Leadership Functions Levels and Types of Leaders Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Week: Week 8

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Civic Education

Topic: Leadership Functions, Levels, and Types of Leaders

Duration: 45 minutes

Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define leadership and explain its importance.
  2. Identify different levels of leadership in their lives.
  3. Understand various types of leaders in the community.


  • Visual aids (pictures of leaders)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Charts explaining leadership functions, levels, and types
  • Worksheets for students


Leadership is the act of guiding and influencing a group or organization to achieve common goals, make informed decisions, and effectively work together towards a shared purpose. A leader is someone who takes on the responsibility of directing, motivating, and providing direction to a team or community. Leadership can manifest at various levels, from personal and local to national and global, and it plays a vital role in shaping the course of actions and decisions within those groups.

Leadership means guiding and influencing a group to reach goals. Think of a school captain helping students work together.

Functions of Leadership:

  1. Making Decisions: Leaders decide what’s best. Imagine a soccer team captain choosing the game plan.
  2. Setting Goals: Leaders set targets to reach. Like a class monitor setting a goal for good behavior.
  3. Resolving Conflicts: Leaders help solve problems, like a friend who stops a fight on the playground.

Leaders are like helpful guides who make sure the team works well and reaches its aims. 🤝🎯✨

Levels of Leadership 

Leadership happens at various levels, like:

  1. Family Leadership: In your family, parents or older siblings may lead and make decisions.
  2. School Leadership: Teachers, principals, or student council members lead in school to keep things in order.
  3. Community Leadership: Local leaders, like mayors or community organizers, guide activities in your town or neighborhood.
  4. National Leadership: Leaders at the country level, such as the president, make important decisions for the whole nation.
  5. Global Leadership: On a worldwide scale, leaders like the United Nations work to keep peace and solve big problems for all countries.

Each level of leadership is essential to make things run smoothly in different areas of our lives. 🌍🏡🏫🌟

There are various types of leadership. Here are a few examples:

  1. Political Leadership: Political leaders, like the president or prime minister, make important decisions for a country. They guide the government.
  2. Religious Leadership: Religious leaders, such as priests, imams, or rabbis, guide people in matters of faith and spirituality.
  3. Educational Leadership: School principals, teachers, and educational administrators lead in the field of education, making sure students learn and grow.
  4. Community Leadership: Leaders in a community, like local councilors or community organizers, work to improve neighborhoods and solve local problems.
  5. Business Leadership: CEOs and managers in companies lead their teams to achieve business goals and make important decisions.
  6. Youth Leadership: Young leaders, like student council members or youth group leaders, help other young people in various activities and decisions.

Each type of leadership serves specific purposes and has its own set of responsibilities. 🏛📚🏢🤝


Let’s discuss the roles of some types of leadership:

  1. Political Leadership:
    • Roles: Political leaders, like the president or prime minister, lead a country. They make laws, manage the government, and represent the nation on the global stage. They ensure the safety, well-being, and prosperity of the people.
  2. Religious Leadership:
    • Roles: Religious leaders, such as priests, imams, or rabbis, guide their followers in matters of faith and morality. They perform religious ceremonies, offer spiritual guidance, and promote community unity.
  3. Educational Leadership:
    • Roles: School principals, teachers, and educational administrators lead in the field of education. They create a learning environment, set curriculum standards, and help students acquire knowledge and skills.
  4. Community Leadership:
    • Roles: Leaders in a community, like local councilors or community organizers, work to improve neighborhoods. They plan community events, address local issues, and collaborate with residents to enhance the quality of life.
  5. Business Leadership:
    • Roles: CEOs and managers in companies lead their teams to achieve business goals. They make strategic decisions, ensure productivity, and oversee the operation of the organization.
  6. Youth Leadership:
    • Roles: Young leaders, like student council members or youth group leaders, represent the interests of their peers. They organize events, advocate for youth-related issues, and provide a platform for young people’s voices to be heard.

Each type of leadership plays a unique role in its specific domain, contributing to the growth, well-being, and success of individuals, communities, and organizations. 🏛📚🏢🤝🎓

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Discuss the concept of leadership and its significance in our daily lives.
  • Share a real-life example of a leader (e.g., a class monitor or a teacher).

Main Activities (30 minutes):

Step 1: Defining Leadership (10 minutes)

  • Define leadership as guiding and influencing a group to achieve common goals.
  • Discuss why leadership is essential in different settings.

Step 2: Leadership Functions (10 minutes)

  • Explain the functions of leadership, such as making decisions, setting goals, and resolving conflicts.
  • Provide examples of how leaders perform these functions (e.g., a school captain deciding on game strategies).

Step 3: Identifying Levels and Types of Leaders (10 minutes)

  • Identify different levels of leadership, including family, school, community, national, and global levels.
  • Introduce types of leaders in the community, such as political leaders, religious leaders, and youth leaders.

Student Participation:

  • Encourage students to share their experiences with leaders they know and explain how they’ve seen leadership functions in action.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points about leadership functions, levels, and types.
  • Discuss the role of leadership in creating a better community and a brighter future.

Assessment (5 minutes):

  • Ask students to answer a few questions related to leadership functions, levels, and types.
  • Review their answers to ensure understanding.


  1. Political leaders make important decisions for a _______. a) school b) country c) neighborhood d) business
  2. Religious leaders guide people in matters of _______. a) business b) faith c) education d) sports
  3. School principals and teachers lead in the field of _______. a) business b) medicine c) education d) technology
  4. Community leaders work to improve _______. a) their own lives b) the global economy c) neighborhoods d) online communities
  5. CEOs and managers in companies oversee the _______. a) government b) school curriculum c) business operations d) healthcare system
  6. Youth leaders, like student council members, represent the interests of _______. a) the elderly b) their peers c) the government d) animals
  7. Religious leaders provide spiritual guidance and promote _______. a) community unity b) competition c) isolation d) division
  8. Community leaders address local issues and collaborate with residents to enhance the _______. a) quality of life b) cost of living c) size of the neighborhood d) number of businesses
  9. School principals set _______ standards for students. a) safety b) food c) curriculum d) business
  10. Political leaders represent their nation on the _______ stage. a) neighborhood b) national c) global d) educational
  11. CEOs make strategic decisions to achieve _______ goals. a) political b) personal c) business d) religious
  12. Youth leaders organize events and advocate for _______ issues. a) animal-related b) elderly-related c) youth-related d) weather-related
  13. Educational leaders help students acquire _______ and skills. a) knowledge b) cars c) toys d) clothing
  14. Business leaders oversee the _______ of the organization. a) operation b) school c) neighborhood d) hospital
  15. Community leaders plan community events and _______ local issues. a) ignore b) neglect c) address d) escalate

This lesson plan is designed to engage students in understanding leadership and its various aspects in a simplified and interactive manner. 🤝🏫📚

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