Parts of a Computer : (Peripherals) eg Flash drive, OTG & USB cable, RAM & ROM, etc

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 3

Topic: Description and Functions of Computer Parts (Peripherals)

Sub-topic: Exploring Flash Drive, OTG & USB Cable, RAM & ROM

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Ask students to name any part of a computer they know.

Key Words: Flash drive, OTG & USB cable, RAM, ROM, Peripherals

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to name and describe the functions of three computer peripherals: flash drive, OTG & USB cable, and RAM & ROM.
  • Pupils should understand the basic roles of these peripherals in a computer.

Embedded Core Skills: Vocabulary development, Cognitive recognition, Descriptive skills


Learning Materials:

  • Pictures and models of flash drive, OTG & USB cable, RAM & ROM
  • Flashcards with labels
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Interactive computer simulation (if available)


  1. Flash Drive: 📸 A flash drive is like a small photo album. It keeps pictures and videos safe, just like magic!
  2. OTG & USB Cable: 🔄 OTG and USB cables are like special helpers. They connect the computer to other things, like a friend holding hands.
  3. RAM & ROM: 🧠 RAM is like the computer’s thinking space. It helps it remember things quickly. ROM is like the computer’s storybook. It keeps stories safe forever.
  4. Mouse: 🖱️ A mouse is like a computer pet. It helps you click and move things on the screen. It’s a friendly helper!
  5. Keyboard: ⌨️ A keyboard is like a piano for the computer. It has all the letters and numbers. You press the keys to talk to the computer.
  6. Speaker: 🔊 A speaker is like a little storyteller. It makes sounds and music from the computer. It’s like having a mini concert!

Understanding computer parts is like having a team of magical friends for amazing computer adventures! 🚀🌈


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Teacher revises the previous topic by asking students if they remember any part of a computer.
  2. New Topic Introduction (10 minutes):
    • Teacher introduces the new topic: “Today, we will discover special parts of the computer – the flash drive, OTG & USB cable, and RAM & ROM. Let’s learn how they help our computers!”
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes):
    • Teacher shows pictures and models of each peripheral, explaining their names and basic functions.
    • Uses flashcards with labels to reinforce vocabulary.
    • Describes how a flash drive is like a small photo album, OTG & USB cables are like special helpers, and RAM & ROM are like the computer’s thinking and story spaces.
  4. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes):
    • Pupils engage in a hands-on activity with models, identifying and naming each peripheral.
    • Group discussion on how these parts help the computer.
  5. Assessment (5 minutes):
    • Teacher assesses understanding by asking individual students to point to and name each peripheral on the flashcards.
    • Observes participation and listens to brief descriptions from students.
  1. A flash drive is like a small ___________.
    • a) Library
    • b) School
    • c) Photo album
    • d) Garden
  2. OTG and USB cables connect the computer to ___________.
    • a) Friends
    • b) Books
    • c) Other things
    • d) Toys
  3. RAM is like the computer’s ___________ space.
    • a) Sleeping
    • b) Thinking
    • c) Playing
    • d) Running
  4. ROM is like the computer’s ___________.
    • a) Diary
    • b) Storybook
    • c) Game
    • d) Garden
  5. A mouse helps you ___________ things on the screen.
    • a) Eat
    • b) Click and move
    • c) Sleep
    • d) Dance
  6. A keyboard is like a piano for the ___________.
    • a) Dog
    • b) Cat
    • c) Computer
    • d) Tree
  7. A speaker makes sounds and ___________ from the computer.
    • a) Magic
    • b) Music
    • c) Laughter
    • d) Stories
  8. OTG and USB cables are like special ___________.
    • a) Toys
    • b) Friends
    • c) Helpers
    • d) Cars
  9. RAM helps the computer ___________ things quickly.
    • a) Forget
    • b) Remember
    • c) Sleep
    • d) Eat
  10. ROM keeps stories ___________.
    • a) Hidden
    • b) Safe forever
    • c) Changing
    • d) Moving
  11. A flash drive keeps ___________ and videos safe.
    • a) Books
    • b) Toys
    • c) Pictures
    • d) Food
  12. The keyboard has all the ___________ and numbers.
    • a) Shapes
    • b) Colors
    • c) Letters
    • d) Animals
  13. A mouse is like a friendly ___________.
    • a) Teacher
    • b) Helper
    • c) Animal
    • d) Robot
  14. A speaker is like a little ___________.
    • a) Dancer
    • b) Singer
    • c) Storyteller
    • d) Explorer
  15. Flash drives, OTG and USB cables, RAM, and ROM are all ___________.
    • a) Parts of a computer
    • b) Games to play
    • c) Food to eat
    • d) Songs to sing

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the name of a device that is like a small photo album for the computer?
  2. How do OTG & USB cables connect the computer to other things?
  3. What does RAM help the computer do?
  4. Why is ROM like a storybook for the computer?
  5. Name one function of a flash drive.
  6. How are OTG & USB cables described in the lesson?
  7. What is the role of RAM in a computer?
  8. What does ROM keep safe forever in the computer?
  9. What is a flash drive similar to?
  10. Explain one function of OTG & USB cables.


  • The teacher goes around to mark and provides positive feedback on the activity.
  • Reinforces the importance of these computer parts in making our computer experiences enjoyable and efficient.
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