should have a basic understanding of the topics covered in the second term.
Key Words: Revision, test, basic science, primary 3, second term.
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to recall and demonstrate their understanding of the various topics covered in the second term.
Embedded Core Skills: Recall, comprehension, application.
Learning Materials: Test papers, pencils, erasers.
Content: The test will cover all the topics taught during the second term, including soil, water, wind, and other relevant concepts.


  1. Packaged water is convenient for _______. a) drinking at home b) carrying around c) cooking meals d) watering plants
  2. Sealed packages keep water _______. a) dirty b) clean c) colorful d) hot
  3. Packaged water has a longer _______. a) day b) shelf life c) journey d) color
  4. Different types of packaged water offer _______. a) only one flavor b) no choices c) variety d) the same taste
  5. Packaged water is readily available in _______. a) schools b) stores c) parks d) cinemas
  6. Small packages like sachets are easy to carry around for _______. a) cooking b) reading c) outdoor activities d) sleeping
  7. Packaged water undergoes purification processes to ensure it’s _______. a) harmful b) dirty c) safe d) salty
  8. Having packaged water on hand is useful during _______. a) celebrations b) emergencies c) holidays d) parties
  9. Packaged water helps keep our bodies _______. a) hydrated b) sleepy c) sick d) dirty
  10. Packaging water reduces the need for using _______. a) disposable cups or bottles b) toys c) books d) clothes
  11. Packaged water is convenient for carrying around when we go to _______. a) school b) work c) play d) all of the above
  12. Sealed packages keep water clean and safe from _______. a) contamination b) coloring c) drying d) cleaning
  13. Different types of packaged water offer choices like flavored or _______ water. a) sparkling b) salty c) dirty d) hot
  14. Having packaged water on hand is useful during natural _______. a) days b) holidays c) disasters d) nights
  15. Packaging water helps minimize _______ waste. a) plastic b) paper c) food d) metal
  16. Soil is the upper part of the earth that supports ______ growth. a) plant and animal b) plant and tree c) human and animal d) tree and animal
  17. Soil provides ______ and other nutrients for plant growth. a) water b) minerals c) air d) sunlight
  18. Soil protects plants from ______. a) growth b) erosion c) pollution d) flooding
  19. ______ is a type of soil used for making bricks. a) Sandy soil b) Loamy soil c) Clay soil d) Peaty soil
  20. ______ soil is good for growing crops like maize and beans. a) Sandy b) Loamy c) Clayey d) Peaty
  21. Soil is made up of ______, minerals, air, and water. a) plants b) rocks c) animals d) buildings
  22. The main components of soil are sand, silt, and ______. a) water b) clay c) air d) plants
  23. Soil is used as a base for building ______. a) roads b) schools c) hospitals d) playgrounds
  24. Soil acts as a natural ______ for water, removing impurities. a) filter b) container c) pump d) source
  25. Soil provides habitats for ______. a) humans b) animals c) buildings d) vehicles
  26. Soil supports ______ in forests, grasslands, and wetlands. a) biodiversity b) pollution c) erosion d) destruction
  27. Soil is used for gardening, landscaping, and ______ fields. a) football b) basketball c) tennis d) cricket
  28. Soil is important for ______ and relaxation. a) work b) stress c) leisure d) tension
  29. Soil helps in ______ water for plant use. a) storing b) blocking c) filtering d) draining
  30. Soil supports the growth of ______ like fruits and vegetables. a) trees b) animals c) crops d) flowers


  1. What are the methods of water purification?
  2. Name three sources of water.
  3. Explain the effects of wind on humans.
  4. Who is considered a heroine in Lagos State?
  5. What is the meaning of water purification?
  6. List three qualities of clean water.
  7. Describe the dangers of drinking bad water.
  8. Who is considered a hero in Lagos State?
  9. Why is it important to purify water before drinking?
  10. What are the uses of wind


  • Step 1: The teacher briefly revises the previous topics covered in the second term, highlighting key concepts and important points. Importance of Soil to Animals Basic Science Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10
  • Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, which is the revision test, explaining its purpose and format to the students.
  • Step 3: The teacher distributes the test papers to the students and instructs them to complete the questions within the allotted time.
  • Teacher’s Activities: Supervising the students during the test, answering any questions or clarifications they may have.
  • Learners Activities: Students complete the test independently, recalling and applying the knowledge they have gained throughout the term.
  • Assessment: The test serves as the assessment for the students’ understanding of the second term topics.
  • Evaluation:
    1. What is the main source of water on Earth? a) Rivers
      b) Lakes
      c) Oceans
      d) Ponds
    2. Name three types of soil. a) Sandy, clayey, loamy
      b) Red, blue, green
      c) Hard, soft, rocky
      d) Wet, dry, moist
    3. What is wind? a) Water in motion
      b) Air in motion
      c) Soil in motion
      d) Fire in motion
    4. Why is soil important for plants? a) It provides support
      b) It provides food
      c) It provides water
      d) All of the above
    5. List three uses of water. a) Drinking, cooking, washing
      b) Swimming, fishing, sailing
      c) Reading, writing, painting
      d) Running, jumping, skipping
    6. Name two animals that live in the soil. a) Ants, earthworms
      b) Fish, birds
      c) Lions, tigers
      d) Elephants, giraffes
    7. What is the process of removing impurities from water called? a) Filtration
      b) Distillation
      c) Evaporation
      d) Condensation
    8. Why is wind important? a) It helps in pollination
      b) It helps in spreading seeds
      c) It provides oxygen
      d) All of the above
    9. List two harmful effects of wind. a) Erosion, destruction of property
      b) Rainfall, sunshine
      c) Cooling, drying
      d) Plant growth, animal survival
    10. What are the components of soil? a) Rocks, leaves, water
      b) Air, water, soil organisms
      c) Grass, trees, flowers
      d) Birds, insects, mammals
      Conclusion: After the test, the teacher collects the papers and proceeds to mark them, providing feedback to the students on their performance.
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