Second Term Examination Basic Science Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Basic Science
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: 12
Topic: Second Term Examination
Duration: 1 hour
Entry Behaviour: Students should be prepared for an examination and have their writing materials ready.
Key Words: Examination, assessment, revision, preparation.
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate their understanding of the concepts covered in the second term.
  2. Apply the knowledge gained to answer examination questions accurately.
  3. Manage their time effectively during the examination.

Embedded Core Skills: Critical thinking, problem-solving, time management, comprehension.
Learning Materials: Examination papers, pencils, erasers, rulers.
Content: The examination will cover topics such as:

  1. Meaning, importance, types, components, and uses of soil.
  2. Water purification and its importance.
  3. Meaning and reasons for packaging water.
  4. The effects of wind and its uses.


  • Step 1: The teacher distributes the examination papers and instructs the students to read the instructions carefully.
  • Step 2: Students begin the examination, answering questions to the best of their ability.
  • Step 3: The teacher monitors the students, providing assistance when necessary and ensuring that the examination proceeds smoothly.

Teacher’s Activities: Supervise the examination, provide clarification when needed, and ensure a conducive environment for the students.

Learners’ Activities: Answer examination questions, manage time effectively, and focus on demonstrating understanding of the topics covered.

Assessment: The examination papers will be collected and graded by the teacher according to the marking scheme provided.


  1. What are the components of soil? a) Rocks and minerals
    b) Air and water
    c) Sand and clay
    d) Plants and animals
  2. Why is water purification important? a) To make water taste better
    b) To remove harmful substances
    c) To change the color of water
    d) To make water colder
  3. What is the main reason for packaging water? a) To make it easier to carry
    b) To change its taste
    c) To make it cheaper
    d) To make it dirtier
  4. What are the uses of wind? a) To purify water
    b) To generate electricity
    c) To grow plants
    d) To make soil wetter
  5. What is the meaning of soil? a) The upper part of the earth that supports plant growth
    b) The air we breathe
    c) The water in rivers and lakes
    d) The heat from the sun
  6. Name an animal that lives in the soil. a) Lion
    b) Fish
    c) Earthworm
    d) Eagle
  7. Why is soil important to animals? a) It provides food
    b) It provides shelter
    c) It provides water
    d) It provides electricity
  8. What is the meaning of water purification? a) Making water dirty
    b) Making water clean
    c) Making water colorful
    d) Making water hotter
  9. What are the reasons for packaging water? a) To make it cheaper
    b) To make it dirty
    c) To make it heavier
    d) To make it safer to drink
  10. How do animals benefit from soil? a) They can fly
    b) They can swim
    c) They can breathe
    d) They can find food
  11. What is the main source of water on Earth? a) Rivers
    b) Lakes
    c) Oceans
    d) Ponds
  12. Name three types of soil. a) Sandy, clayey, loamy
    b) Red, blue, green
    c) Hard, soft, rocky
    d) Wet, dry, moist
  13. What is wind? a) Water in motion
    b) Air in motion
    c) Soil in motion
    d) Fire in motion
  14. Why is soil important for plants? a) It provides support
    b) It provides food
    c) It provides water
    d) All of the above
  15. List three uses of water. a) Drinking, cooking, washing
    b) Swimming, fishing, sailing
    c) Reading, writing, painting
    d) Running, jumping, skipping
  16. Name two animals that live in the soil. a) Ants, earthworms
    b) Fish, birds
    c) Lions, tigers
    d) Elephants, giraffes
  17. What is the process of removing impurities from water called? a) Filtration
    b) Distillation
    c) Evaporation
    d) Condensation
  18. Why is wind important? a) It helps in pollination
    b) It helps in spreading seeds
    c) It provides oxygen
    d) All of the above
  19. List two harmful effects of wind. a) Erosion, destruction of property
    b) Rainfall, sunshine
    c) Cooling, drying
    d) Plant growth, animal survival
  20. What are the components of soil? a) Rocks, leaves, water
    b) Air, water, soil organisms
    c) Grass, trees, flowers
    d) Birds, insects, mammals
  21. Wind is also known as _____. a) Rain b) Air in motion c) Sunlight d) Snow
  22. Wind can make us feel _____ on a hot day. a) Cold b) Warm c) Hungry d) Happy
  23. Wind can mess up our _____ when it’s blowing strongly. a) Clothes b) Hair c) Shoes d) Toys
  24. Wind helps kites _____ up in the sky. a) Fall b) Fly c) Swim d) Sleep
  25. Balloons can be carried away by _____. a) Cars b) Trucks c) Wind d) Bicycles
  26. Windmills use wind to generate _____. a) Water b) Electricity c) Food d) Music
  27. Wind makes the blades of windmills _____. a) Spin b) Stop c) Float d) Dance
  28. Wind is the movement of _____ from one place to another. a) Water b) Fire c) Air d) Soil
  29. Wind happens because of differences in _____ in the Earth’s atmosphere. a) Color b) Temperature and pressure c) Size d) Weight
  30. When the sun heats up the air, it becomes _____ and rises. a) Heavier b) Lighter c) Thicker d) Stronger
  31. Cooler air rushes in to take its _____, creating wind. a) Time b) Place c) Space d) Position
  32. Wind can affect both _____ and non-living things. a) Only living b) Only non-living c) Plants d) Both living
  33. Wind can _____ clothes faster when we hang them outside. a) Dry b) Wet c) Clean d) Iron
  34. Wind is a natural _____ of our world. a) Part b) Animal c) Person d) Vehicle
  35. Wind can make _____ spin, which then powers machines. a) Cars b) Bicycles c) Blades of windmills d) Toys
  36. Water is a clear _______. a) liquid b) solid c) gas d) powder
  37. Water is made up of _______ and _______. a) hydrogen, oxygen b) carbon, nitrogen c) helium, nitrogen d) oxygen, carbon dioxide
  38. The main source of water on Earth is _______. a) air b) soil c) oceans d) rocks
  39. Rivers, lakes, and _______ are sources of water. a) deserts b) mountains c) oceans d) forests
  40. Water is used for drinking, ________, and cooking. a) flying b) swimming c) singing d) dancing
  41. Bathing and washing clothes are other uses of _______. a) food b) water c) air d) fire
  42. Water helps plants to _______ and grow. a) shrink b) die c) breathe d) survive
  43. Ice cream and _______ are made with water. a) pizza b) bread c) cookies d) soup
  44. We need to drink water every day to stay _______ and healthy. a) hungry b) thirsty c) alive d) sad
  45. Water helps to clean our _______ and keep them healthy. a) toys b) clothes c) books d) pencils
  46. When water is heated, it turns into _______. a) ice b) steam c) clouds d) sand
  47. The process of water turning into vapor is called _______. a) melting b) freezing c) evaporation d) condensation
  48. Rainwater is collected in _______ to be used later. a) buckets b) glasses c) plates d) shoes
  49. Water is also used to put out _______. a) fire b) candles c) flowers d) birds
  50. Boats float on _______. a) air b) land c) water d) fire

Conclusion: After the examination, the teacher collects the papers and prepares to mark them. Students are reminded to review their answers and seek clarification if needed. The teacher encourages students to continue their studies and wishes them success in their examinations.

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